Group of Elective Modules (36 ECTS)
Aus den nachfolgenden Modulen sind drei verschiedene Wahlmodule im Umfang von 36 ECTS zu wählen, wobei in dieser Auswahl zumindest ein Wahlmodul aus der Gruppe HIS-V1, HIS-V2, ETH-V, SYS-V und POP-V enthalten sein muss.
HIS-V1 Elective module: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160060 VO The Gregorian Chant in his historical development
- 160063 PS Music at the Austrian Habsburger courts ~1527-1619
- 160066 PS Dance in the 16th and 17th century
HIS-V2: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160040 VO Psyche and music - Our awareness in "new" music (composer and listener)
- 160042 VO Current productions of composers in the present age - Confrontation and discussion
- 160053 VO [ en ] The Operas of Gioachino Rossini
- 160029 PS Critics, Literati, Connoisseurs. Music Authors in the 19th Century
- 160063 PS Music at the Austrian Habsburger courts ~1527-1619
- 160066 PS Dance in the 16th and 17th century
- 160062 PS French opera from Lully to Rameau
ETH-V: Advanced Ethnomusicology (12 ECTS)
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview 2
- 160044 VO The Japanese NOH-Theater : On its Structure of "Musical-Dramaturgy"
- 160052 VO Japan's folk music
- 160043 VO African Music in the 20th Century
- 160068 PS Applied Ethnomusicology
- 160024 EX Music Tradition in Kreta
SYS-V: Advanced Systematic Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160007 UE Computational Musicology Lab 1 - Introduction to Programming and Digital Music Signal Processing
- 160051 UE Architectural acoustics and sound engineering in practice
- 160019 PS Strings, reeds and membranes - the ABC of the acoustics of musical instruments
POP-V: Advanced Popular Music (12 ECTS)
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview 2
- 160052 VO Japan's folk music
- 160015 VO Rocking the classics: Progressive rock- and counterculture in the 1970s
- 160043 VO African Music in the 20th Century
- 160008 PS Eastern Bloc-Pop
- 160024 EX Music Tradition in Kreta
INT: Interdisciplinary Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre
- 160040 VO Psyche and music - Our awareness in "new" music (composer and listener)
- 160015 VO Rocking the classics: Progressive rock- and counterculture in the 1970s
- 160025 VO Introduction to the Sociology of Music
- 160005 UE Current Tendencies in Musicology - Current Musicology
- 170530 UE The interplay between social dynamics & aesthetics in dance practices
- 160029 PS Critics, Literati, Connoisseurs. Music Authors in the 19th Century
- 160068 PS Applied Ethnomusicology
- 160008 PS Eastern Bloc-Pop
PRX: Practical Applications of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160007 UE Computational Musicology Lab 1 - Introduction to Programming and Digital Music Signal Processing
- 160051 UE Architectural acoustics and sound engineering in practice
- 160057 PR Working with sources (18th/19th century)
- 160061 PR Introduction to opera dramaturgy exemplified at the Viennese opera
- 160058 PR Music programmes in broadcasting service
- 160068 PS Applied Ethnomusicology
- 160059 PR Basics of digital musicology
FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160023 VO Music of the World - Overview 2
- 160040 VO Psyche and music - Our awareness in "new" music (composer and listener)
- 160042 VO Current productions of composers in the present age - Confrontation and discussion
- 160043 VO African Music in the 20th Century
- 160044 VO The Japanese NOH-Theater : On its Structure of "Musical-Dramaturgy"
- 160015 VO Rocking the classics: Progressive rock- and counterculture in the 1970s
- 160025 VO Introduction to the Sociology of Music
- 160053 VO [ en ] The Operas of Gioachino Rossini
- 160060 VO The Gregorian Chant in his historical development
- 160052 VO Japan's folk music
- 160005 UE Current Tendencies in Musicology - Current Musicology
- 160007 UE Computational Musicology Lab 1 - Introduction to Programming and Digital Music Signal Processing
- 160051 UE Architectural acoustics and sound engineering in practice
- 160058 PR Music programmes in broadcasting service
- 160061 PR Introduction to opera dramaturgy exemplified at the Viennese opera
- 160057 PR Working with sources (18th/19th century)
- 160029 PS Critics, Literati, Connoisseurs. Music Authors in the 19th Century
- 160008 PS Eastern Bloc-Pop
- 160062 PS French opera from Lully to Rameau
- 160063 PS Music at the Austrian Habsburger courts ~1527-1619
- 160066 PS Dance in the 16th and 17th century
- 160068 PS Applied Ethnomusicology
- 160024 EX Music Tradition in Kreta
- 160059 PR Basics of digital musicology
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29