Directorate of Studies 13 - European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies
Finno-Ugrian Studies
Bachelor Hungarian and Finnish Studies (484)
GCM Introductory and Orientation Period (STEOP) (16 ECTS)
BAHF01 Language and Society (StEOP) (8 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language and Society
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132377 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Language, Society, Culture
BAHF02 Literature and Culture (StEOP) (8 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Literature and Culture
- 132104 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 132205 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Literary Studies
GCM Language Acquisition (60 ECTS)
Language Acquisition (finnish studies) (60 ECTS)
BAHF100 (FE) Language Acquisition Basic Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132440 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language I
BAHF300 (FE) Language Acquisition Intermediate Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132285 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language III
BAHF500 (FE) Language Acquisition Advanced Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132290 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language V
Language Acquisition (hungarian studies) (60 ECTS)
BAHF100 (HU) Language Acquisition Basic Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- 132101 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language I
BAHF300 (HU) Language Acquisition Intermediate Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- 132301 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language III
BAHF500 (HU) Language Acquisition Advanced Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- 132501 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language V
CM Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
BAHF110 Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132219 VO Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies 1
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
GCM Introduction to Philology (7 ECTS)
BAHF210 Introduction to Philology: Linguistics (7 ECTS)
BAHF230 Introduction to Philology: Literature (7 ECTS)
GCM History of Literature (8 ECTS)
BAHU220 History of Hungarian Literature (8 ECTS)
BAFE220 History of Finnish Literature (8 ECTS)
CM Practical Course (10 ECTS)
BAHF440 Practical Course (10 ECTS)
GCM Focus Linguistics (hungarian studies) (41 ECTS)
BAHU320 Foundations 1: Hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAHF420 Foundations 2: Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAHU520 Consolidation of Linguistics: Hungarian (12 ECTS)
- 132024 VO Information structure contrastive
- 132503 VO History of the Hungarian Language 1
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Literature (hungarian studies) (41 ECTS)
BAHU330 Foundations 1: Literature (8 ECTS)
BAHF430 Foundations 2: Literature and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132018 PS Inspector Bourdieu investigates - The Crime Novel from a Literary Sociological Perspective
BAHU530 Consolidation of Linguistics: Hungarian Literature (12 ECTS)
- 132020 VO Reading in the age of digitalisation - with focus in Young Adult Literature
- 132026 VO Types of rulers and their portrayal in 19th century Hungarian literature
BAHU630 Bachelor's Phase: Literature (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Finnish Linguistics (finnish studies) (41 ECTS)
BAFE310 Foundations 1: Finnish Linguistics (8 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of the Finnish Language 1
BAFE410 Foundations 2: Finnic Studies (8 ECTS)
BAFE510 Consolidation of Linguistics: Estonian (12 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Finnish Literature and Linguistics (finnish studies) (41 ECTS)
BAFE310 Foundations 1: Finnish Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAHF430 Foundations 2: Literature and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132018 PS Inspector Bourdieu investigates - The Crime Novel from a Literary Sociological Perspective
BAFE510 Consolidation of Linguistics: Estonian (12 ECTS)
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
- 132024 VO Information structure contrastive
Elective module (finnish studies) (16 ECTS)
ZWM HU1 Hungarian Literature and Culture (8 ECTS)
- 132016 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
- 132020 VO Reading in the age of digitalisation - with focus in Young Adult Literature
- 132026 VO Types of rulers and their portrayal in 19th century Hungarian literature
- 132219 VO Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies 1
Elective module (hungarian studies) (15-16 ECTS)
ZWM FI1 Finnish Literature and Culture (16 ECTS)
- 132007 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature 2
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
ZWM ES1 Learning and Understanding Estonian (15 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (193 066, 198 433)
Introductory and Orientation Period (8 ECTS)
UF UN 01 StEOP Subject Hungarian (8 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Unterrichtsfach Ungarisch
- 132377 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Language, Society, Culture
Compulsory Module Group Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
UF UN 02 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
UF UN 03 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
- 132501 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language V
UF UN 04 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
UF UN 05 Basics of hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
UF UN 06 Basics of hungarian Literary Studies and Scientific Work (10 ECTS)
- 132016 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
- 132205 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Literary Studies
UF UN 07 Basics of hungarian Regional Studies (8 ECTS)
UF UN 08 Subject Didactics (13 ECTS)
UF UN 09 In-Depth Studies: Linguistics or Literary Studies (4 ECTS)
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132026 VO Types of rulers and their portrayal in 19th century Hungarian literature
- 132503 VO History of the Hungarian Language 1
UF UN 10 Elective Module for Teacher Training Programme Students (0-10 ECTS)
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132018 PS Inspector Bourdieu investigates - The Crime Novel from a Literary Sociological Perspective
- 132023 VO [ de en ] Multilingualism: language acquisition; language education; language maintenance
- 132104 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 132503 VO History of the Hungarian Language 1
- 490234 PS ( KPH Krems ) Interkulturelles und Interreligiöses Lernen als Aufgabe aller Fächer
- 490400 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
UF UN 11 Subject Related Training Placement at School - Hungarian (7 ECTS)
UF UN 12 Bachelor Module (9 ECTS)
Master Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (533)
UF MA UN 01 Consolidation of Relevant Academic Subjects (15 ECTS)
- 132014 SE Modern Hungarian Drama
- 132015 UE [ de hu ] Applied Hungarian - Academic Writing in Hungarian
- 132017 SE [ hu ] Autobiography, documentarism, literary, sociography
- 132023 VO [ de en ] Multilingualism: language acquisition; language education; language maintenance
UF MA UN 02 Subject Didactics (7 ECTS)
- 132010 UE [ de hu ] ( MIXED ) Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
UF MA UN 03 Didactical Supervision in the Practice Phase (4 ECTS)
UF MA UN 04 Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
Master Hungarian Studies and Finno-Ugric Studies (684)
CM1 Contact and Diversity (30 ECTS)
- 132020 VO Reading in the age of digitalisation - with focus in Young Adult Literature
- 132021 VO Negation
- 132022 SE ( MIXED ) Historical linguistics
- 132304 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian translation landscapes
MAHF01 Contact and Diversity (30 ECTS)
- 132019 SE Literary Translation in Theory and Practice
- 132023 VO [ de en ] Multilingualism: language acquisition; language education; language maintenance
GCM2 Theoretical and Methodological issues (20 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF02a Literature (10 ECTS)
- 132017 SE [ hu ] Autobiography, documentarism, literary, sociography
MAHF02b Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF02c Comparative Uralic Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132008 VO Comparative Uralic Phonology
MAHF02d Structure of Finnish/Hungarian Language (10 ECTS)
GCM3 Extending Knowledge of Philology (15 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF03a Hungarian Literature (15 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF03b Small Finno-Ugric Languages (15 ECTS)
- 132009 UE Mansi
GCM4 Academic Emphasis (15 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF04a Academic Emphasis on Literature and Cultural Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132019 SE Literary Translation in Theory and Practice
- 132304 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian translation landscapes
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF04b Academic Emphasis on Finno-Ugrian Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132021 VO Negation
- 132023 VO [ de en ] Multilingualism: language acquisition; language education; language maintenance
- 132157 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language III
GCM5 Thematic Courses (10 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF05a Thematic Courses in Hungarian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132014 SE Modern Hungarian Drama
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF05b Thematic Courses in Finno-Ugrian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132021 VO Negation
- 132022 SE ( MIXED ) Historical linguistics
GCM6 Master’s Module (6 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF06a Master’s Module Hungarian Studies (6 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF06b Master’s Module Finno-Ugrian Studies (6 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Finnish Literature and Culture (130)
EC Finn 1 Finnish Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
EC Finn 2 History of Finnish Literature (8 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Learning and Understanding Estonian (635)
EC Est 1 Estonian Language 1-2 (12 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
EC Est 2 Finnic Linguistics (3 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Hungarian Literature and Culture (636)
EC Ung 1Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
EC Ung 2 Hungarian Literature (8 ECTS)
- 132016 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
- 132020 VO Reading in the age of digitalisation - with focus in Young Adult Literature
- 132026 VO Types of rulers and their portrayal in 19th century Hungarian literature
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Fachdidaktik
Scandinavian Studies
Bachelor Scandinavian Studies (668 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level
- 133111 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scientific Working
- 133112 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction
- 133121 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics
SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction
- 133131 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies
Compulsory modules (38 ECTS)
SKB210 History of Scandinavian Languages (7 ECTS)
SKB220 Scandinavian Linguistics - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133221 PS Proseminar: The art of constructing - Constructed languages inScandinavia
- 133222 VO Language Planning in Scandinavia
SKB230 History of Scandinavian Literature (7 ECTS)
SKB240 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133242 VO Scandinavian Children's and Youth Literature. Past and Present
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Literary borders of the Baltic Sea Region
SKB250 Old Norse Studies (8 ECTS)
- 133251 VU Introduction to Old Norse studies
- 133252 VO On the road in Viking and mediaeval times - voyage(r)s from and to Scandinavia
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Danish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(D) Danish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133271 UE [ da ] Danish 2
SKB280(D) Danish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133281 UE [ da ] Danish 4
- 133282 UE [ da ] Area Studies: Denmark
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Icelandic (30 ECTS)
SKB260(I) Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(I) Icelandic - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133273 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
SKB280(I) Icelandic - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133283 UE [ is ] Icelandic 4
- 133284 UE [ is ] Area Studies: Iceland
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Norwegian (30 ECTS)
SKB260(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(N) Norwegian - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133275 UE [ no ] Norwegian 2
SKB280(N) Norwegian - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133285 UE [ no ] Norwegian 4
- 133286 UE [ no ] Area Studies: Norway
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Swedish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(S) Swedish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133277 UE [ sv ] Swedish 2
SKB280(S) Swedish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133287 UE [ sv ] Swedish 4
- 133288 UE [ sv ] Area Studies: Sweden
Group of elective modules (18 ECTS)
SKB310 Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB320(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB320(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB320(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB330 Lithuanian (12 ECTS)
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
SKB340 Baltic Sea Region Studies (12 ECTS)
- 133341 VO Introduction to Baltic Sea Region Studies
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Literary borders of the Baltic Sea Region
SKB350 Cultural Studies - Extension (6 ECTS)
- 133351 UE Exercises in Cultural Studies: Scandinavian Artists Discover Europe
- 133382 UE SkaM - Scandinavian Media Lab
SKB360 Topics of Research (6 ECTS)
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
SKB370 Peripheral Language (6 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
- 132440 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language I
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
SKBB Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
- 133402 SE Bachelor Seminar: Narrative Short Forms in Scandinavian Literature
- 133403 SE Bachelor Seminar: Methods and problems concerning the interpretation of runic inscriptions
Additional Courses
- 133007 KU SKentoring
- 133280 UE [ sv ] Swedish: Higher advanced level
- 133335 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 5
- 133990 UE [ da ] Danish: Conversation
Master Scandinavian Studies (868 [2] - Version 2016)
Compulsory modules (48 ECTS)
SKM110 Language and Society in Scandinavia (16 ECTS)
- 133612 KU Language Planning: Grammar
- 133613 SE Master Seminar: Language Death in Scandinavia
SKM120 Scandinavian Literature in a Cultural Context (16 ECTS)
- 133621 VU ( MIXED ) From "Bonden Paavo" to "Den amerikanska flickan" - A historical overview of Finland's Swedish literature from the Åbo Romantic period to the present day
- 133623 SE ( MIXED ) Master Seminar: "The Anthropocenic Turn"? Northern European literature in the wake of climate change
SKM130 Modern Approaches to Old Norse Studies (16 ECTS)
Alternative compulsory modules - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
SKM210 Scandinavian Linguistics - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133612 KU Language Planning: Grammar
- 133714 KU Colloquium in Linguistics
SKM220 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133621 VU ( MIXED ) From "Bonden Paavo" to "Den amerikanska flickan" - A historical overview of Finland's Swedish literature from the Åbo Romantic period to the present day
- 133722 KU ( MIXED ) Conversatorium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Two classics in today's light: Strindberg and Ibsen
- 133724 KU Colloquium in Literature
- 133725 KU Colloquium in Literature
SKM230 Old Norse Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133252 VO On the road in Viking and mediaeval times - voyage(r)s from and to Scandinavia
- 133732 KU A selection of historical linguistics - þat sem yðr líkar bezt at hafa V
- 133734 KU Workshop discussions on Old Norse matters - Altskandinavistische Werkstattgespräche
Alternative compulsory modules - Practical Training (10 ECTS)
SKM310 Internship (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
SKM320 Student Project (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
- 133007 KU SKentoring
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
SKM410 Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
Extracurricular Courses
- 133280 UE [ sv ] Swedish: Higher advanced level
- 133335 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 5
- 133990 UE [ da ] Danish: Conversation
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Languages (630)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE110 Scandinavian Languages (15 ECTS)
- 133121 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics
- 133222 VO Language Planning in Scandinavia
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (631)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE120 Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (15 ECTS)
- 133131 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies
- 133242 VO Scandinavian Children's and Youth Literature. Past and Present
- 133252 VO On the road in Viking and mediaeval times - voyage(r)s from and to Scandinavia
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region I: History and Society (632)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE210 Baltic Sea Region Studies 1 (15 ECTS)
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
- 133112 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
- 133341 VO Introduction to Baltic Sea Region Studies
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region II: Language Acquisition (633)
Compulsory module (16 ECTS)
SKE220 Baltic Sea Region Studies 2 (16 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
- 132440 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language I
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Literary borders of the Baltic Sea Region
Comparative Literature
Bachelor Comparative Literature (670 [2] - Version 2011)
- 135000 UE UE Mentoring
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Module 1a: Introduction to the Subject (10 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP Modulprüfung M 1a:Einführung in das Fach
- 135011 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: General Literature
- 135012 VO ( OV STEOP ) STEOP: Comparative Literature
Modul 1b: Scientific Literature Techniques (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Literary Research I
- 135015 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Literary Research I
Compulsory Modules (75 ECTS)
Module II: Other Basic Scientific Literary Skills (5 ECTS)
- 135021 UE Literary Research II
- 135022 UE Literary Research II
Module 3: Literary Theory (10 ECTS)
- 135030 VO Literary Theory (VO): Comparative Media Studies
- 135031 PS Literary Theory (PS): Self and Other in the context of global interconnections
- 135032 PS [ en ] Literary Theory (PS): Postcolonial Literary Theory
- 135033 PS Lit- Theory (PS):The Art of Exaggeration: Modes of Hyperbolic Writing
- 135034 PS Lit. Theory (PS): How Science fiction is narrated
Module 4: Literary Transfer (15 ECTS)
- 135045 VO Reflexes of World Literature. Canon formation and early classics from Homer to Cervantes
- 135041 PS Art Brut in Literature
- 135042 PS Female epistolary culture in the 19th century. - Reading, understanding, contextualizing, editing historical ego-documents
- 135043 PS Wiener Moderne um 1900: Literatur, Bildende Kunst, Musik
- 135044 PS "The world needs all types of minds": approaching autistic writing through a neurodiversity lens
- 135046 PS [ en ] Turmoil of Time: The Literature of the First Wave of Russian Emigration
Module 5: Social History of Literature (15 ECTS)
- 135056 VO VO: The Framing of the Uncanny - On social and theoretical history of the Gothic Novel
- 134006 VO [ en ] Imagining the Nation. Images of Dutchness Reflected in Literature
- 134132 PS [ de en ] Narrating Trauma. Dutch Children’s and Youth Literature about the Holocaust in International Context
- 135051 PS Book Culture and Information Society
- 135052 PS Autobiography
- 135053 PS Steinhof Revisited: Psychiatric Poetics and Realities
- 135054 PS Literature from Latin-America 1870-1940 - Elfenbeinturm und soziales Engagement
Module 6: English for Students of Literature (15 ECTS)
- 134006 VO [ en ] Imagining the Nation. Images of Dutchness Reflected in Literature
- 123020 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 1
- 123030 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 2
- 124070 VO [ en ] Culture, Society and the Media - (Sexual) Health: Media, Inequalities and Justice
- 120010 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
Module 7: Second Foreign Language (15 ECTS)
- 134013 UE [ de nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 134031 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 135071 UE [ de it ] Italian for Literature Students
- 135072 UE [ de fr ] French for Students of Literature
- 135075 UE [ en ru ] Russian II for Students of Literature
- 135074 UE [ de es ] Spanish for Students of Literature
- 133277 UE [ sv ] Swedish 2
- 133275 UE [ no ] Norwegian 2
- 133271 UE [ da ] Danish 2
- 110140 UE [ it ] Optional Course - Italienisch für Literaturwissenschaftler*innen
- 133273 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
- 133283 UE [ is ] Icelandic 4
Elective Modules Group (15 ECTS)
Module 8: Comparative Literary History (15 ECTS)
- 100026 UV History of Literature 1848 - Present
- 100027 UV History of Literature 1600 - 1848
- 100028 UV History of Literature 750 - 1600
- 123020 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 1
- 123030 VO [ en ] Literature Survey 2
- 132007 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature 2
- 132016 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature (15 ECTS)
- 132304 VO [ de hu ] Hungarian translation landscapes
- 143069 VO [ en ] VO 20th Century African Women's Writing and Feminism
- 143070 UE [ en ] An Introduction to Literary Works of the Maghreb
- 143317 VO [ en ] Language and Literature in their Social Contexts
- 143356 KU [ en ] Afriphone Literatures: From Oral to Written Texts in African Languages
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies (15 ECTS)
- 135051 PS Book Culture and Information Society
- 135101 UE Public Relations
- 190120 PR M16 Science Practicum - Library practicum: Students guiding students
Bachelormodule (15 ECTS)
Module 11: Bachelor's Theses (15 ECTS)
- 135111 SE BA-SE: GlobalBernhard - The International Echo of Thomas Bernhard
- 135112 SE BA-SE: Violence and Literature
- 135114 SE BA-SE: Methodology of literary studies based on selected examples
Master Comparative Literature (870)
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents (30 ECTS)
- 135810 SE MA-SE: Fictitious Artists, Fictitious Writers in Literary Fiction
- 135812 SE MA-SE: Interfigurality. Intermedial circulation of literary characters
- 135813 KO KO: Genius and "literature-goose": Helene von Druskowitz in Her Time and Ours
- 135814 KO KO : Expressionism and montage: literature, theater and film
- 143084 KU [ en ] Reading for Water: From Hydrocolonialism to Mami Wata
- 090096 SE [ de en ] Historical Novel from the 19th to the 21sr century: Variations of a Genre in Greek
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media (30 ECTS)
- 135821 SE MA-SE: On the discourse of resentment - Dostoevskij (Kellerloch) - Beckett (Molloy) - Bernhard (Untergeher)
- 135822 SE MA-SE: Metamorphoses of Kafka
- 135823 KO [ en ] Reading African Nobelists (2) - Wole Soyinka (Nigeria), Nadine Gordimer (South Africa) and Abdulrazak Gurnah (Tanzania)
- 135824 KO KO: Cabin Narratives: Figurations of Retreat, Documentations of Writing
- 240077 KO 1 - Material Concerns. Reading Care Work, Capitalism, and Gender in Literary Fiction
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module (30 ECTS)
- 135842 SE Proposal-Seminar for MA-Thesis
- 128110 VO [ en ] Popular and Media Cultures VO / Cultural Studies - MA M01 - Women in Hollywood from the Silent Era to the 21st Century (Ringvorlesung)
- 123210 VO [ en ] Literatures in English - Children's and young adult literature 19th to 21st century
- 090087 UE [ de en ] Introduction to Textual Criticism: From Manuscript to Print Edition
- 090091 UE Migration in contemporary Greek literature - also as Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090096 SE [ de en ] Historical Novel from the 19th to the 21sr century: Variations of a Genre in Greek
- 143084 KU [ en ] Reading for Water: From Hydrocolonialism to Mami Wata
- 143356 KU [ en ] Afriphone Literatures: From Oral to Written Texts in African Languages
Module 4: Final Module (5 ECTS)
- 135841 MA Master Thesis
Extension Curriculum Comparative Literature: International Transfer (163)
Comparative Literature: International Transfer (15 ECTS)
- 135030 VO Literary Theory (VO): Comparative Media Studies
- 135045 VO Reflexes of World Literature. Canon formation and early classics from Homer to Cervantes
- 135056 VO VO: The Framing of the Uncanny - On social and theoretical history of the Gothic Novel
Extension Curriculum Dutch in a Global Context (637)
Module I Grundkenntnisse (5 ECTS)
Module Ia Basics - Language Acquisition II (5 ECTS)
- 134031 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
Module Ib Basics - Global Context (5 ECTS)
Module II Circulation of Literature (5 ECTS)
- 134006 VO [ en ] Imagining the Nation. Images of Dutchness Reflected in Literature
- 134132 PS [ de en ] Narrating Trauma. Dutch Children’s and Youth Literature about the Holocaust in International Context
Module III Social History of Dutch Literature (5 ECTS)
- 134006 VO [ en ] Imagining the Nation. Images of Dutchness Reflected in Literature
- 134132 PS [ de en ] Narrating Trauma. Dutch Children’s and Youth Literature about the Holocaust in International Context
Extension Curriculum Dutch Language and Culture (638)
Module I Culture, Literature and History (5 ECTS)
- 134006 VO [ en ] Imagining the Nation. Images of Dutchness Reflected in Literature
Module II Language Acquisition I (10 ECTS)
- 134013 UE [ de nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
Digital Humanities
Master Digital Humanities (647)
GCM Digital Humanities Skills (25 ECTS)
DH-S I Digital Humanities Skills I (10 ECTS)
- 070085 UE [ en ] Course on Methodology - Data Structures and Data Management in the Humanities
- 136010 UE [ de en ] Introduction to DH Tools and Methods
DH-S II Digital Humanities Skills II (15 ECTS)
- 136016 UE [ de en ] Eye Tracking - Quantifying human gaze
- 136031 UE [ en ] GenAI for Humanists
- 136060 UE Digital Edition
- 136070 UE Networks in Literature Studies
- 136080 UE Project management in Digital Humanities
- 136208 UE Transkribus in Digital Humanities
- 136308 UE (A)I Want It Data Way: Cracking the (Python) Code of Time Series Analysis with LLMs
CM Theory and Practice of the Digital Humanities (10 ECTS)
DH-TP Theory and Practice of the Digital Humanities (10 ECTS)
- 070049 UE [ en ] Reading Course Digital Humanities - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070222 VO [ en ] Introduction to Digital Humanities
GCM Digital Humanities in Data Science (28 ECTS)
DDS-ELI Doing Data Science, Ethical and Legal Issues (12 ECTS)
- 040172 VU [ en ] Doing Data Science (MA)
DHP-S Digital Humanities Project and Seminar (16 ECTS)
- 040182 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Research Seminar (MA)
- 053631 LP [ en ] Data Analysis Project
- 136033 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Digital Humanities
CM Specialisation in Clusters of Digital Humanities (24 ECTS)
S-DH Specialisation in Clusters of Digital Humanities (24 ECTS)
Cluster I: Language and Literature
- 070266 UE Course on Methodology - Letters and Correspondences in the Digital Humanities
- 100170 KO History of German Language: - Quantitative Modellierung lexikalischen Wandels
- 136031 UE [ en ] GenAI for Humanists
- 136040 SE Intertextuality and text re-use
- 136041 SE [ en ] Open Source Language Models
- 136060 UE Digital Edition
- 136070 UE Networks in Literature Studies
- 136208 UE Transkribus in Digital Humanities
- 136308 UE (A)I Want It Data Way: Cracking the (Python) Code of Time Series Analysis with LLMs
- 200144 SE [ en ] Seminar in Applied Psychology: Mind and Brain - Introduction to Scientific Computing in Social Sciences
- 480113 KO [ en ] Colloquium on Linguistics - How to make a corpus for language and humanities studies
Cluster II: History and Material Culture
- 060065 SE Landscape Archaeological Prospection - Theory and practice
- 060074 UE [ en ] Image-based modelling for archaeology
- 060101 VO [ de en ] Magnetic archaeological prospection
- 060102 UE [ de en ] Practical archaeological prospection with ground-penetrating radar
- 060104 UE [ de en ] Historical maps 2 - Interpretation and dissemination for deserted village research - Interpretation und Dissemination für die Wüstungsforschung
- 060118 VO Introduction to portable energy dispersive X-ray-fluorescence and isotope ratios - Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele
- 070113 UE [ en ] Workshop on Methodology - Introduction to Computational Palaeography
- 070172 UE [ en ] Workshop on Methodology - Digital Storytelling through Podcasting
- 070196 SE Seminar - Playing in/with History
- 070266 UE Course on Methodology - Letters and Correspondences in the Digital Humanities
- 070312 UE Course on Methodology - Spatial Histories: A GIS Approach to Understanding the Past
- 136208 UE Transkribus in Digital Humanities
Cluster III: Theatre, Film and Media
- 053038 VU [ en ] Academic Research and Writing - Digital Humanism
- 070196 SE Seminar - Playing in/with History
- 080047 SE Networks of the Avantgardes - Art History with Digital Visualizations
- 136016 UE [ de en ] Eye Tracking - Quantifying human gaze
- 136031 UE [ en ] GenAI for Humanists
- 136070 UE Networks in Literature Studies
- 136208 UE Transkribus in Digital Humanities
- 136308 UE (A)I Want It Data Way: Cracking the (Python) Code of Time Series Analysis with LLMs
Cluster IV: Arts and Architecture
- 060065 SE Landscape Archaeological Prospection - Theory and practice
- 060074 UE [ en ] Image-based modelling for archaeology
- 060101 VO [ de en ] Magnetic archaeological prospection
- 060102 UE [ de en ] Practical archaeological prospection with ground-penetrating radar
- 060104 UE [ de en ] Historical maps 2 - Interpretation and dissemination for deserted village research - Interpretation und Dissemination für die Wüstungsforschung
- 060118 VO Introduction to portable energy dispersive X-ray-fluorescence and isotope ratios - Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele
- 080047 SE Networks of the Avantgardes - Art History with Digital Visualizations
- 136016 UE [ de en ] Eye Tracking - Quantifying human gaze
- 136031 UE [ en ] GenAI for Humanists
- 136070 UE Networks in Literature Studies
- 136208 UE Transkribus in Digital Humanities
- 136308 UE (A)I Want It Data Way: Cracking the (Python) Code of Time Series Analysis with LLMs
Cluster V: Music
- 136208 UE Transkribus in Digital Humanities
- 160010 UE Quantitative Methods in Research on Music
- 160011 SE Digital Music Services
- 160012 UE Computational Musicology Lab 1 - Introduction to Digital Music Signal Processing in Python
CM Master's Thesis Seminar (4 ECTS)
M-SE Master’s Thesis Seminar (4 ECTS)
- 136177 SE [ de en ] Master's Thesis Seminar
Extension Curriculum Digital Humanities: The Humanities in the Digital Era (634) (634)
Compulsory Module DH 1 Foundations of Digital Humanities (5 ECTS)
- 136100 VO Introduction to Digital Humanities
Compulsory Module DH 2 Digital Practices in Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
- 059100 VO [ de en ] Machines That Understand? Large Language Models and Artificial Intelligence
- 070095 PS [ en ] BA-Proseminar - Game-based Storytelling - Reacting to a Jewish Past
- 070118 PS BA-Proseminar - Spatial History and GIS (Geographical Information Systems)
- 100118 PS Proseminar: Linguistics - Digitale Linguistik: Einführung in die Datenanalyse
- 124263 KO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Critical Media Analysis - Critical Media Literacy in the Age of AI
- 127013 KO [ en ] Critical Readings in Literature - Literature in the Age of AI: Critical Perspectives
- 136050 KU DH Basics - Methods of Text Analysis
- 136101 VO [ de en ] Computational Linguistics
- 160024 PS Perspectives on Predictive Processing of Popular Music
- 160075 VO ( MIXED ) TikTok's Music Cultures: Practices, Sounds, and Concepts
- 160076 UE Digitisation, Analysis and Visualisation of Audio Data
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43