SPL 9 - Archaeological Sciences
9.01. Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde
1. Proseminar für Alte Geschichte
2. Überblicksvorlesungen
- 090336 VO Introduction to Ancient History
3. Alte Geschichte
- 090032 VO History of Rome VIII: From the Julio-Claudian Emperors to the Nerva-Antonine Dynasty
- 090107 VO Sparta vs. Athens. - The story of a political antagonism from the Persian Wars to the Peloponnesian War.
- 090121 VO A History of Late Antiquity IV: - The Eastern Empire (ca. 530-650 A.D.)
- 090123 VO Panem et Circenses. Food Supply and Entertainment as Public Tasks in Antiquity
- 090149 VO Introduction to the history of the Christian Orient pt. II: - Lebanon, Armenia, Mesopotamia and the East
- 140316 VO Kush and the ancient world
4. Altertumskunde
- 070784 VO Agrarian Ratios - (combined with Seminar Nr. 070785)
- 090015 VO Essential Features of Roman State-law.
- 090020 VO How did Greek states and cities come into existence ?
- 090022 KO How did Greek states and cities come into existence? - Discussion on reading
- 090094 VO Aquileia - History and Epigraphy
- 090123 VO Panem et Circenses. Food Supply and Entertainment as Public Tasks in Antiquity
- 090153 VO Spectacula: Public entertainment in the Roman Empire
- 090217 VO+UE Reading and Interpreting of Selected Etruscan Inscriptions IV: - Dedication- and Consecration Inscriptions II
- 090228 VO On Political and Cultural History of the Etruscans.
- 090314 VO Romans and Celts in the Danube-Valley and Alpine Regions II
5. Lektüre und historische Interpretation
- 090006 UE Readings and Historical Interpretation of Ancient Original Texts: - Textual sources concerning magic and prophecy at the Greeks and Romans.
- 090317 UE Rome and Italy. - An introduction into the sources for the beginnings of roman expansion down to the eve of the First Punic War.
6. Wahlfächer
6.1. Wahlfach Lateinische Epigraphik
- 090094 VO Aquileia - History and Epigraphy
6.2. Wahlfach Griechische Epigraphik
6.3. Wahlfach Papyrologie
- 090271 UE Reading Papyri from Roman Egypt
6.4. Wahlfach Antike Numismatik
- 060119 PS Ancient numismatics:"He became emperor" - Ancient numismatics: "He became emperor"
- 060123 VO Roman money in the 2nd century
- 060130 VO Numismatics of the Celts
7. Seminare und Privatissima
- 070785 SE Agrarian Ratios - (combined with Lecture Course Nr. 070784)
- 090018 PR Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 090021 SE Trial and condemnation of Socrates
- 090031 SE Greek Heroes and Saints.
- 090109 SE Seminar in Roman History: From Republic to Principate - Women and politics - in the age of the "Roman Revolution"
- 090142 SE Seminar for Diss. and Diplom.
8. Exkursionen
- 090011 EX Field excursion Late Antique Rome
- 090144 SE Preparation to the field excursion Late Antique Rome
9. Arbeitsgemeinschaften - Projektarbeiten
9.02. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Greek Studies
1. Byzantine
- 090138 VO Byzantium in confrontation with western and turkish expansionism - History III: 11th to 15th century
- 090084 SE Privatissimum - (for Diploma Students and Dissertants)
- 090042 SE Byzantine private documents
- 090087 UE The Typikon of the Ioannes Prodromos-monastery near Serrhai
- 090088 UE The hieron kodikion of the Patriarchate of Cpl - The hieron kodikion of the Patriarchate of Constantinople: Documents from the time of patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos
- 090037 VO Byzantium and the Normans
- 090318 VO+UE The byzantine romance of the Comnenian period
- 090319 PS Kritoboulos of Imbros, "Historia"
- 090034 VO Christological controversies in the Byzantine Empire from the 3d to the 6th century
- 090266 VO+UE Constructing Holiness. Forms and Functions of Byzantine Hagiography.
- 090065 UE Questions on Greek Palaeography
- 090264 VO+UE Systematic introduction in byzantine sigillography
- 090320 UE Text and Image. Descriptions of art and architecture in byzantine sources
- 090333 VO [ en ] Sex and the city
- 090334 PS [ en ] Woman and sanctity in Byzantium
- 090335 SE [ en ] Female Founders
- 080001 VO+KO Muses: Cultural Continuity? - Inspiration in Images and Words
- 080004 SE Seminar: Female Founders II
- 090054 EX Excursion: Ionia - Excursion: Ionia
- 090156 SE [ gr ] Greek seminar: Herodotus, Bacchylides
- 090231 UE Reading course: Homer, Odyssey X
- 090137 PS Proseminar: Literary Interpretation of Greek texts
- 090149 VO Introduction to the history of the Christian Orient pt. II: - Lebanon, Armenia, Mesopotamia and the East
- 090189 PS Early Christian Symbols
- 090187 UE The Image of the Foreignor in Early Christian Art
- 090099 SE Fathers and Mothers in Early Christian Art
- 080221 PS [ de en ] Proseminar 2: Byzantine Ecclesiastic Architecture - in the Context of its Liturgical Furnishings and Decoration
- 080145 SE Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
- 060167 VO Histoyof Byzntine coinage I. from Anastasius to 610
- 060172 UE Exercises in Byzantine coinage:
- 160122 SV The musicologist, composer and Byzantine scholar Egon Wellesz - His life and work (1885 - 1974)
2. Modern Greek Studies
- 090046 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Greek Studies - Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
- 090155 SE Southeastern Europe in Modern Greek Historiography (18th - 20th c.)
- 090290 UE Modern Greek revolutionary texts until 1821
- 090063 UE The modern greek romance in the 19th century
- 090322 PS Giorgos Seferis - intertextual, intermedial
- 090323 VO+UE Modern Greece and its theatre (Comedy in the 19th and 20th centuries)
- 090004 UE Modern Greek II - Modern Greek II
- 090260 UE Modern Greek IV - Modern Greek IV
- 090321 UE Modern Greek Vernacular II
- 090293 UE Altgriechische und neugriechische Musik
9.03. Klassische Archäologie
1. Vorlesungen
- 090273 VO Cult and Deities in the Aegean
- 090209 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Aetolia and Acarnania
- 090325 VO Topography of Ancient Rome
- 090171 VO Monuments in Lycia. A World of Images between East and West
- 090102 VO Classical Sculpture
- 090079 VO The Roman Frontier and its Hinterland
- 090184 VO History of Archaelogical Research in Crete
- 090328 VO Athens in the 2nd Century A.D.
- 090332 VO Honors bestowed upon Rome by the Greek cities in Asia Minor
2. Proseminare
- 090247 PS Archaeological Sites in Minoan Crete
- 090305 PS Monsters in Ancient Greek Art
- 090191 PS Pompeii and the Gulf of Naples
- 090324 PS Architectural Sculpture in the Cast Collection
- 090189 PS Early Christian Symbols
- 090312 PS World in Clay: Greek Terracottas
- 090313 PS Roman Fora
- 090329 PS Roman Society Mirrored by Roman Portraiture
3. Übungen
- 090179 UE Landscape Archaeology - Survey, Geophysics and GIS - Analyses
- 090326 UE Archaeological Fieldwork in Theory and in Practice
- 090103 UE How to Deal with References - Critical Approaches
- 090187 UE The Image of the Foreignor in Early Christian Art
- 090238 UE Drawing Documentation of Architectural Blocks - in the Ephesos Museum
4. Seminare
- 090289 SE Mycenaean Sanctuaries
- 090331 PV Privatissimum - Institutskolloquium für Examenskandidaten (gemeinsam mit M. Meyer, F. Krinzinger)
- 090241 SE Rome in Republican Times
- 090104 SE Gems and Cameos of Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Times in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
- 090099 SE Fathers and Mothers in Early Christian Art
- 090098 PV Exclusive Tutorial for Diplomate Candidates, Dissertation Candidates - and Interested Individuals
- 090330 SE Roman Copies: Workshops and Mentality
5. Exkursionen und Praktika
- 090120 EX Excursion Campania
- 090175 LG Praxis of Excavation - Spätantikes Gräberfeld aus der Ostgotenzeit 493-536
- 090201 LG Field Archaeology. The Roman Civilian Town of Carnuntum
- 090327 LG Excavation within the Roman Legionary Fortress of Vindobona - Wien, Am Hof
6. Hinweise auf ergänzende Lehrveranstaltungen an anderen Instituten
Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090052 UE Latin Reading course - Latin Reading course
- 090054 EX Excursion: Ionia - Excursion: Ionia
- 090056 VO Lecture: Ovid, Amatoria - Lecture: Ovid, Amatoria
- 090057 UE Latin style - Latin style
- 090066 UE Reading course: Latin Historiography and Epistolography of the Middle Ages
- 090071 KO Aristotle, Ethica Nicomachica, X
- 090076 KO Conversatorium
- 090131 VO Greek Literature, II
- 090134 VO Roman literature, II
- 090211 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
- 090231 UE Reading course: Homer, Odyssey X
- 090272 UE Paleography of the oldest Greek books
- 090282 UE Introduction to Greek metre
- 090283 VO Lecture: Caesar
- 090284 VO Masterpieces of Classical Art
- 090285 VO Lecture: Greek and Roman literature in dialogue
- 090287 UE Reading course: Horace, Epodes
- 090293 UE Altgriechische und neugriechische Musik
- 090296 VO+UE Introduction to Latin I
- 090297 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
- 090298 VO+UE Introduction to Ancient Greek II - Introduction to Ancient Greek II
- 090299 UE Teaching of Reading comprehension
- 090300 VO Lecture: Roman historiography from the beginnings to Sallustius
- 160223 VO Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics
Middle and Neo- Latin Courses
- 090061 UE Places and media in Latin literature of the early modern times in Vienna - including excursions
- 090132 KO Early Latin biographies of Saints from the Irish tradition
- 090291 UE Ovid in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 090292 KO [ la ] latine loquamur
- 090308 UE Travel literature of the early Modern times in Latin language
2. Proseminars
- 090043 UE Latin grammar I - Latin grammar I
- 090049 UE Greek grammar II - Greek grammar II
- 090051 PS Proseminar: Introduction to philological methods - Proseminar: Introduction to philological methods
- 090070 UE Latin grammar II
- 090137 PS Proseminar: Literary Interpretation of Greek texts
- 090156 SE [ gr ] Greek seminar: Herodotus, Bacchylides
- 090234 UE Greek style
- 090286 UE Latin grammar III
3. Seminars
- 090050 SE Latin Seminar: Roman Elegy
- 090301 VO Seminar: Teaching Latin
- 090315 SE LAtin seminar: Carmina Priapea
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34