Directorate of Studies 13 - Finno-Ugrian Studies, Dutch Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Comparative Literature
Finno-Ugrian Studies
Bachelor Hungarian and Finnish Studies (484)
GCM Introductory and Orientation Period (STEOP) (16 ECTS)
- 132014 OV ( MIXED OV ) Orientierungsveranstaltung für Erstsemestrige - der Studienrichtungen BA Hungarologie & Fennistik und BA Unterrichtsfach Ungarisch
BAHF01 Language and Society (StEOP) (8 ECTS)
BAHF02 Literature and Culture (StEOP) (8 ECTS)
GCM Language Acquisition (60 ECTS)
Language Acquisition (finnish studies) (60 ECTS)
BAHF100 (FE) Language Acquisition Basic Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132201 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language II
BAHF300 (FE) Language Acquisition Intermediate Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132401 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
BAHF500 (FE) Language Acquisition Advanced Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132601 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
Language Acquisition (hungarian studies) (60 ECTS)
BAHF100 (HU) Language Acquisition Basic Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language Learning 1+2
- 132489 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language II
BAHF300 (HU) Language Acquisition Intermediate Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language Learning 3+4
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
BAHF500 (HU) Language Acquisition Advanced Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language Learning 5+6
- 132491 UE [ hu ] ( MIXED ) Hungarian Language VI
CM Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
BAHF110 Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
GCM Introduction to Philology (7 ECTS)
BAHF210 Introduction to Philology: Linguistics (7 ECTS)
- 132022 VO Methods and Terminology of Linguistics
- 132493 UE ( MIXED ) Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
BAHF230 Introduction to Philology: Literature (7 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132493 UE ( MIXED ) Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
GCM History of Literature (8 ECTS)
BAHU220 History of Hungarian Literature (8 ECTS)
BAFE220 History of Finnish Literature (8 ECTS)
CM Practical Course (10 ECTS)
BAHF440 Practical Course (10 ECTS)
- 132020 UE Project/Practical Course
GCM Focus Linguistics (hungarian studies) (41 ECTS)
BAHU320 Foundations 1: Hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAHF420 Foundations 2: Linguistics (8 ECTS)
- 132024 UE Course in linguistics: Morphology
BAHU520 Consolidation of Linguistics: Hungarian (12 ECTS)
- 132021 VO Historical phonology of the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Volga area
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language 2
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
- 132021 VO Historical phonology of the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Volga area
- 132025 SE Bachelor's Seminar Linguistics
GCM Focus Literature (hungarian studies) (41 ECTS)
BAHU330 Foundations 1: Literature (8 ECTS)
- 132019 VO Hungarian childern’s and youth literature and its media representations
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
BAHF430 Foundations 2: Literature and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132018 UE Literary Theory: Sociology of literature
BAHU530 Consolidation of Linguistics: Hungarian Literature (12 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132019 VO Hungarian childern’s and youth literature and its media representations
BAHU630 Bachelor's Phase: Literature (13 ECTS)
- 132016 SE [ de hu ] Bachelor's Seminar Literature
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
GCM Focus Finnish Linguistics (finnish studies) (41 ECTS)
BAFE310 Foundations 1: Finnish Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAFE410 Foundations 2: Finnic Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132013 VO Finnic Linguistics
BAFE510 Consolidation of Linguistics: Estonian (12 ECTS)
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Finnish Literature and Linguistics (finnish studies) (41 ECTS)
BAFE310 Foundations 1: Finnish Linguistics (8 ECTS)
- 132011 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of the Finnish Language 2
BAHF430 Foundations 2: Literature and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
BAFE510 Consolidation of Linguistics: Estonian (12 ECTS)
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
Elective module (finnish studies) (16 ECTS)
ZWM HU1 Hungarian Literature and Culture (8 ECTS)
- 132023 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 1
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Elective module (hungarian studies) (15-16 ECTS)
ZWM FI1 Finnish Literature and Culture (16 ECTS)
- 132010 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature 1
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
ZWM ES1 Learning and Understanding Estonian (15 ECTS)
- 132013 VO Finnic Linguistics
Bachelor Fennistics (654 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Linguistics and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
Literary Studies (7 ECTS)
Group of Modules 1 (30 ECTS)
Module 1: Language Acquisition (15 ECTS)
- 132201 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language II
Module 2: Introduction to Philology (15 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 132493 UE ( MIXED ) Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
Group of Modules 2 - Advanced Level (45 ECTS)
Module 3: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132401 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
Module 4: Linguistics (15 ECTS)
- 132011 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of the Finnish Language 2
- 132022 VO Methods and Terminology of Linguistics
Module 5: Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132018 UE Literary Theory: Sociology of literature
- 132024 UE Course in linguistics: Morphology
- 133352 UE Exercises in Scandinavian Cultural Studies: The popular North
Group of Modules 3 - In-Depth Studies (60 ECTS)
Module 6: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132601 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
Module 7: Baltic Sea Region Context & Estonian Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132013 VO Finnic Linguistics
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Alternative Compulsory Module 8a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics (25 ECTS)
- 132020 UE Project/Practical Course
- 132021 VO Historical phonology of the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Volga area
- 132025 SE Bachelor's Seminar Linguistics
Alternative Compulsory Module 8b: In-Depth Studies in Literature (25 ECTS)
Bachelor Hungarian Studies (653 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Linguistics and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
Literary Studies (7 ECTS)
Compulsory Module Group 1 (30 ECTS)
Compulsory Module 1: Language Acquisition (15 ECTS)
- 132489 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language II
Compulsory Module 2: Introduction to Philology (15 ECTS)
- 132493 UE ( MIXED ) Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level (45 ECTS)
Compulsory Module 3: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
Alternative Compulsory Module 4a: Introduction to Hungarian Linguistics (25 ECTS)
- 132012 VO Descriptive Grammar of the Hungarian Language 2
- 132018 UE Literary Theory: Sociology of literature
Alternative Required Module 4b: Introduction to Hungarian Literature Studies
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132012 VO Descriptive Grammar of the Hungarian Language 2
- 132018 UE Literary Theory: Sociology of literature
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies (60 ECTS)
Compulsory Module 5: Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 132491 UE [ hu ] ( MIXED ) Hungarian Language VI
Alternative Compulsory Module 6a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics (40 ECTS)
- 132020 UE Project/Practical Course
- 132021 VO Historical phonology of the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Volga area
- 132024 UE Course in linguistics: Morphology
- 132025 SE Bachelor's Seminar Linguistics
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language 2
Alternative Compulsory Module 6b: In-Depth Studies in Literature (40 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132016 SE [ de hu ] Bachelor's Seminar Literature
- 132020 UE Project/Practical Course
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (193 066, 198 433)
Introductory and Orientation Period (8 ECTS)
- 132014 OV ( MIXED OV ) Orientierungsveranstaltung für Erstsemestrige - der Studienrichtungen BA Hungarologie & Fennistik und BA Unterrichtsfach Ungarisch
UF UN 01 StEOP Subject Hungarian (8 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Unterrichtsfach Ungarisch
- 132023 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 1
Compulsory Module Group Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
UF UN 02 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
UF UN 03 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
UF UN 04 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
- 132491 UE [ hu ] ( MIXED ) Hungarian Language VI
UF UN 05 Basics of hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
UF UN 06 Basics of hungarian Literary Studies and Scientific Work (10 ECTS)
- 132018 UE Literary Theory: Sociology of literature
- 132493 UE ( MIXED ) Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
UF UN 07 Basics of hungarian Regional Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
UF UN 08 Subject Didactics (13 ECTS)
UF UN 09 In-Depth Studies: Linguistics or Literary Studies (4 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132019 VO Hungarian childern’s and youth literature and its media representations
- 132022 VO Methods and Terminology of Linguistics
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
UF UN 10 Elective Module for Teacher Training Programme Students (0-10 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132009 UE [ de en ] Minority languages and internet
- 132019 VO Hungarian childern’s and youth literature and its media representations
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language 2
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
UF UN 11 Subject Related Training Placement at School - Hungarian (7 ECTS)
UF UN 12 Bachelor Module (9 ECTS)
- 132016 SE [ de hu ] Bachelor's Seminar Literature
- 132025 SE Bachelor's Seminar Linguistics
Master Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (533)
UF MA UN 01 Consolidation of Relevant Academic Subjects (15 ECTS)
- 132009 UE [ de en ] Minority languages and internet
- 132029 SE [ de hu ] History of Women's Literature in Hungary
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
UF MA UN 02 Subject Didactics (7 ECTS)
UF MA UN 03 Didactical Supervision in the Practice Phase (4 ECTS)
- 132015 SE [ de hu ] Practical Seminar
UF MA UN 04 Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
- 132028 SE Master's Seminar
- 132470 SE [ de hu ] Master's Seminar
Master Hungarian Studies and Finno-Ugric Studies (684)
CM1 Contact and Diversity (30 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132027 UE Burgenland - an interdisciplinary approach
MAHF01 Contact and Diversity (30 ECTS)
- 132006 SE Central Europe as imaginative Space of Culture and Memory in Miklós Mészöly
- 132009 UE [ de en ] Minority languages and internet
- 132021 VO Historical phonology of the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Volga area
- 132029 SE [ de hu ] History of Women's Literature in Hungary
- 132030 SE Lexikology and Lexikography
GCM2 Theoretical and Methodological issues (20 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF02a Literature (10 ECTS)
MAHF02b Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF02c Comparative Uralic Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132031 VO Comparative Uralic Morphology
MAHF02d Structure of Finnish/Hungarian Language (10 ECTS)
GCM3 Extending Knowledge of Philology (15 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF03a Hungarian Literature (15 ECTS)
- 132029 SE [ de hu ] History of Women's Literature in Hungary
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF03b Small Finno-Ugric Languages (15 ECTS)
- 132017 UE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) North Saami
GCM4 Academic Emphasis (15 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF04a Academic Emphasis on Literature and Cultural Studies (15 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF04b Academic Emphasis on Finno-Ugrian Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132009 UE [ de en ] Minority languages and internet
- 132021 VO Historical phonology of the Finno-Ugrian languages of the Volga area
- 132030 SE Lexikology and Lexikography
- 132498 UE [ de et ] ( MIXED ) Estonian Language IV
GCM5 Thematic Courses (10 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF05a Thematic Courses in Hungarian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132005 VO [ de hu ] Representations of Regionality in Hungarian, German and Romanian Literature
- 132027 UE Burgenland - an interdisciplinary approach
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF05b Thematic Courses in Finno-Ugrian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132009 UE [ de en ] Minority languages and internet
- 132027 UE Burgenland - an interdisciplinary approach
- 132030 SE Lexikology and Lexikography
GCM6 Master’s Module (6 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF06a Master’s Module Hungarian Studies (6 ECTS)
- 132470 SE [ de hu ] Master's Seminar
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF06b Master’s Module Finno-Ugrian Studies (6 ECTS)
- 132028 SE Master's Seminar
Master Hungarian Studies (853)
Module 1: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns of Literary and Cultural Studies (30 ECTS)
Module 2: Interdisciplinarity: Hungarian Studies in the Context of Neighbouring Disciplines - Comparative Literature, History, History of Art, Theatre and Film (30 ECTS)
Module 3: Hungarian Literary and Cultural Studies as Journalism and Communication Studies (30 ECTS)
Module 4: Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
Master Finno-Ugrian Studies (854)
Module 1: Structural Course Finnish/Hungarian (10 ECTS)
Module 2: Comparative Uralistics (10 ECTS)
Module 3: Small Finno-Ugric Languages (15 ECTS)
Module 4: Thematic Seminar (10 ECTS)
Modul 5: Ergänzende Studien (20 ECTS)
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language 2
- 160170 VO History and methods of historical-comparative linguistics
Module 6: In-Depth Studies (25 ECTS)
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language 2
- 160170 VO History and methods of historical-comparative linguistics
Module 7: Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Finnish Literature and Culture (130)
EC Finn 1 Finnish Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
EC Finn 2 History of Finnish Literature (8 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Learning and Understanding Estonian (635)
EC Est 1 Estonian Language 1-2 (12 ECTS)
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
EC Est 2 Finnic Linguistics (3 ECTS)
- 132013 VO Finnic Linguistics
Extension Curriculum Hungarian Literature and Culture (636)
EC Ung 1Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
EC Ung 2 Hungarian Literature (8 ECTS)
- 132023 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 1
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Fachdidaktik
Scandinavian Studies
Bachelor Scandinavian Studies (668 [3] - Version 2016)
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM Modulprüfung - SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM Modulprüfung - SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
Compulsory modules (38 ECTS)
SKB210 History of Scandinavian Languages (7 ECTS)
- 133211 VO History of Scandinavian Languages
- 133212 UE History of Scandinavian Languages
SKB220 Scandinavian Linguistics - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
SKB230 History of Scandinavian Literature (7 ECTS)
- 133231 VO History of Scandinavian Literatures
- 133232 UE History of Scandinavian Literatures
SKB240 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133241 PS Proseminar: Contemporary Scandinavian Poetry. Lyrical Political
- 133242 VO Henrik Ibsen
- 133243 PS Proseminar: Eddic heroic poems - Hvénær er hetja hetja?
- 133244 PS Lost in translation? Theory and practice of literary translation (translation workshop)
SKB250 Old Norse Studies (8 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Danish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
SKB270(D) Danish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133272 UE [ da ] Danish 3
SKB280(D) Danish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Icelandic (30 ECTS)
SKB260(I) Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133263 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 1
SKB270(I) Icelandic - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133274 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 3
SKB280(I) Icelandic - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Norwegian (30 ECTS)
SKB260(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
SKB270(N) Norwegian - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133276 UE [ no ] Norwegian 3
SKB280(N) Norwegian - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Swedish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
SKB270(S) Swedish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133278 UE [ sv ] Swedish 3
SKB280(S) Swedish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
Group of elective modules (18 ECTS)
SKB310 Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133263 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 1
SKB320(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
SKB320(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
SKB320(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
SKB330 Lithuanian (12 ECTS)
- 133332 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 2
SKB340 Baltic Sea Region Studies (12 ECTS)
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Heterotopias, In-Between Spaces, Places of Longing - Island (Hi)Stories and Identities in the Baltic Sea Region
SKB350 Cultural Studies - Extension (6 ECTS)
- 133352 UE Exercises in Scandinavian Cultural Studies: The popular North
- 133384 UE Exercises in Cultural Studies: Theathor 6.0
SKB360 Topics of Research (6 ECTS)
- 133018 UE Scandinavian utopias and dystopias
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
SKB370 Peripheral Language (6 ECTS)
- 132017 UE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) North Saami
Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
SKBB Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
- 133401 SE Bachelor Seminar: Scandinavian Languages: Loan Influence in Scandinavia
- 133402 SE Bachelor Seminar: Scandinavian Literature - Authorship in Scandinavia. Theoretical and Historical Perspectives
Additional Courses
- 133141 VO ( STEOP ) The World of Scandinavian Studies - StEOP
- 133381 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 4
- 133944 KU Scandinavian Studies in Focus
Master Scandinavian Studies (868 [2] - Version 2016)
Compulsory modules (48 ECTS)
SKM110 Language and Society in Scandinavia (16 ECTS)
- 133611 VU History of the Scandinavian Noun
SKM120 Scandinavian Literature in a Cultural Context (16 ECTS)
SKM130 Modern Approaches to Old Norse Studies (16 ECTS)
- 133633 SE Master Seminar - Figurative art of the early Middle Ages and its relation to the Old Norse literary tradition
- 133712 KU Conversatorium on Low German for Students of Scandinavian Languages - Niederdeutsch für Skandinavist*innen
Alternative compulsory modules - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
SKM210 Scandinavian Linguistics - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133611 VU History of the Scandinavian Noun
- 133712 KU Conversatorium on Low German for Students of Scandinavian Languages - Niederdeutsch für Skandinavist*innen
- 133715 KU Research Colloquium in Linguistics
SKM220 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133723 KU Conversatorium on mobility issues: The end of globalization?
- 133725 KU Research Colloquium in Literature
- 133726 KU Research Colloquium in Literature
SKM230 Old Norse Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133712 KU Conversatorium on Low German for Students of Scandinavian Languages - Niederdeutsch für Skandinavist*innen
- 133735 KU Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
Alternative compulsory modules - Practical Training (10 ECTS)
SKM310 Internship (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
SKM320 Student Project (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
- 133944 KU Scandinavian Studies in Focus
SKM410 Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
- 133244 PS Lost in translation? Theory and practice of literary translation (translation workshop)
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
- 133944 KU Scandinavian Studies in Focus
Außercurriculare Lehrveranstaltungen
- 133381 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 4
- 133944 KU Scandinavian Studies in Focus
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Languages (630)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE110 Scandinavian Languages (15 ECTS)
- 133211 VO History of Scandinavian Languages
- 160113 VO Introduction to Indo-European Studies
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (631)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE120 Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (15 ECTS)
- 133231 VO History of Scandinavian Literatures
- 133242 VO Henrik Ibsen
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region Studies 1 (632)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE210 Baltic Sea Region Studies 1 (15 ECTS)
- 132013 VO Finnic Linguistics
- 132203 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region Studies 2 (633)
Compulsory module (16 ECTS)
SKE220 Baltic Sea Region Studies 2 (16 ECTS)
- 132201 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language II
- 132500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
- 133261 UE [ da de ] Danish 1
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
- 133332 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 2
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Heterotopias, In-Between Spaces, Places of Longing - Island (Hi)Stories and Identities in the Baltic Sea Region
Comparative Literature
Bachelor Comparative Literature (670 [2] - Version 2011)
- 135000 UE UE Mentoring
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Module 1a: Introduction to the Subject (10 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE STEOP Modulprüfung M 1a:Einführung in das Fach
- 135011 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to General Literature
- 135012 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Comparative Literature
Modul 1b: Scientific Literature Techniques (5 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE STEOP: Literary Research I
- 135013 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Literary Research I
Compulsory Modules (75 ECTS)
Module II: Other Basic Scienific Literary Skills (5 ECTS)
- 135021 UE Advanced Research Techniques
- 135022 UE Advanced Research Techniques
- 135023 UE Advanced Research Techniques
Module 3: Literary Theory (10 ECTS)
- 135031 VO Literary Theory (VO): Beautiful Self-Reflections - On Poetry Lectures
- 135032 PS M3-PS: Theories of Intermediality
- 135033 PS Literary Theory (PS): Comparison in Theory and Practice
- 135034 PS [ en ] Literary Theory (PS): Feminist Literary Theory
- 135035 PS [ en ] Literary Theory (PS): Feminist Literary Theory (Group II)
Module 4: Literary Transfer (15 ECTS)
- 135045 VO Transgression, translation, transformation. Exophone literature today, the example of Yoko Tawada
- 134131 PS [ de nl ] The ‚gothic novel‘ in modern Dutch literature - in international context
- 135044 PS Computational literary studies: Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- 135041 PS Reading flowers. Poetics and rhetoric of the floral
- 135042 PS Brecht and the "Peking-Opera"
- 135043 PS [ en ] The Folk Tale
Module 5: Social History of Literature (15 ECTS)
- 134006 VO [ en ] Culture, Society, and History of the Low Countries Reflected in Literature
- 135055 VO VO: Literary Networks from the Renaissance to the 20th Century
- 134131 PS [ de nl ] The ‚gothic novel‘ in modern Dutch literature - in international context
- 134132 PS ( REMOTE ) Posthumanism in Dutch Literature
- 135054 PS Letter - Literature - Gender (17-19 c.)
- 135051 PS Feministamente. Gendered memory of political violence in contemporary Latin American literature
- 135052 PS [ en ] Short Stories in Russian Literature
- 135056 PS [ en ] Short Stories in Russian Literature (Group II)
Module 6: English for Students of Literature (15 ECTS)
- 120006 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
- 123020 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 1
- 123030 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 2 - North American Literary History: A Survey
- 134006 VO [ en ] Culture, Society, and History of the Low Countries Reflected in Literature
- 124070 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - Austrians in Hollywood
Module 7: Second Foreign Language (15 ECTS)
- 134013 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 134031 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 135070 UE [ nl ] Dutch III
- 135074 UE [ de es ] Spanish for Students of Literature
- 135071 UE [ de it ] Italian for Literature Students
- 135073 UE [ de fr ] French for Literature Students
- 135075 UE [ en ru ] Russian II
- 133267 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 1
- 133265 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 1
Elective Modules Group (15 ECTS)
Module 8: Comparative Literary History (15 ECTS)
- 100026 UV History of Literature 1848 - Present
- 100027 UV History of Literature 1600 - 1848
- 100028 UV History of Literature 750 - 1600
- 100012 VO Österreichische Gegenwartsliteratur
- 110265 VO [ de it ] Extension module literary lecture - Italian - Storia della letteratura italiana: epoche, movimenti, personalità
- 132023 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 1
- 132010 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature 1
- 123020 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 1
- 123030 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 2 - North American Literary History: A Survey
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO ( REMOTE ) Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480066 VO ( MIXED ) Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480067 VO Newer Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO ( REMOTE ) Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 141039 VO M5a - VO Ottoman Literary History
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature (15 ECTS)
- 141222 VO M5b Aspects of Modern Turkish Literature
- 141018 SE M5b - SE Modern Turkish Literature and Society
- 143264 VO [ en ] 21st Century African Women’s Writing and Feminism
- 132066 VO The image of woman in the hungarian literature
- 143201 VO Writing and publishing in contemporary Africa: Focus West Africa
- 090091 VU Greek Literature in Venetian Territories 1204-1797
- 090092 UE [ en ] Lyric Poetry and its metamorphoses in twentieth century Greece - Lektüre (Sprachvertiefung) Neogräzistik
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies (15 ECTS)
- 135101 VO ( REMOTE ) Literature and media
- 135102 VO Publishing and business economics, legal basics
- 190120 PR M16 Science Practicum - Library placement - Students tutoring students
Bachelormodule (15 ECTS)
Module 11: Bachelor's Theses (15 ECTS)
- 135111 SE BA-Thesis: A Mapping of autobiographical writing
- 135112 SE Bachelor Thesis: From Canon to Fanon: Fanfiction between Classic and Popular Culture
- 135113 SE Bachelor Thesis: Ecocriticism
Master Comparative Literature (870)
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents (30 ECTS)
- 135811 SE Socialist and communist concepts of world literature. Theories and case studies
- 135812 SE War and/of Literature: Stendhal - Lev Tolstoj - Stephen Crane - Joseph Conrad
- 135813 KO The "doppelgänger" and different types of schizophrenia in literature and film
- 135814 KO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Mapping "African-Diasporic" Literary Voices in the Austrian Cultural Scene
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media (30 ECTS)
- 135821 SE Master Seminar: Galizischer Text der gegenwärtigen Literatur
- 135822 SE Master Seminar: 1923, the year of crisis, from the perspective of world literature
- 135823 KO KO: Critique of Ideology in Literary Modernism
- 135824 KO Social History of Literature (KO): Film Adaptations of Literature. Theory and Current Examples
- 143095 KU [ en ] South African Theatre: Artivism through Performance
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module (30 ECTS)
- 135842 SE Prosposalseminar for MA-thesis
- 141222 VO M5b Aspects of Modern Turkish Literature
- 141018 SE M5b - SE Modern Turkish Literature and Society
- 143264 VO [ en ] 21st Century African Women’s Writing and Feminism
- 143201 VO Writing and publishing in contemporary Africa: Focus West Africa
- 143223 VO [ en ] African Poetry Workshop
- 090091 VU Greek Literature in Venetian Territories 1204-1797
- 090092 UE [ en ] Lyric Poetry and its metamorphoses in twentieth century Greece - Lektüre (Sprachvertiefung) Neogräzistik
Module 4: Final Module (5 ECTS)
- 135841 MA Master thesis
Extension Curriculum International Literary Transfer (163)
International Literary Transfer (15 ECTS)
- 134006 VO [ en ] Culture, Society, and History of the Low Countries Reflected in Literature
- 135045 VO Transgression, translation, transformation. Exophone literature today, the example of Yoko Tawada
- 135055 VO VO: Literary Networks from the Renaissance to the 20th Century
Extension Curriculum Dutch in a Global Context (637)
Module I Grundkenntnisse (5 ECTS)
Module Ia Basics - Language Acquisition II (5 ECTS)
- 134031 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
Module Ib Basics - Global Context (5 ECTS)
Module II Circulation of Literature (5 ECTS)
- 134131 PS [ de nl ] The ‚gothic novel‘ in modern Dutch literature - in international context
- 134132 PS ( REMOTE ) Posthumanism in Dutch Literature
Module III Social History of Dutch Literature (5 ECTS)
- 134131 PS [ de nl ] The ‚gothic novel‘ in modern Dutch literature - in international context
- 134132 PS ( REMOTE ) Posthumanism in Dutch Literature
Extension Curriculum Dutch Language and Culture (638)
Module I Culture, Literature and History (5 ECTS)
Module II Language Acquisition I (10 ECTS)
- 134013 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
Digital Humanities
Master Digital Humanities (647)
GCM Digital Humanities Skills (25 ECTS)
DH-S I Digital Humanities Skills I (10 ECTS)
- 070212 UE [ en ] Methodological course - Introduction to DH Tools and Methods (Skills I)
- 136011 UE ( MIXED ) Data Structures and Data Modelling
DH-S II Digital Humanities Skills II (15 ECTS)
- 070285 UE [ en ] Methodological course - TEI-XML - Text Encoding and Analysis
- 136013 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Visualization of humanities data
- 136032 UE [ de en ] Creating content in science - Recording and editing technology
- 136038 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Data Driven Research Methodology for the Digital Humanities
- 136079 UE [ de en ] Crowd Sourcing in the Humanities
- 160167 UE [ en ] Image processing for the humanities
CM Theory and Practice of the Digital Humanities (10 ECTS)
DH-TP Theory and Practice of the Digital Humanities (10 ECTS)
- 136020 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 136021 UE Reading Course for the Lecture Series (Digital Humanities)
GCM Digital Humanities in Data Science (28 ECTS)
DDS-ELI Doing Data Science, Ethical and Legal Issues (12 ECTS)
- 040309 VU [ en ] Doing Data Science (MA)
- 053620 VU [ en ] Data Ethics and Legal Issues
DHP-S Digital Humanities Project and Seminar (16 ECTS)
- 053631 LP [ en ] Data Analysis Project
- 136033 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Digital Experience in the (digital) Humanities
CM Specialisation in Clusters of Digital Humanities (24 ECTS)
S-DH Specialisation in Clusters of Digital Humanities (24 ECTS)
Cluster I: Language and Literature
- 136040 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Practical Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing
- 136041 SE [ en ] Topics in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
- 070285 UE [ en ] Methodological course - TEI-XML - Text Encoding and Analysis
- 160167 UE [ en ] Image processing for the humanities
- 100029 UV UV Media History of Literature
- 100173 UE Exercise Course: editorial philology
- 132009 UE [ de en ] Minority languages and internet
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
Cluster II: History and Material Culture
- 060030 VO Introduction to archaeological prospection methods
- 060036 KU Digital Competences
- 060074 UE GIS-applications for archaeologists
- 060075 VU Archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
- 070173 UE Editorial Techniques / Digital Editing
- 070285 UE [ en ] Methodological course - TEI-XML - Text Encoding and Analysis
- 160167 UE [ en ] Image processing for the humanities
Cluster III: Theatre, Film and Media
- 100029 UV UV Media History of Literature
- 136013 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Visualization of humanities data
- 160167 UE [ en ] Image processing for the humanities
- 170534 UE ( MIXED ) Gendering Gaming. - Gendered approaches to digital games and gaming culture
- 170700 VO Genesis of digital operative space - Media theoretical approaches - Lecture
- 170701 VO Genesis of digital operative space - Digital facticity. About Science, Narration, Identity and Algorithm - Lecture with interactive elements
Cluster IV: Arts and Architecture
- 080022 UE Course: Art Reception in the Museum. Experimental Methods
- 080023 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: Born Digital: Art in the 21st Century
- 080040 SE Eye Tracking in Art History and Museology
- 080071 VU B330 Specialised Methodology: Digital Ethnographic Methods
- 160167 UE [ en ] Image processing for the humanities
Cluster V: Music
- 160019 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160070 PR Introduction to Digital Music Editing
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
- 160078 SE Motion Capture - Music and Movement
CM Master's Thesis Seminar (4 ECTS)
M-SE Master’s Thesis Seminar (4 ECTS)
- 070251 SE [ de en ] Master's Thesis Seminar
Extension Curriculum Digital Humanities (634)
Compulsory Module DH 1 Foundations of Digital Humanities (5 ECTS)
- 070105 VO [ en ] Digital Humanities
Compulsory Module DH 2 Digital Practices in Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
- 136101 VO Theory and Methods of Digital Philology
- 136009 AR [ en ] Applied Data Science for Linguists
- 070266 UE Methodological course - Digital Methods and Means for Historical Studies
- 100206 PS Linguistics: Linguistic theories
- 100030 UV UV Text and Media Linguistics
- 070031 PS BA-Proseminar - Economic and Social History - Quantitative Economic History
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:20