B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 070383 SE Seminar Specialisation 1 or 2 - University of Vienna - 20th century history
- 180070 VO-L History and Philosophy of Science - On the History and Theory of a Research Field
- 180083 FS Kant-Kongress Catalog for Exhibition
- 180116 SE [ de en ] Relativism -- Recent Debates"
- 180126 SE Deleuze and mathematics
- 180157 SE HPS M04 science theory (5 ECTS)
- 180168 VO-L Philosophy Lectures - Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Social Ontology
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 010044 FS Thomas Nagel: "Mind and Cosmos"
- 010100 FS Genetics, Epi-Genetics and the Physiology of Brain - Anthropologische und ethische Fragen zur Komplexität des Menschen
- 010123 FS Science of Logic
- 180028 SE Deleuze / Guattari: "What is philosophy?"
- 180073 SE Practical Close
- 180074 SE Phenomenology of the Game - 1. Geschichtliche und systematische Entwicklung 2. Phänomenanalyse
- 180083 FS Kant-Kongress Catalog for Exhibition
- 180162 SE [ en ] Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 010123 FS Science of Logic
- 180076 SE Language, Performativity, Politics. - Agamben, Butler, Ranciere.
- 180099 SE [ de en ] Turing Machines and the Limits of Computability - Introduction to the Theory of Computability, its Philosophical Presuppositions and Consequences
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180041 VO-L Ethics - Ihre Relevanz für die heutige Debatte
- 180055 VO-L Migration and Intercultural Identity - Is the global human an eternal migrant?
- 180077 SE Colloquium on applied ethics and animal ethics
- 180078 SE Recent Approaches to Virtue Ethics
- 180080 SE Kants Anthropology today - Eine Positionsbestimmung
- 180142 FS [ en ] Cooperation in Humans and Other Animals
B. Master's Degree Programme Philosophy
- 180045 VO-L Experiencing and seeing art - intercultural
- 180065 VO-L Film Philosophy - Benjamin (Surrealism) - Cavell (Remarriage Comedies), Pippin (Western, Film Noir) - Deleuze (Crisis of the movement-image)
- 180066 VO-L Friedrich Nietzsche - Philosophy AS Art
- 180146 VO-L Theory of Substance - Theory of Relation - An Inter-Action of the System for Philosophy East and West
- 180159 SE Explorations of the line in arts and knowledge
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38