2.2. Theoretische Physik
2.2.1. Kurs Theoretische Physik
- 260192 VO Theoretical physics 1 - Theoretical physics 1: classical mechanics
- 260185 UE Exercises T 1 - Exercises to Theoretical Physics 1
- 260039 VO Theoretical physics T3 - Theoretical physics T3: electrodynamics
- 260040 UE Exercises to T3 - Exercises to theoretical physics 3
2.2.2. Theoretische Methoden der Physik
- 260138 VO Theoretical methods M1 - Theoretical methods of physics 1
- 260026 UE Exercises to M1 - Exercises to theoretical methods of physics 1
2.2.3. Schwerpunkt: Theorie der Quantenstruktur und Geometrie von Raum, Zeit und Materie
- 260038 VO Relativity 1 - Introduction to Relativity 1
- 260081 UE Exercises to Relativity I - Exercises to Relativity I
- 260144 VO Particle physics 1 - Introduction to particle physics 1
- 260141 UE Exercises for particle physics 1 - Exercises to introduction to particle physics 1
- 260112 VO Quantum mechanics 2 - Quantum mechanics 2
- 260113 UE Excercises to quantum mechanics 2 - Excercises to quantum mechanics 2
- 260250 VO Classical field theory (T6) - Classical field theory (formerly theoretical physics 6)
- 260044 UE Exercises in classical field theory - Exercises in classical field theory
- 260260 VO Quantenphysik und Information - Quantenphysik und Information
- 260228 VO Introduction to quantum field theory 1 - Introduction to quantum field theory 1
- 260229 UE Exercises in Quantum Field Theory 1 - Introductory quantum field theory exercises 1
- 260065 SE Foundations of quantum mechanics - Foundations of quantum mechanics
- 260170 SE Quantennanophysic I - Quantennanophysic I
- 260137 SE Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problems
- 260056 SE Seminar in Theoretical Physics - Seminar in Theoretical Physics: Modern aspects of quantum field theory
- 260187 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
- 260242 SE Hamiltonian dynamic systems - Hamiltonian dynamic systems
2.2.4. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Theoretischer Physik
- 260151 VO Theoretische Festkörperphysik - Theoretische Festkörperphysik
- 260033 PR Theoretical physics laboratory course 1 - Theoretical physics laboratory course 1
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34