3. Elective Modules
M-09 Mind and Language
- 180016 VO-L The Language of Philosophy
- 180020 PS Bayesian Epistemlogy - Eine Einführung
- 180034 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180038 SE Limited Inc. - the Searle-Derrida debate on speech act theory
- 180040 SE Fundam questions of existence analysis
- 180044 SE Modal Logic
- 180050 SE Austin’s Heirs. Recent Controversies about Speech Act Theory
- 180059 PS Materialism. Historism. Psychologism: Philosophy of Science in the 19th. century.
- 180116 SE [ en ] Francis Bacon: an introductory seminar
- 180147 SE Hegel: The science of Logic - A presentation by explaining the concepts of dialectics, existence and truth
- 180172 SE [ en ] Phenomenology and Psychiatry
M-10 Art, Culture, Religion
- 010090 SE Unconditional moral claims in the context of postmetaphysical thinking - Albert Camus - Karl-Otto Apel / Jürgen Habermas - Charles Taylor
- 180002 VO-L Philosophy On Stage 4 - Artist-Philosophers: Nietzsche et cetera
- 180003 SE Yoga - In Theory and Praxis
- 180047 PS Hegel and Nietzsche about Ancient Greek Religion in the Form of Art and its Decline
- 180062 SE Hölderlin, Celan, Bachmann - A Philosophical Reading
- 180139 SE Seminar for Philosophical Anthropology - Dogen: In Reflection of Comparative Philosophy
- 180001 SE Peace Ethics and Dialogue of Religions
- 180092 SE Basic concept of experience : Philosophical Taoism and Zen Buddhism - in the context of phenomenological basic research
- 180182 SE [ en ] Michel Foucault : The Will to Knowledge . Sexuality 1
M-11 Contemporary Thought
- 010090 SE Unconditional moral claims in the context of postmetaphysical thinking - Albert Camus - Karl-Otto Apel / Jürgen Habermas - Charles Taylor
- 180018 PS Truth
- 180020 PS Bayesian Epistemlogy - Eine Einführung
- 180037 SE What is Critique
- 180040 SE Fundam questions of existence analysis
- 180050 SE Austin’s Heirs. Recent Controversies about Speech Act Theory
- 180171 SE Philosophical Counseling
- 180172 SE [ en ] Phenomenology and Psychiatry
- 180038 SE Limited Inc. - the Searle-Derrida debate on speech act theory
- 180059 PS Materialism. Historism. Psychologism: Philosophy of Science in the 19th. century.
- 180108 SE Michel Foucault : The Will to Knowledge . Sexuality 1
- 180152 SE The relatedness of empirical and philosophical work in Pierre Bourdieu's work
- 180178 VO-L Philosophy of science and psychoanalytic and psychodynamic research - Part 1: First research trials
- 180182 SE [ en ] Michel Foucault : The Will to Knowledge . Sexuality 1
M-12 Applied Ethics
- 010097 FS Research Seminar
- 180064 VO-L Principles of Biomedical Ethics "by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress
- 180089 SE Ancient economy - House , money and gift
- 180115 SE Aging-Disease-Dying - Philosophical, medical and ethical problems in geriatrics
- 180164 SE The idea of human dignity and its role in applied ethics
M-13 Gender and Society
- 030502 KU [ en ] An Introduction to Legal Theory - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 180037 SE What is Critique
- 180063 SE Rousseau: Social Contract
- 180089 SE Ancient economy - House , money and gift
- 180171 SE Philosophical Counseling
- 180032 SE Philosophy : justifications of injustice
- 180108 SE Michel Foucault : The Will to Knowledge . Sexuality 1
- 180152 SE The relatedness of empirical and philosophical work in Pierre Bourdieu's work
- 180182 SE [ en ] Michel Foucault : The Will to Knowledge . Sexuality 1
M-14 Human and Nature
- 010086 VO Philosophical Anthropolgy
- 010089 SE Biologism Naturalism Psychologism: Challenges for a contemporary "Philosophical Anthropology" - Herausforderungen für eine gegenwärtige "Philosophische Anthropologie"
- 180039 VO-L philosophical anthropology
- 180040 SE Fundam questions of existence analysis
- 180090 PS philosophical anthropology
- 180139 SE Seminar for Philosophical Anthropology - Dogen: In Reflection of Comparative Philosophy
M-15 Philosophy of Science
- 140226 SE VM3 / VM4 - Explaining Society and Culture - Seminar in interdisciplinary Philosophy of Science
- 180019 VO-L The Vienna Circle - Political and philosophical Aspects
- 180034 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180059 PS Materialism. Historism. Psychologism: Philosophy of Science in the 19th. century.
- 180116 SE [ en ] Francis Bacon: an introductory seminar
- 180154 VO Theory and History of the Natural Sciences: A Survey
- 180178 VO-L Philosophy of science and psychoanalytic and psychodynamic research - Part 1: First research trials
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39