Master History (803 [3] - Version 2019)
PM1 Introduction to Topics, Eras and Regions (25 ECTS)
- 070344 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the Medieval Field - Key issues in the historiography of the Middle Ages
- 070243 UE Reading Course Medieval History
- 070349 VO Introduction to In-Depth Studies - Modern Times
- 070169 UE Reading course Austrian History - War - Finance - Administration: The Early Modern Habsburg Monarchy as a Fiscal-Military State
- 070183 VO Österreichische Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgeschichte I
- 070312 VO Modern Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070187 VO [ en ] Introduction to Digital Humanities (Lecture series)
- 070226 VO Introduction to European Studies
- 070274 UE Reading Course Introduction in European Studies
- 070029 VO Introductory Lecture Specialisation Contemporary History
- 070034 UE Reading Course Contemporary History - Whose history? - Topics and current debates in contemporary history
- 070018 VO Introduction to Economic and Social History
- 070019 UE Reading Course Economic and Social History
- 070247 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to Global History and Global Studies
- 070292 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Reading Course Global History and Global Studies
- 070113 VO Introductory Lecture Specialisation - Preparation for the focus on East European History
- 070138 UE Reading Course Introduction to East European History
- 070263 UE [ en ] Reading course Digital Humanities - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070245 VO Focus Introduction on Women's and Gender History
- 070246 UE Reading course Women's and Gender History
- 070008 UE Methodological Course
- 070283 UE Methodological Course - History of Science and Gender History
- 070173 UE Methodological course - Popular Science
- 070174 UE Methodological course - Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie für Historiker:innen
- 070266 UE Methodological course - Digital Annotation in the context of historical studies - Methods, Techniques, Standards, and Tools
- 070172 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Data Structures and Data Management in the Humanities
- 070171 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Digital Storytelling through Podcasting
- 070269 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Digital Humanities Skills: TEI-XML - Text Encoding and Analysis
- 070175 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age
PM2 Design and Implementation of Independent Research Projects (15 ECTS)
- 070230 UE Workshop on Methods
- 070191 UE Methodological workshop - Actors, actants and agency. From Feminist Studies to ANT
- 070178 UE Methodological Workshop - Sources of Early Modern History and the Praxeological Approach
- 070177 UE Workshop on Methods - 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert
- 070176 UE Methodological workshop History of Science - Zur Geschichte der Daten in den Sozialwissenschaften
- 070007 UE Methodological Workshop - Storytelling - Erzählstrategien entwickeln, Schreibprozesse gestalten und Texte strukturieren
- 070033 SE Research Seminar - Allied and Austrian Cultural Policy in Vienna 1945-1955 - Between the Four in the Jeep and the Return of the Baroque
- 070135 SE Research Seminar - Austria and the dissolution of Yugoslavia - mit Bearbeitung der unveröffentlichten Akten im Archiv der Republik
- 070161 SE Research Seminar - Indigenous Peoples in Asia
- 070162 SE Research Seminar - Secrets in Letters and Charters - Experts in writing
- 070164 SE Research Seminar - The cultural technique of numbering
- 070205 SE [ en ] Research Seminar - Applied Global History and Global Studies - Global History and Museum
- 070253 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Global History and Global Studies - International Courts (Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, etc.) and the Problem of Making Peace
- 070136 SE Research Seminar - Migration from Eastern Europe in Vienna
PM3 Realisation of an Independent Research Project (20 ECTS)
- 070039 UE Workshop on Methodology - History and posthistory of Nazi concentration camps
- 070230 UE Workshop on Methods
- 070191 UE Methodological workshop - Actors, actants and agency. From Feminist Studies to ANT
- 070176 UE Methodological workshop History of Science - Zur Geschichte der Daten in den Sozialwissenschaften
- 070007 UE Methodological Workshop - Storytelling - Erzählstrategien entwickeln, Schreibprozesse gestalten und Texte strukturieren
- 070178 UE Methodological Workshop - Sources of Early Modern History and the Praxeological Approach
- 070177 UE Workshop on Methods - 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert
- 070136 SE Research Seminar - Migration from Eastern Europe in Vienna
- 070135 SE Research Seminar - Austria and the dissolution of Yugoslavia - mit Bearbeitung der unveröffentlichten Akten im Archiv der Republik
- 070161 SE Research Seminar - Indigenous Peoples in Asia
- 070205 SE [ en ] Research Seminar - Applied Global History and Global Studies - Global History and Museum
- 070162 SE Research Seminar - Secrets in Letters and Charters - Experts in writing
- 070253 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Global History and Global Studies - International Courts (Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, etc.) and the Problem of Making Peace
- 070164 SE Research Seminar - The cultural technique of numbering
- 070033 SE Research Seminar - Allied and Austrian Cultural Policy in Vienna 1945-1955 - Between the Four in the Jeep and the Return of the Baroque
- 070250 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Proposal Workshop Global History and Global Studies - Graduate College 1
- 070104 UE Proposal-Workshop Contemporary History and Media
- 070017 UE Proposal-Workshop
- 070181 UE Proposal-Workshop - War - Violence - Gender - From Early Modern Times to the 21st Century
- 070214 UE Proposal-Workshop - History, History of Science
- 070037 UE Proposal-Workshop
PM4 Individual Specialisation (30 ECTS)
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II - History of Councils
- 010020 SE Witchcraft and Demonology in the late medieval and early modern periods
- 010023 FS [ en ] Spiritual Power and Secular State - Ecclesiology and political theory in Marsilius of Padua (1275/80 - ca. 1342) and Giles of Rome (ca. 1247-1316)
- 010063 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010070 FS Current Questions of Canon and Religious Law
- 010081 VU ( ON-SITE ) The Religions of the Germanic Peoples and the Celts
- 010089 SE Churches in Ukraine
- 010097 SE Titel
- 010210 VO Introduction to spiritual theology: Spirituality of religious orders in Catholic tradition
- 030678 KU Ukraine & International Law - The history international and constitutonal law as a key to understanding the Ukraine conflict
- 040049 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Philosphy of Economics in Germany and Austria in the First Half of the 20th Century
- 060030 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) The Roots of Christian and Muslim Antisemitism in Antiquity - Die antiken Wurzeln des heutigen Antisemitismus
- 070009 SE Seminar - Historical sources and critique - Bankers, entrepreneurs, merchants: The economic bourgeoisie in Austria 1800-1938/40
- 070011 SE Advanced Course on History Didactics I - Narrating Migrations
- 070060 SE Seminar - Historical sources and critique - History of sexuality from early modern times to the present day
- 070108 SE Seminar Historical Sources and Critique - Crossdressing and Gender Roles in Early Modern Period
- 070109 VO Women's and Gender History
- 070112 VO Lecture - How Gender History Changed East European Historiographie - An East-West-Comparison
- 070157 EX Field Trip - The authenticity of the space - Berlin as a digital and analogue place
- 070166 SE [ en ] Seminar Historical sources and critique: Public History - Transdisciplinary Research on Memory and Traditions
- 070168 SE Seminar - Physical Violence in Early Modern Europe
- 070192 SE [ en ] Seminar - Historical sources and critique - Economic ideas and public policies: economists as a source for economic history
- 070225 SE [ en ] Seminar - Looking at China's memory politics and memory culture from a comparative perspective
- 070249 VO Lecture course - Austro-Hungarian Empire
- 070265 SE Seminar Public History - Theories of Monuments and Austrian Monument Practice
- 070290 EX Field Trip - Viennese Places of Remembrance on Austria's Contemporary History
- 070329 UE Auxiliary Sciences: Heraldry, Sigillography and Genealogy
- 070331 VU Manuscript Studies and History of the Book
- 070369 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Seminar - Working with documentary material in history of medicine - Kurortmedizin
- 090010 VU Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090031 VO Classical Studies and her Disciplines
- 090066 UE Classical Studies and her Disciplines
- 090091 VO Medicine and Philosophy in Byzantium
- 090093 VU Paleographic Exercises I
- 090094 VU Byzantine Embassies: Principles, Envoys, Sources
- 090095 UE Introduction to Classical Armenian I: Language, Literature and Culture
- 090096 PS [ en ] The apocalyptic tradition in Byzantium: Texts and themes in Eastern Christianity, 300-1600
- 090097 SE Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Reflected in Research Biographies of the 19th and 20th centuries
- 090098 VO [ en ] Refugees, Migrants and Exiles in Greek and Comparative Literature
- 090099 VO [ en ] Catholics in the Ottoman Levant (15th-19th centuries)
- 090100 VO Diaspora, Emigration and Migrant Workers (15th to 21st centuries)
- 090101 VO [ en ] The Holocaust in Greece: survivors, historians and historiography
- 090102 VU [ en ] Twentieth Century Greece: History, Culture, Literature
- 090103 VU ( ON-SITE ) Greek-Soviet literary relations in the interwar and postwar periods - Translation and cultural diplomacy
- 090104 UE Encounters with antiquities - Protection measures, archaeology and collecting practices in Greece during the 19th century
- 090106 SE [ de en ] Historical biography inside and outside academia
- 141163 VO ( REMOTE ) Ring Lecture on press history: Lecture on selected aspects of modern Turkey
- 142009 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Political Economy of Hunger in South Asia
- 142086 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) South Asia in the Long Nineteenth Century. A Colonial History.
- 180131 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I, the 19th century
- 290109 VO [ en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Staying within Planetary Boundaries
- 480098 KO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Queerness in Yugoslavia
PM5 Master's Module (5 ECTS)
- 070012 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070030 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070032 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070038 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070040 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070102 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070128 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070132 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070160 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - geeignet für Arbeiten in den Fachwissenschaften und der Fachdidaktik
- 070208 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070261 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 070334 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
Extracurricular courses
- 070286 OV ( REMOTE OV ) Orientation Course MA History
- 070320 UE Coaching: Finding my Topic - Preparing a MA Thesis in History
Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01