Universität Wien

SPL 29 - Geography

29.01. Geography

A. Branches of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography", "Regional Science and Regional Planning" and "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"

Level 1 of the Degree Programme (compulsory for all threee branches of study) (2002 Curriculum)

1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
1.2. Basics of Human Geography
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
1.4. Basic Methods and Concepts in Geography
1.5. Regional Geography of Austria and Central Europe (only to be applied to students following the 1996 Curriculum; under these terms: examination subject e)

Level 2 of the Degree Programme

1. Branch of Study: "Geography" (according to the 1996 Curriculum; to be applied to students who do not switch to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.1.1. Comparative Physical Geography
2.1.2. Comparative Cultural and Social Geography
2.1.3. Comparative Economic Geography
2.1.4. Thematic Cartography
2.1.5. Regional Geography of Europe and of One Region Outside Europe
2.1.6. Elective Courses (Providing for Specialisation)
2. Branch of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography" (according to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.2.1. Advanced Methods in Geography
2.2.2. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
2.2.3. Contemporary Research Issues in Physical and Human Geography
2.2.4. Electives: Designed to Enhance In-Depth Specialisation and Scientific Project Work Skills
2.2.5. Electives
3. Branch of Study: "Regional Science and Regional Planning" (2002 Curriculum)
2.3.1. Advanced Methods
2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
2.3.3. Concepts and Tools of Regional Planning
2.3.4. Electives
2.3.5. Additional Courses (Compulsory only for Students Following the 1996 Curriculum)
4. Branch of Study: "Cartography and Geographic Information Science" (2002 Curriculum)
2.4.1. Geodata Acquisition
2.4.2. Geographic Information Processing
2.4.3. Theory of Cartographic Design
2.4.4. Methods and Techniques of Geo-communication
2.4.5. Special Research Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science
2.4.6. Recommended Free-choice Elective Courses

B. Teacher Training Programme "Geography and Economics" (School Curriculum Subject)

Level 1 of the Degree Programme (if not stated otherwise, 2002 Curriculum)

1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
1.2. Basics of Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
1.4. Basic Methods in Geography
1.5. Basics of Economics
1.6. Basics of Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"
1.7. Regional Geography of Austria and Central Europe (only to be applied to students following the 1996 Curriculum; under these terms: examination subject d)

Level 2 of the Degree Programme (2002 Curriculum)

2.1. Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
2.3. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
2.4. Austria, the European Union and Selected World Regions - Regional Structures and Problems of Regional Development
2.5. Advanced Study of Economics
2.6. Advanced Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"

Level 2 of the Degree Programme (1996 Curriculum)

2.1. Comparative Physical Geography
2.2. Comparative Human Geography (including comparative Economic Geography)
2.3. Regional Geography of Europe and of Regions Outside Europe
2.4. Economics
2.5. Preliminary Examination Subject: Theories and Methods in Geography
2.6. Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"

Recommended Optional Courses resp. Free-choice Elective Courses (Level 2, 2002 and 1996 Curricula)

Field trips (Excursions)

1. In Austria

2. Abroad

Additional Courses

29.02. Doctoral programme (Branch "Geography", including Physical and Human Geography, Regional Science and Regional Planning, Cartography and Geographic Information Science)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34