Group of Elective Modules (36 ECTS)
Aus den nachfolgenden Modulen sind drei verschiedene Wahlmodule im Umfang von 36 ECTS zu wählen, wobei in dieser Auswahl zumindest ein Wahlmodul aus der Gruppe HIS-V1, HIS-V2, ETH-V, SYS-V und POP-V enthalten sein muss.
HIS-V1 Elective module: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160017 PS Guillaume de Machaut - Music und Lyrics in the Late Middle Ages
- 160019 UE Singing from mensural notation
- 160065 VO [ en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
HIS-V2: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Music between society and discourse
- 160014 PS Religious 'opere serie'? Joseph Haydn's Spiritual Oratorios
- 160018 VO Ludwig van Beethoven
- 160022 PS On German schlager music: historical, sociological and ethnomusicological approaches
- 160052 VO Rhytm, bar, and tempo in the 17th and 18th century
- 160060 PS Speaking instead of singing. The melodram in the 19th century
- 160061 PR Archive and library science
ETH-V: Advanced Ethnomusicology (12 ECTS)
- 160032 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160054 VO Afro-American music forms
- 160012 PS In the Mountains, between two Seas: Musical Explorations in the Caucaus
- 160022 PS On German schlager music: historical, sociological and ethnomusicological approaches
- 160066 PR Musical traditions of the Mediterranian Island of Crete 2 - Editing and archiving of the recordings of the excursion
- 160074 VO Introduction to the Turkish music
- 160076 UE [ en ] Introduction to the art of Gamelan in theory and practice
- 160029 UE Field Work Practice
- 140219 PS "Freedom is coming tomorrow!" Music and Liberation. Vignettes from Ghana and South Africa
SYS-V: Advanced Systematic Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160008 UE Computational Musicology Lab 2
- 160025 PS Synthesizers, Samplers, Sound Effects - their History and Mode of Operation
- 160043 UE Practical Introduction into Room Acoustical Measurement Techniques and Analysis
POP-V: Advanced Popular Music (12 ECTS)
- 160032 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160054 VO Afro-American music forms
- 160022 PS On German schlager music: historical, sociological and ethnomusicological approaches
- 160062 VO [ en ] Hip Hop: Aesthetics, Culture, Politics
- 160063 UE [ en ] Critical Analysis of Popular Music
- 160074 VO Introduction to the Turkish music
- 160029 UE Field Work Practice
- 140219 PS "Freedom is coming tomorrow!" Music and Liberation. Vignettes from Ghana and South Africa
INT: Interdisciplinary Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160015 UE Current Musicology
- 160006 VO Music between society and discourse
- 160022 PS On German schlager music: historical, sociological and ethnomusicological approaches
- 160050 VO Music structure and psychoanalysis
- 160062 VO [ en ] Hip Hop: Aesthetics, Culture, Politics
- 160063 UE [ en ] Critical Analysis of Popular Music
- 160071 PR Analytical studies of music exhibitions
- 160060 PS Speaking instead of singing. The melodram in the 19th century
- 140219 PS "Freedom is coming tomorrow!" Music and Liberation. Vignettes from Ghana and South Africa
- 240086 SE [ en ] Gender Relations in Music and Dance / Individual Focus Modul
PRX: Practical Applications of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160008 UE Computational Musicology Lab 2
- 160025 PS Synthesizers, Samplers, Sound Effects - their History and Mode of Operation
- 160029 UE Field Work Practice
- 160043 UE Practical Introduction into Room Acoustical Measurement Techniques and Analysis
- 160061 PR Archive and library science
- 160066 PR Musical traditions of the Mediterranian Island of Crete 2 - Editing and archiving of the recordings of the excursion
- 160067 PR Working with sources (18th/ 19th century)
- 160070 PR Digital Music Edition with MEI
- 160071 PR Analytical studies of music exhibitions
FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Music between society and discourse
- 160008 UE Computational Musicology Lab 2
- 160012 PS In the Mountains, between two Seas: Musical Explorations in the Caucaus
- 160014 PS Religious 'opere serie'? Joseph Haydn's Spiritual Oratorios
- 160015 UE Current Musicology
- 160017 PS Guillaume de Machaut - Music und Lyrics in the Late Middle Ages
- 160018 VO Ludwig van Beethoven
- 160019 UE Singing from mensural notation
- 160022 PS On German schlager music: historical, sociological and ethnomusicological approaches
- 160025 PS Synthesizers, Samplers, Sound Effects - their History and Mode of Operation
- 160029 UE Field Work Practice
- 160032 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160043 UE Practical Introduction into Room Acoustical Measurement Techniques and Analysis
- 160050 VO Music structure and psychoanalysis
- 160052 VO Rhytm, bar, and tempo in the 17th and 18th century
- 160054 VO Afro-American music forms
- 160060 PS Speaking instead of singing. The melodram in the 19th century
- 160061 PR Archive and library science
- 160062 VO [ en ] Hip Hop: Aesthetics, Culture, Politics
- 160063 UE [ en ] Critical Analysis of Popular Music
- 160065 VO [ en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160066 PR Musical traditions of the Mediterranian Island of Crete 2 - Editing and archiving of the recordings of the excursion
- 160067 PR Working with sources (18th/ 19th century)
- 160070 PR Digital Music Edition with MEI
- 160071 PR Analytical studies of music exhibitions
- 160074 VO Introduction to the Turkish music
- 160076 UE [ en ] Introduction to the art of Gamelan in theory and practice
- 240086 SE [ en ] Gender Relations in Music and Dance / Individual Focus Modul
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31