Master History (803 [3] - Version 2019)
PM1 Introduction to Topics, Eras and Regions (25 ECTS)
- 090084 VO Themes and Methods in Ancient History
- 090083 UE Lecture Course to Themes and Methods in Ancient History
- 070292 UE [ en ] Reading Course Global History - Commodities and Global History in the Modern Era
- 070018 UE Methodological Course - Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Historical Sciences
- 070266 UE Methodological course - Digital Methods and Means for Historical Studies
- 070137 UE Methodological Course - History of Science and Gender History
- 070212 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Introduction to DH Tools and Methods (Skills I)
- 070285 UE [ en ] Methodological course - TEI-XML - Text Encoding and Analysis
- 070044 UE [ en ] Course on Methodology - Theory and Methods of Global History and Global Studies - Rethinking Global History in 2023
- 070298 UE [ en ] Course on Methodology - Theories and Methods of Global History und Global Studies
PM2 Design and Implementation of Independent Research Projects (15 ECTS)
- 070054 UE Methodological Workshop - Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance research between history, law and politics
- 070138 UE Methodological workshop - Cold War? Political constellation and historiographical concept
- 070115 UE Methodological Workshop - Markets as Locations of Transaction and Social Interaction
- 070243 UE Workshop on Methods - The emperor's desk as starting point for policy field analysis
- 070245 UE [ en ] Methodological Workshop - Political and Decolonial Epistemologies
- 070047 UE Methodological Workshop - Time Series Analysis
- 070246 SE Research Seminar Public History - Historical re-enactments. Theory and Practice
- 070169 SE Research Seminar - City, Country, River - Sozialtopographie und Gemeinschaftsbildung in großen und kleinen Donaustädten (14.-15. Jhdt.)
- 070247 SE Research Seminar - Environment and the Sciences
- 070143 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Applied Global History and Global Studies - Mapping the World. Knowledge about the Other in Pre-Modernity
- 070043 SE Research Seminar - Feminism as a "Travelling Concept" of the 20th and 21st Century
- 070258 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Global History and Global Studies - Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Peoples
- 070248 SE Research Seminar - Historiography - Dictation - Writing -Reading
- 070249 SE Research Seminar - Historiography of Violence (1500-1800)
- 070185 SE Research Seminar - Measuring Eastern Europe
PM3 Realisation of an Independent Research Project (20 ECTS)
- 070054 UE Methodological Workshop - Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance research between history, law and politics
- 070245 UE [ en ] Methodological Workshop - Political and Decolonial Epistemologies
- 070047 UE Methodological Workshop - Time Series Analysis
- 070138 UE Methodological workshop - Cold War? Political constellation and historiographical concept
- 070115 UE Methodological Workshop - Markets as Locations of Transaction and Social Interaction
- 070243 UE Workshop on Methods - The emperor's desk as starting point for policy field analysis
- 070246 SE Research Seminar Public History - Historical re-enactments. Theory and Practice
- 070169 SE Research Seminar - City, Country, River - Sozialtopographie und Gemeinschaftsbildung in großen und kleinen Donaustädten (14.-15. Jhdt.)
- 070185 SE Research Seminar - Measuring Eastern Europe
- 070043 SE Research Seminar - Feminism as a "Travelling Concept" of the 20th and 21st Century
- 070143 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Applied Global History and Global Studies - Mapping the World. Knowledge about the Other in Pre-Modernity
- 070247 SE Research Seminar - Environment and the Sciences
- 070248 SE Research Seminar - Historiography - Dictation - Writing -Reading
- 070258 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Global History and Global Studies - Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Peoples
- 070249 SE Research Seminar - Historiography of Violence (1500-1800)
- 070046 UE Proposal-Workshop
- 070250 UE Proposal Workshop - Master Thesis Writing Workshop
- 070040 UE Proposal Workshop
- 070259 UE [ en ] Proposal Workshop Global History and Global Studies (Graduate College I)
PM4 Individual Specialisation (30 ECTS)
- 070037 UE Monitoring Class for Practical Training
- 070288 VO Framing the Middle Ages. Approaches to a constructed period.
- 070208 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - Czech
- 070226 SE Seminar on History - Depicting and writing concentration camp history
- 070041 SE Seminar on History - "Terra Incognita?" - Austrian Contemporary History of the 1970s and 1980s - an international comparison
- 070155 SE [ en ] Seminar Public History - Historical Landscapes in Diachronic Perspective
- 070294 SE Seminar on History (Master) - Ideentransfers zwischen West- und Südosteuropa
- 070363 SE Seminar Public History - Propaganda and History
- 070034 SE Seminar - Historical sources and critique - Politik m/Macht Geld
- 070193 SE Seminar Historical sources and critique - Science Studies
- 070156 SE Seminar - Women in Early Modern Europe - Peasant Women, Commoners, Nobles, Rulers
- 070158 SE Seminar Historical Sources and Critique - Der Name als Ariadnefaden
- 070159 SE Seminar :Text - reading by listening; reading and writing
- 070290 EX Field Trip - Regional History of South Tyrol - Alto Adige as an area of historical-political disputs
- 070160 EX Excursion - International Organizations and NGOs in Vienna
- 070224 EX Field Trip - Vienna under National Socialism
- 070194 EX Field Trip - The authenticity of the space - Berlin as a digital and analogue place
- 070198 EX Field Trip - Dachstein: Politics, Research and Gender in the High Mountains (1840-1945)
- 070039 EX Field Trip - History of Bosnia-Hercegowina
- 070090 EX Field Trip - Early modern Vienna
- 070302 EX Field trip - Transregionality and Transculturality in Historical Galicia and Ukraine
- 070167 EX ( PH-WIEN ) Field Trip - Jewish Vienna
- 070267 EX Field trip - 105 Years of Women’s Rights in Austria
- 030393 SE Seminar of legal history: Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance Research between History, Law and Politics
- 030678 KU [ en ] Ukraine & International Law - Turns to history in international & constitutional law
- 040013 KU [ en ] Financial History (MA)
- 060026 SE ( REMOTE ) The National Strategy against Antisemitism - Two Years of Combating Antisemitism in Austria
- 090086 PS The Bible in Byzantium
- 090079 VU Greek Palaeography
- 090080 VU Byzantine Art in Africa
- 090091 VU Greek Literature in Venetian Territories 1204-1797
- 090092 UE [ en ] Lyric Poetry and its metamorphoses in twentieth century Greece - Lektüre (Sprachvertiefung) Neogräzistik
- 090089 VO [ en ] Trauma, Oblivion, Memory: Theory and Case Studies
- 090020 VO The Thought of (Pseudo-)Dionysius the Areopagite
- 090078 VO The Ottomans and Byzantium
- 090072 VO History of Byzantium, 10th-15th century
- 090073 VO [ de en ] Byzantium and the Caucasus
- 090087 SE [ en ] Women in Byzantium
- 060029 VO Literary Landscape Galicia and Bukovina: German-speaking Jewish Authors
- 060020 SE The Jewish Rediscovery of the Orient and the Jewish Orientalists - The Orient as a narrative of origin. European Summer-University in Hohenems, 11.06.-16.06.2023
- 010069 SE Religion in Austria Under National Socialist Rule 1938-1945
- 010007 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
- 010097 SE Religion and Politics in Europe
- 010089 SE Eastern Catholic Churches Canon Law, Liturgy and Church Life
- 010020 SE The figure of Jesus Christ as an inspiration of contemporary art - The image of Christ in the history of art II
- 010038 VO Introduction to Orthodox Church history
- 010057 EX Religion and Politics in Europe - Excursion Brussels
- 010223 VO Basic Course Church History II - The second millenium of Christianity
- 020030 SE ( KPH Krems ) Advances Seminar Church History - Walking through Protestant Vienna
- 030033 VO Postwar Justice and Nazi Crimes. Austria in International Comparison
- 040166 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 040195 KU Alternative management - entrepreneurial organizations and social ingetration system (MA) - MA
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Epistemological and methodological positions in economics as solutions of the problems of induction and demarcation
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners (BA)
- 060039 KU Introduction into Medieval and Modern Numismatics of Southeast and Eastern Europe
- 070075 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science - Fases y facetas de la Revolución Cubana
- 070118 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - French - Thinking Democracy: famous texts of French political thought (18th-21st c.)
- 070256 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 080020 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Heritage and Hybridity
- 090043 VU Latin Epigraphy
- 090081 UE Reading Archives: Selected Letters of Karl Krumbacher
- 142042 VO [ en ] A Global History of Drugs in Modern South Asia
- 143042 SE [ de en ] Tracing Colonial Continuities - Approaches to Decolonizing Knowledge Systems in International Research Collaborations
- 143043 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Kush and the Ancient World
- 143044 SE Anti-racist and Decolonial Education in the "Weltmuseum Vienna"
- 143176 VO History of West Africa 2: Early Modern Developments, Colonial History and Independence Era
- 143180 SE Between Decolonisation and Neocolonialism - The Dissolution of European Colonial Empires and Early Independences in Africa
- 143346 VO History of North Africa 2 - Periphery and Centre: New Order(s) of the Mediterranean World
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
- 160152 PS [ de en ] Introductory seminar in this subject area
- 180037 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Macroeconomic theories
- 480102 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Modernism in Croatian film
PM5 Master's Module (5 ECTS)
- 070012 SE [ de en ] Master's Thesis Seminar Global History and Global Studies (Graduate College II) - EMGS Master Seminar
- 070053 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070297 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - Language - Script - Style
- 070042 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070213 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070011 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070019 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070048 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070209 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 070251 SE [ de en ] Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070252 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070253 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070254 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070255 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - geeignet für Arbeiten in den Fachwissenschaften und der Fachdidaktik
- 070365 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften
- 070022 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
Additional Courses
- 070287 UE Coaching: Finding my Topic - Preparing a MA Thesis in History - Extracurriculares Angebot
- 070320 UE Die letzte Hürde nehmen: Schreibcoaching für Masterarbeiten
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53