D. Complementary study programmes (minors) for students of other bachelor degree programmes
CSP1 Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
- 180042 VO-L Aesthetics of the Ugly
- 180044 VO-L [ de en ] Philosophy AS an Art - What is arts-based-philosophy?
- 180095 VO-L Philosophy in ancient Egypt and ancient Ethiopia - A reading of ancient Egyptian texts in comparison with texts from ancient Greece and a reading of Zär'a Yaqob in comparison with Descartes
- 180097 VO-L Dogen: shobo genzo (II) - Von der Essenz der Zen-Philosophie
CSP2 Ehics
- 180030 VO-L [ de en ] Lecture: Environmental Ethics focusing plants Ethics
- 180072 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy
- 180102 VO-L Economy of Relationships - Ethics of an immaterial resorurce
CSP3 Philosophicum
- 180072 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy
- 180073 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Einführung EC und PP
- 180095 VO-L Philosophy in ancient Egypt and ancient Ethiopia - A reading of ancient Egyptian texts in comparison with texts from ancient Greece and a reading of Zär'a Yaqob in comparison with Descartes
- 180097 VO-L Dogen: shobo genzo (II) - Von der Essenz der Zen-Philosophie
CSP4 History of Philosophy
- 180007 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - From the Presocratics to Plato
- 180011 VO-L Post-Hegelian Thinking - Feuerbach, Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche
- 180012 VO-L History of Philosophy II
CSP5 eTutorials and Knowledge Experts
CSP5 - 1. Teaching & Learning Space Group
CSP5 - 2. Knowledge Construction and Media Manipulation
CSP5 - 3. Practical Skills
CSP6 Knowledge Creation: The emergence of new knowledge and innovation
CSP6 M1: Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Creation and of Knowledge- & Innovation-Design
CSP6 M2: Knowledge Atelier
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39