2.2. Theoretische Physik
2.2.1. Kurs Theoretische Physik
- 260267 VO Theoretical Physics T2 - Theoretical Physics T2: Quantum Mechanics
- 260244 UE Excercises for T2 - Exercises for Theoretical Physics T2
- 260085 VO Theoretical Physics T4 - Theoretical Physics T4: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
- 260289 UE Exercises to T4 - Exercises to T4: Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
2.2.2. Theoretische Methoden der Physik
- 260270 VO Theoretical Methods M2 - Theoretical Methods of Physics 2
- 260243 UE Exercises in M2 - Exercises in Theoretical Methods 2
2.2.3. Schwerpunkt: Theorie der Quantenstruktur und Geometrie von Raum, Zeit und Materie
- 260103 VO Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 2 - Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 2
- 260106 VO Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 260249 UE Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2
- 260083 VO Relativity 2 - Introduction to Relativity (RT 2)
- 260031 UE Exercises in Relativity 2 - Exercises in Relativity 2
- 260287 VO Special Relativity 2 - Special Relativity 2 (Representation Theory of Lorentz- and Poincaré Group)
- 260122 UE Problem Session Special Relativity 2 - Problem Session Special Relativity 2
- 260014 VO Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems - Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems
- 260116 UE Problem Solving in QM of large Systems - Problem Solving in the Realm of Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems
- 260247 SE Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry - Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry
- 260118 SE Seminar Classical Field Theory - Seminar about Classical Field Theory
- 260137 SE Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problems
- 260056 SE Seminar in Theoretical Physics - Seminar in Theoretical Physics: Selected topics of quantum mechanics with focus on "description of bound states"
- 260187 SE Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics
2.2.4. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Theoretischer Physik
- 260143 VO Theoretische Festkörperphysik II - Theoretische Festkörperphysik II
- 260079 UE ODICS - ODICS (Order and Disorder in Complex Systems)
- 260098 PR Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 - Laboratory in Theoretical Physics 2 (Applications of Computers in Theoretical Physics)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34