Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 9 - Antiquity Sciences

9.01. Ancient History

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Ancient History

1. Module - Orientation Period (STEP)

1a Geschichte der Antike
1b Das Fach Alte Geschichte und seine Methoden

2. Group of Required Modules - Greek History

2A Module - Greek History 1
2B Module - Greek History 2
2C Module - Greek History 3
2D Module - Study of Sources in Greek History

3. Group of Required Modules - Roman History

3A Module - Roman History 1
3B Module - Roman History 2
3C Module - Roman History 3
3D Module - Study of Sources in Roman History

4. Module - Classical Studies and Subdisciplines

5. Group of Required Modules - Study of Sources

5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources
5B Module - Papyrology 1
5C Module - Epigraphy
5D Module - Numismatics 1

6. Module - Ancient Languages

7. Module - Interdisciplinarity

8. Module - Bachelor's Papers

B. Master Degree Programme in Ancient History

1. Module - Scientific Thinking and Working in Ancient History

2. Advanced Module 1: Greek History

3. Advanced Module 2: Roman History

4. Research Module

5. Required Module - Study of Sources and Techniques of Edition

5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 2
5B Module - Greek Epigraphy
5C Module - Latin Epigraphy
5D Module - Papyrology 2
5E Module - Numismatics 2
5F Module - Techniques of Edition (either in the field of Epigraphy or in Papyrology)

6. Module - Ancient History

7. Applied History: Field Trip(s)

8. Module - Master Privatissimum

C. Extension Curricula in Ancient History

CSP 1: Greek and Roman History

A Pflichtmodul "Einführung Etruskologie"
B Pflichtmodul "Einführung: Die Völker Altitaliens (ohne Etrusker)"
C Pflichtmodul "Speziallehrveranstaltung Etruskologie und AItitalische Altertumskunde"

CSP 2: Basics of Ancient History - Basis

CSP 3: Basics of Ancient History - Advanced

CSP 4: Greek History

1. Group of Required Modules in Greek History
1A Module Greek History 1
1B Module Greek History 2
1C Module Greek History 3
1D Module Source Studies in Greek History

CSP 5: Roman History

2. Group of Required Modules in Roman History
2A Module Roman History 1
2B Module Roman History 2
2C Module Roman History 3
2D Module Sources Studies in Roman History

D. Doctoral Programme in Ancient History

Das Lehrangebot findet sich unter SPL 41

9.02. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2013]

Compulsory Modules 1: Orientation Period

Module 1a: Elements of Byzantine Studies
Module 1b: Elements of Modern Greek Studies

Compulsory Modules 2: Language

Module 2a: Ancient and Medieval Greek
Module 2b: Modern Greek

Compulsory Modules 3: Basic Knowledge and Techniques

Module 3a: Byzantine Studies
Module 3b: Modern Greek Studies

Compulsory Modules 4: Advanced Knowledge and Techniques

Module 4a: Preparatory Seminars
Module 4b: Seminars and Bachelor Thesis

B. Master Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2013]

Compulsory Module 1: Courses in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

Alternative Compulsory Modules 1: Byzantine Studies

Module 2.1: Auxiliary Sciences and Art History
Module 3.1: Master Seminars
Module 4.1: Study Trip
Alternative Module 5.1a: Foreign Languages
Alternative Module 5.1b: Further Courses in Byzantine Studies
Module 6.1: Research Seminar

Alternative Compulsory Modules 2: Modern Greek Studies

Module 2.1: Advanced Courses in Modern Greek Studies
Module 3.1: Master Seminars
Module 4.1: Study Trip
Alternative Module 5.1a: Foreign Languages
Alternative Module 5.1b: Further Courses in Modern Greek Studies
Module 6.1: Research Seminar

C. Extension Curricula in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2013]

Complementary Programme 1: Byzantine History and Culture

Complementary Programme 2: Modern Greek History and Culture

Complementary Programme 3: Modern Greek Language and Culture

D. Bachelor Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2011]

I. Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)

B1: Basics of Byzantine Studies
Basics of Modern Greek Studies
Language I: Modern Greek. Basis
Eingangsphase (nicht Bestandteil der STEOP)
B 2: "Sprache I: Neugriechisch. Aufbau"
B 3: "Sprache II: Altgriechisch"

II. Core Competencies

B4: History and Literature 1 - Basis
B5: History and Literature 2 - Advanced Courses
B6: Language III: Medieval Greek and Modern Greek Advanced Studies
B7: Additional Fields of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

III. Perspectives and Reflection

B 8: Special Issues in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
B 9: Transdisciplinary Competence
B 10: Practical Field - General Occupational Competence

IV. Final Stage

B 11: Bachelor's Papers

E. Master Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2008]

I. Basics and Methods

bn 1: Byzantine History and Greek History of Modern Times
bn 2: Greek Language and Literature of the Middle Ages and Modern Times

II. Groups of Alternative Modules

II./A - Byzantine Studies
b3: Byzantine Ancillary Sciences
b4: Master Seminars in Byzantine Studies
b5: Byzantine Art
b6: Field Trip
b7: Modern Languages in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
II./B - Modern Greek Studies
n3: Theory and Research in Modern Greek Studies
n4: Archive Science and Post-Byzantine/Modern Greek Art
n5: Advanced Language Competence in Modern Greek
n6: Field Trip
n7: Neighbouring Languages of Modern Greek

F. Extension Curricula Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2008]

CSP1 Greek Culture and History of Modern Times

CSP2 Byzantine Culture

9.03. Classical Archaeology

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology

I. Basics

1. Required Module - Introduction to Archaeology - STEP
2. Required Module - Methods of Archaeology - STEP
3. Group of Elective Modules - Basics
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
WM Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology
WM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
WM Early Christian Archaeology

II. Advanced Courses

4. Required Module - Pictures
5. Alternative Required Modules
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
APM Minoan-Mycenean Archaeology
APM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
APM Early Christian Archaeology

III. Extension

6. Required Module - Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
7. Alternative Required Modules
APM Field Trip
APM Instructional Excavation

IV. Supplementary Courses

Groups of Alternative Required Modules
Großes Interdisziplinäres Modul
Großes Sprachmodul (Griechisch)
Großes Vertiefungsmodul
Wahlmodulgruppe Kleine Ergänzung (eine ist zu absolvieren)
Kleines Interdisziplinäres Modul
Kleines Optionalmodul
Kleines Sprachmodul (alte und/oder moderne Sprachen)
Kleines Vertiefungsmodul

V. Final Stage - Bachelor Module

Further Recommended Courses

B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology

I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology

II. Alternative Required Module

1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation

III. Interdisciplinary Module

IV. Specialisation Module A

V. Specialisation Module B

VI. Master Module

D. Extension Curriculum Classical Archaeology

EC 1: Klassische Archäologie - Grundlagen (15 ECTS, ab 01.10.2014)

EC 2: Klassische Archäologie - Vertiefung (15 ECTS, ab 01.10.2014)

VM 1
VM 2

9.04. Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Philology

Module Group I: Advanced Modules

1. Required Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
2. Required Module - Classical Studies
3a. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1
3b. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1a
4. Required Module - Greek 2

Module Group II: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5A-8A: Area of Specialisation "Latin Studies"

5a. Required Moudule - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Latin)
6a. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Latin)
7a. Required Module - Classical Studies (Latin)
8a. Required Module - History of Reception (Latin)
9a. Pflichtmodul Vertiefung Griechisch (NUR FÜR BACHELORSTUDIUM 2014)

Module Group III: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5B-8B: Area of Specialisation "Greek Studies"

5b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Greek)
6b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Greek)
7b. Required Module - Classical Studies (Greek)
8b. Required Module - History of Reception (Greek)
9b. Pflichtmodul Vertiefung Latein (NUR FÜR BACHELORSTUDIUM 2014)

9. Required Module - Bachelor's Paper

10. Pflichtmodul Bachelorarbeit (FÜR BACHELORSTUDIUM 2014)

B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Greek Studies)

1. Required Module - Literary History

2. Required Module - Literature

3. Required Module - Text Types

4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History

5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity

6. Required Module - Master Seminar

C. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Latin Studies)

1. Required Module - Literary History

2. Required Module - Literature

3. Required Module - Text Types

4. Required Module - Linguistic History

5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity

6. Required Module - Master Seminar

D. Master Degree Programme in Medieval and Modern Times Latin Philology

1. Required Module - Literary History

2. Required Module - Literature

3. Required Module - Text Types

4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History

5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity

6. Required Module - Master Seminar

E. Diploma Degree Programme Middle and Neo-Latin

1. Diplom Lehramt Latein-Griechisch (Version 2011)

- 1. Abschnitt
- 2. Abschnitt

2. Bachelor Lehramt Latein (Version 2014)

Pflichtmodul 1: STEOP UF Latein
Pflichtmodul 2: Antike Welt und Fachdidaktik
Pflichtmodul 3: Grammatik und Texterfassung I
Pflichtmodul 4: Grammatik und Texterfassung II
Pflichtmodul 5: Literaturwissenschaft und Gattungsgeschichte
Pflichtmodul 6: Vorbilder und Rezeption der klassischen lateinischen Literatur
Pflichtmodul 7: Fachdidaktik
Pflichtmodul 8: Wahlbereich Latein
Pflichtmodul 9: Fachbezogenes Schulpraktikum Latein
Pflichtmodul 10: Bachelormodul Literatur

3. Bachelor Lehramt Griechisch (Version 2014)

Pflichtmodul 1: STEOP UF Griechisch
Pflichtmodul 2: Grundlagen
Pflichtmodul 3: Sprache und Methode I
Pflichtmodul 4: Sprache und Methode II
Pflichtmodul 5: Sprache und Methode III
Pflichtmodul 6: Erweiterung der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive I
Pflichtmodul 7: Erweiterung der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive II
Pflichtmodul 8: Wahlbereich Griechisch
Pflichtmodul 9: Fachbezogenes Schulpraktikum Griechisch
Pflichtmodul 10: Erweiterung der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive III

G. Extension Curriculum: Greek and Roman Literature - History of Reception

H. Extension Curriculum: Greek and Roman Literatur - Text and Context

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40