SPL 9 - Classical Studies
9.01. Ancient History
1. Proseminar Ancient History
2. Overview Lectures
- 090012 VO Ancient History and Culture
3. Ancient History
- 090001 VO Egypt as Province of the Roman Empire, I: History
- 090020 VO Lecture: "Political jokes and criticism of democracy in Attic Comedies II"
- 090032 VO History of Rome VII: The later Julio-Claudian Emperors
- 090094 VO The Roman State and the Early Christians
- 090121 VO A History of Late Antiquity III: The Transformation of the Roman Empire
- 090149 VO Introduction to the history of the Christian Orient pt. I: Syria, Egypt
- 090153 VO The Roman emperor
- 090203 VO Romans and Celts in the Danube-Valley and Alpine Regions I
4. Antiquarian Studies
- 090020 VO Lecture: "Political jokes and criticism of democracy in Attic Comedies II"
- 090022 KO Discussion on lecture: "Political jokes and criticism of democracy in Attic Comedies II"
- 090028 VO+UE Homonymous ancient and modern types of constitutions (e.g. democracy, oligarchy, monarchy) compared
- 090033 VO+UE Reading and Interpreting of Selected Etruscan Inscriptions III: - Dedication- and Consecration Inscriptions
- 090037 UE Famous Trials in the Ancient World
- 090038 VO+UE Byzantium and the Caucasus region - The late Roman/early Byzantine empire and the peoples of the Caucasus region (4th to 7th centuries)
- 090106 VO Religion in Ancient Greece
- 090165 VO+UE Quantitative Methods in Ancient History (incl. eLearning)
- 090183 VO Sexuality and Eroticism in the Roman Empire
- 090203 VO Romans and Celts in the Danube-Valley and Alpine Regions I
- 160083 SE Linguistic treatment of Old Armenian
5. Reading and Historical Interpretation
6. Elective Courses
6.1. Elective Course Latin Epigraphy
6.2. Elective Course Greek Epigraphy
- 090184 UE Reading Greek Historical Inscriptions
- 090271 UE Introduction to Greek Epigraphy
6.3. Elective Course Papyrology
- 090018 SE Egypt in the 4th Century A.D.
6.4. Elective Course Antique Numismatics
- 060062 VO Introduction to Numismatics - Einführung in die Numismatik: Grundbegriffe und Methoden
- 060105 KO Discussion Course following the Introductory Lecture
- 060106 VO Description and Specification I. Ancient World
- 060114 VO The Mystery of Herakles - über zweieinhalb Jahrtausende auf Münzen geprägt
7. Seminars and Privatissima
- 090018 SE Egypt in the 4th Century A.D.
- 090142 SE Seminar for Diss. and Diplom.
- 090159 SE Rome's great Adversaries from Pyrrhus to Attila
8. Excursions
9. Work Groups - Projects
9.02. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
1. Byzantine
- 090091 VO Byzantine history III - : The "Latins" in the Levant
- 090082 SE Byzantine Seminar: The Chronicle of Morea
- 090084 SE Privatissimum - für Diplomanden und Doktoranden
- 090042 UE Imperial documents in the Mone Prodromou near Serrhai - Imperial documents in the Mone Prodromou near Serrhai (Chartoularia A and B)
- 090088 UE The hieron kodikion of the Patriarchate of Cpl - The hieron kodikion of the Patriarchate of Constantinople: Documents from the time of patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos
- 090087 UE Greek palaeographical exercises: 16th cent. - Palaeographical exercises: Greek amanuenses of the 16th century
- 090038 VO+UE Byzantium and the Caucasus region - The late Roman/early Byzantine empire and the peoples of the Caucasus region (4th to 7th centuries)
- 090083 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies - Einführung in die Byzantinistik: Zentrale Themen und allgemeine Quellenkunde
- 090267 VO+UE Shipping in Byzantium IV
- 090154 VO+UE Greek Palaeography II - Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090073 VO+UE Armenian sources for Byzantine history
- 090206 PS PS: Michael Psellos, Chronography
- 090055 VO The art of painting in Early Christian culture
- 090059 PS How to describe, analyse and interpret works of Early Christian fine arts
- 090074 UE Introductory Reading Course: Plato, Republic I - Introductory Reading Course: Plato, Republic I
- 080004 SE Seminar: Female Founders
- 090180 UE [ de en ] The Body in Byzantine Art (byz.K.)
- 090149 VO Introduction to the history of the Christian Orient pt. I: Syria, Egypt
- 090207 VO [ en ] Gender in Byzantium: women, men and eunuchs?
- 090208 PS [ en ] PS: Byzantine women and power
- 090209 SE [ en ] Seminar: Female Founders
2. Modern Greek Studies
- 090188 VO+UE National Greek Cinema - Was ist national am griechischen Kino des 20. Jh.s?
- 090155 SE Privatissimum
- 090181 VO+UE Mythos in modern times - Reworking the Odyssee in modern Greek literature
- 090182 PS Emigration in modern Greek literature
- 090288 VO+UE The Macedonian Question 19. - 20. cent.
- 090290 UE Modern Greek Geography until 1821
- 090089 UE Modern Greek I
- 090126 UE Modern Greek Language III
- 090072 UE How to read, understand and compose modern Greek texts - Neugriechische Texte lesen, verstehen und verfassen
- 090086 UE Modern Greek Vernacular I
9.03. Classical Archaeology
1. Lectures
- 090116 VO The Early Bronze Age in Greece and the Aegean
- 090123 VO Ionic Architecture
- 090046 VO Mycenean Greece
- 090049 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090052 VO Greek amphorae and their meaning for Ancient Economic History
- 090035 VO Urbanism in hellenistic-roman Ephesus
- 090192 VO Ancient Glass
- 090102 VO The second sex: Girls and women in ancient Greece
- 090055 VO The art of painting in Early Christian culture
- 090078 VO Temple and Church. The re-use of ancient buildings in Byzantine times
- 090187 VO Basic forms and vocabulary of ancient architecture and its decoration
2. Proseminars
- 090080 PS Palatial Architecture in Minoan Crete
- 090128 PS PS for Archaeology of the Roman Provinces: Settlements in the North-Western Provinces
- 090127 PS Greek portrait statues
- 090059 PS How to describe, analyse and interpret works of Early Christian fine arts
- 090312 PS Hellenistic Pergamon
- 090313 PS Roman public monuments
- 090054 PS Types of roman architecture
3. Tutorials
- 090129 UE Drawings and Paintings on Papyrus, Parchment and Paper
- 090110 UE Processing of archaeological finds. Greek Pottery in the Archaeological Collection
- 090179 UE Fashion in Antiquity: Greece, Rome and other Indigenious Cultures
- 090199 UE CAD for Archaeologists
4. Seminars
- 090176 SE Early Aegean Relief Art
- 090197 SE Pottery in the Provinces on Rhine and Danube
- 090050 SE Topography and Archaeology of panhellenic Sanctuaries
- 090104 SE Portraits of Roman Imperial times in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
- 090174 PV Colloquium of the institute for all the students writing theses - Institutskolloquium für Examenskandidaten (gemeinsam mit V. Gassner, A. Schmidt-Colinet und F. Krinzinger)
- 090034 SE Interaction of two persons depicted in Early Christian fine arts
- 090198 PV Preparatory course for graduate, doctoral and other interested students - für Diplomanden, Dissertanten und sonstige Interessierte
- 090058 SE Roman wall painting - ev. auch zur Vorbereitung einer Exkursion nach Pompeji/Herculaneum
- 090134 SE Architecture in Antiquity - Models of Presentation: Samples with architectural blocks to Anastylosis
5. Excursions and Practical Training
6. Hints on Complementary Courses from Other Departments
9.04. Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090039 KO Conv.: Myths of Creation, Pagan a. Christian - Conversatorium: Myths of Creation, Pagan and Christian
- 090056 VO Lecture: Roman Literature, Part I - Lecture: Roman Literature, Part I
- 090062 KO Accopmpanying Reading Course - Accopmpanying Reading Course to Lecture: Roman Literature, Part I
- 090063 VO Lecture: Greek Literature, Part I - Lecture: Greek Literature, Part I
- 090065 VO Reading Latin Authors in School: Teaching Goals II - Reading Latin Authors in School: Teaching Goals II
- 090066 UE Let`s Talk Latin! - Let`s Talk Latin!
- 090068 VO Lecture: History of Classical Philology - Lecture: History of Classical Philology
- 090097 UE Starting Greek in School: Teaching Methods - Starting Greek in School: Teaching Methods
- 090131 VO Lecture: Herodotus - Lecture: Herodotus
- 090171 UE Studying Latin Verses: Analysis and Practice - Studying Latin Verses: Analysis and Practice
- 090172 UE Reading Course: Catullus - Reading Course: Catullus
- 090173 VO Linguistics and Philosophy of Language in Classical Antiquity - Sprachphilosophie und Sprachwissenschaft in der Antike
- 090202 UE Teaching of Reading Comprehension - Teaching of Reading Comprehension and Translation (Latin)
- 090205 VO Lecture: History of the Ancient World - Lecture: History of the Ancient World ( esp. for students of Classical Philology)
- 090283 UE Latin Reading Course - Latin Reading Course
- 090293 UE Greek Music and Dance - Greek Music and Dance
- 090294 VO Lecture: Euripides - Lecture: Euripides
- 090300 VO Lecture: From Tacitus to Tacitism - Lecture: From Tacitus to Tacitism
- 090301 VO Reading Latin Authors in School: Teaching Goals I - Reading Latin Authors in School: Teaching Goals I
1. Middle and Neo- Latin Courses
- 090061 UE Neolatin Literatur by, for and on women - Neolatin Literatur by, for and on women
- 090132 VO Lecture: Innovation and Restoration: Latin Literature in the 4th c. A.D. - Lecture: Innovation and Restoration: Latin Literature in the 4th c. A.D.
- 090168 KO Conversatorium: The Eupolemius - Conversatorium: The Eupolemius
- 090291 VO Introduction to Philological Studies of Latin Literature of the Middle Ages - Introduction to Philological Studies of Latin Literature of the Middle Ages (Language, Metrics, Literature)
- 090292 VO Lecture: Latin Poetry of the Middle Ages - Lecture: Latin Poetry of the Middle Ages (Carmina Burana or the like, with Music)
2. Proseminars
- 090041 UE Greek Gramar III - Greek Gramar III
- 090043 UE Latin grammar I - Latin grammar I
- 090069 PS Latin Proseminar - Latin Proseminar
- 090070 UE Latin grammar II - Latin grammar II
- 090074 UE Introductory Reading Course: Plato, Republic I - Introductory Reading Course: Plato, Republic I
- 090075 UE Greek Grammar I - Greek Grammar I
- 090076 UE Introductory Reading Course: Cicero, Speeches in front of Caesar - Introductory Reading Course: Cicero, Speeches in front of Caesar
- 090138 PS Greek Proseminar: Lucianus, Asinus - Greek Proseminar: Lucianus, Asinus
- 090286 UE Latin grammar III - Latin grammar III
3. Seminars
- 090003 SE Latin Seminar: Bucolic Poetry from Vergil to Dante - Latin Seminar: Bucolic Poetry from Vergil to Dante
- 090285 SE Greek Seminar: Sophocles, Electra - Greek Seminar: Sophocles, Electra
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34