FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
In diesem Modul können alle Lehrveranstaltungen, die prinzipiell für den BA Musikwissenschaft anrechenbar sind, absoviert werden.
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview 2
- 160040 VO Psyche and music - Our awareness in "new" music (composer and listener)
- 160042 VO Current productions of composers in the present age - Confrontation and discussion
- 160043 VO African Music in the 20th Century
- 160044 VO The Japanese NOH-Theater : On its Structure of "Musical-Dramaturgy"
- 160015 VO Rocking the classics: Progressive rock- and counterculture in the 1970s
- 160025 VO Introduction to the Sociology of Music
- 160053 VO [ en ] The Operas of Gioachino Rossini
- 160060 VO The Gregorian Chant in his historical development
- 160052 VO Japan's folk music
- 160005 UE Current Tendencies in Musicology - Current Musicology
- 160007 UE Computational Musicology Lab 1 - Introduction to Programming and Digital Music Signal Processing
- 160051 UE Architectural acoustics and sound engineering in practice
- 160058 PR Music programmes in broadcasting service
- 160061 PR Introduction to opera dramaturgy exemplified at the Viennese opera
- 160057 PR Working with sources (18th/19th century)
- 160029 PS Critics, Literati, Connoisseurs. Music Authors in the 19th Century
- 160008 PS Eastern Bloc-Pop
- 160062 PS French opera from Lully to Rameau
- 160063 PS Music at the Austrian Habsburger courts ~1527-1619
- 160066 PS Dance in the 16th and 17th century
- 160068 PS Applied Ethnomusicology
- 160024 EX Music Tradition in Kreta
- 160059 PR Basics of digital musicology
Last modified: We 22.05.2019 21:53