Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 29 - Geography

Die Studienprogrammleitung 29 betreut das sechssemestrige Bachelorstudium Geographie, die auf diesem Grundstudium aufbauenden viersemestrigen Masterstudien (1) Geography: Global Change and Sustainability, (2) Raumforschung und Raumordnung sowie (3) Kartographie und Geoinformation, das gemeinsam mit Universitäten in Brüssel, Kopenhagen und Madrid durchgeführte Joint-Masterstudium Urban Studies sowie das achtsemestrige Bachelor-, das viersemestrige Masterstudium Lehramt "Geographie und wirtschaftliche Bildung".

Für Studierende anderer Studienrichtungen werden die vier Erweiterungscurricula "Gesellschaft und Raum" (Humangeographie), "Umweltsysteme im Wandel" (Physische Geographie) "Klimawandel: wissenschaftliche Grundlagen" sowie "Naturgefahren, Verwundbarkeit und Katastrophen" angeboten.

Aktuelle Informationen, Studienpläne sowie Formulare zu allen Studienrichtungen sind auf der Homepage des SSCs für Geographie unter https://ssc-geo-astronomie.univie.ac.at/ zu finden.

Die Platzvergabe in den anmeldungspflichtigen prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen an der SPL29 Geographie erfolgt nach dem Präferenzsystem. Wie Sie bei der Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen am besten vorgehen, finden Sie unter https://studieren.univie.ac.at/anmeldung-zu-lehrveranstaltungenpruefungen/

Bitte registrieren Sie sich auch bei nicht-prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (Vorlesungen ohne Beschränkung der Zahl an TeilnehmerInnen) via u:space, da mit dieser Registrierung in der Regel ein Zugriff auf die zugehörigen Lehrplattformen (Moodle) verknüpft ist.

Bachelor Geography (655 [3] - Version 2016)

Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)

BA GG 1.1 STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Physical Geography (6 ECTS)

BA GG 1.2 STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Human Geography and Spatial Planning (6 ECTS)

BA GG 1.3 STEOP: Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics (4 ECTS)

Core Phase (104 ECTS)

Physical Geography (28 ECTS)

BA GG 2.1 Physical Geography I: Climate, Hydrology and Vegetation (8 ECTS)
BA GG 2.2 Physical Geography II: Earth, Soil and Relief (13 ECTS)
BA GG 2.3 Physical Geography III: Methods and Practice (7 ECTS)

Human Geography (33 ECTS)

BA GG 3.1 Human Geography I: Demography, Economy and Society (14 ECTS)
BA GG 3.2 Human Geography II: Rural Areas and Regional Development (11 ECTS)
BA GG 3.3 Human Geography III: Urban Geography and Spatial Planning (8 ECTS)

Cartography and Geoinformatics (22 ECTS)

BA GG 4.1 Cartography and Geoinformatics I (10 ECTS)
BA GG 4.2 Cartography and Geoinformatics II (12 ECTS)

Methods (21 ECTS)

BA GG 5.1 Methods in Geography I (11 ECTS)
BA GG 5.2 Methods in Geography II (10 ECTS)

Specialisation (30 ECTS)

Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Physical Geography (30 ECTS)

BA GG 6.1 Specialisation Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
BA GG 6.2 Bachelor’s Thesis Physical Geography (15 ECTS)

Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Human Geography (30 ECTS)

BA GG 7.1 Specialisation Human Geography (15 ECTS)
BA GG 7.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Human Geography (15 ECTS)

Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (30 ECTS)

BA GG 8.1 Specialisation Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (15 ECTS)
BA GG 8.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (15 ECTS)

Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Cartography and Geoinformatics (30 ECTS)

BA GG 9.1 Specialisation: Cartography and Geoinformatics (15 ECTS)
BA GG 9.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Cartography and Geoinformatics (15 ECTS)

Extension Phase (30 ECTS)

Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economic Education (193 049, 198 410)

Introductory and Orientation Period (5 ECTS)

UF GW 01 STEOP-Module Teacher Training Programme Geography and Economics (5 ECTS)

Subject Didactics (14 ECTS)

UF GW 02 Introduction to Didactics (3 ECTS)

UF GW 03 Basics and Concepts of Didactics (6 ECTS)

UF GW 04 Topics of Didactics (6 ECTS)

Basics of Economics (18 ECTS)

UF GW 05 Introduction to Economics and Business Administration (6 ECTS)

UF GW 06 Economic Policy and Finance (5 ECTS)

UF GW 07 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economic Education (4 ECTS)

UF GW 08 Economics in Teaching Practice (3 ECTS)

Theory and Methods of Geography (14 ECTS)

UF GW 09 Basic Concepts of Geography (3 ECTS)

UF GW 10 Methods of scientific Research (6 ECTS)

UF GW 11 Carthography and Geo-Information (5 ECTS)

Basics of Physical Geography (10 ECTS)

UF GW 12 Geomorphology and Geoecology (6 ECTS)

UF GW 13 Use of Resources and Human-Environment-Relations (4 ECTS)

Basics of Human Geography (14 ECTS)

UF GW 14 Population, urban and rural Space (8 ECTS)

UF GW 15 Economics, Politics and Space (6 ECTS)

Further Compulsory Modules (10 ECTS)

UF GW 16 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies in Human Geography (4 ECTS)

UF GW 17 Regional Planning and Development (3 ECTS)

UF GW 18 Excursions (3 ECTS)

Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)

UF GW 19 Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)

Subject-based Practicum Geography and Economics (7 ECTS)

UF GW 20 Subject-based Practicum Geography and Economics (7 ECTS)

Alternative Compulsory Module Bachelor´s Thesis (5 ECTS)

UF GW 21a Bachelor´s Thesis Geography (5 ECTS)

UF GW 21b Bachelor´s Thesis Economics (5 ECTS)

Master Geography: Global Change and Sustainability (855 [2] - Version 2021)

Compulsory modules (20 ECTS)

Fundamentals of Global Change and Sustainability from a Geographic Perspective (5 ECTS)

Pathways to Sustainability: Knowledge, Action and Policy Landscapes (5 ECTS)

Tackling Global Change and Sustainability as a Geographer (10 ECTS)

Alternative compulsory modules: Preparatory Module (5 ECTS)

Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research A (5 ECTS)

Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research B (5 ECTS)

Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research C (5 ECTS)

Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research D (5 ECTS)

Alternative compulsory modules: Specialisation (30 ECTS)

Specialisation A: Migration and Population Dynamics (30 ECTS)

Specialisation B: Socio-Economic Transformations (30 ECTS)

Specialisation C: Earth Surface Dynamics and Management (30 ECTS)

Specialisation D: Geoecology: Applied Soil Science, Wetlands, Landscape Analysis and Evaluation (30 ECTS)

Compulsory modules (35 ECTS)

Open Mind I (5 ECTS)

Open Mind II (5 ECTS)

Mobility (25 ECTS)

Supplementary exams (0-18 ECTS)

Master Geography (855)

Specialisation Modules (50 ECTS)

MG1.1 Geomorphology and Risk Research (25 ECTS)

MG1.2 Geoecology and Quaternary Research (25 ECTS)

MG1.3 Social and Economic Geography (25 ECTS)

MG1.4 Population and Urban Research (25 ECTS)

MG1.5 Focus on Europe (25 ECTS)

MG1.6 Focus on Asia (25 ECTS)

Elective Modules (30 ECTS)

MG2.1 Methods and Functional Consolidation of Physical Geography (15 ECTS)

MG2.2 Project Module Physical Geography (15 ECTS)

MG2.3 Regional Development (15 ECTS)

MG2.4 Elective Module - Regional Tourism and Leisure Research (15 ECTS)

MG2.5 Geographic Development Research (15 ECTS)

MG2.6 Methods of Human Geography (15 ECTS)

MG2.7 Free Elective Module (recommended Lectures)

Field Trips (10 ECTS)

Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Master Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economic Education (196 049, 199 510)

MA UF GW 01 Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)

MA UF GW 02 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Geography (8 ECTS)

MA UF GW 03 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economics (8 ECTS)

MA UF GW 04 Didactic Supervision of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)

MA UF GW 05 Master Thesis Support (2 ECTS)

Master Cartography and Geoinformation (856)

Elective Modules (60 ECTS)

MK1.1 Geodata Acquisition and Processing (15 ECTS)

MK1.2 Analysis and Modelling in Geographic Information Processing (15 ECTS)

MK1.3 Cartographic design and drafting theory (15 ECTS)

MK1.4 Geo-Multimedia (15 ECTS)

MK1.5 and MK1.6 - Additional Elective Modules

Special Issues in Cartography and Geoinformation (8 ECTS)

Field Trips (8 ECTS)

Seminars (14 ECTS)

Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Master Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (857)

Advanced Methods of Regional Research (6 ECTS)

Concepts, Tools and Legal Basics of Regional Planning (10 ECTS)

Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control (15 ECTS)

Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning I (8 ECTS)

Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning II (16 ECTS)

Elective Modules (30 ECTS)

Field Trip (5 ECTS)

Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Master Urban Studies (Joint Curriculum) (664 [2] - Version 2019)

Module 06. Urban Transformations (7 ECTS)

Module 07. Urban Planning and Development (7 ECTS)

Module 08. Urban Analysis III (6 ECTS)

Module 14. Practice Elective Courses (25 ECTS)

Module 15. Practice Internship (15 ECTS)

Module 16. Research Elective Courses (25 ECTS)

Module 17. Research Internship (15 ECTS)

Module 18. Master's Thesis and Master's Examination (30 ECTS)

Field Trips

Master Urban Studies (Joint Curriculum) (664 [1] - Version 2008) - discontinued

Module 06. Demography of European Cities (4 ECTS)

Module 07. Principles of Urban Planning (4 ECTS)

Module 08. Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities (4 ECTS)

Module 09. Urban Development and Planning in Eastern Europe (4 ECTS)

Module 10. Urban Analysis III (4 ECTS)

Module 16. Master's Thesis and Master's Examination (30 ECTS)

Field Trips

Further lectures

Extension Curriculum Change in Environmental Systems (Physical Geography) (290)

BA GG 11.2 Change in Environmental Systems (Physical Geography) (15 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Society and Space (Human Geography) (291)

BA GG 11.1 Society and Space (Human Geography) (15 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Climate Change: Scientific Basics (293)

M1 Climate Change: Fundamentals and Strategies (5 ECTS)

M2 Climate Change: Current Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5 ECTS)

M3 Climate Change: Specialisation (5 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters (292)

NatKat 1 Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Fundamentals and Strategies (5 ECTS)

NatKat 2 Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Current Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5 ECTS)

NatKat 3 Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Specialisation (5 ECTS)

Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53