24.01. Social and Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor Degree Programme in Social and Cultural Anthroplogy
1. Introductory Phase
1.1 Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences
- 230011 VO Basics of Social Theory
- 220061 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Basics of Methodology and Social Sciences
- 220060 VO SOWI-STEP 1 - Social Sciences and Social Change
1.2 Introduction to Social Scientific Work
2. Basics
2.1. Core Issues
- 240119 VO Introduction to Kinship Studies
- 240120 VO Introduction into the Gender Anthropology
- 240121 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
2.2 Central Fields of Research
- 240122 VO Economic Anthropology (Introduction)
- 240123 VO Anthropology of Myth. An Introduction.
- 240124 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness
2.3 History of Theory in Anthropology
- 240126 VO Introduction to the intelelctual History of socio-cultural Anthropology
- 240127 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240128 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240129 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240131 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240132 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
3. Advanced Phase
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240133 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240134 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240135 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240136 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240137 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240138 PS [ en ] Qualitative Research Methods
- 240139 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240140 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240142 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240143 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240144 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research
- 240241 VO Interkulturelle Kompetenz in internationalen Unternehmen und Organisationen: Konzepte und Modelle im - Konzepte und Modelle im Vergleich
3.2.1 Organisational and Business Anthropology
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum
- 240149 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical Approaches, Globalization and Gender Aspects
- 240150 VS Labour and forced Migration in the Mashreq Area - (IIMA)
- 240151 VS Africans in Austria: migration, expectations and reality - (IIMA)
- 240223 VO Anthropology of Migration - Theoretical Concepts in a multilevel Field of Research
- 240230 VS [ en ] Economics of Migration
- 240233 VS Female Migration and Domestic Work: Doing Gender, Doing Ethnicity
- 240244 VO Migration and family networks: Gender, generation and integration
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation
- 240152 VS "The Project" - NGO Intervention and Interaction - (ENTOUR, INGORAPS)
- 240154 VS Basic Instruments for International Development Cooperation
- 240231 VS Migration and Development (ENTOUR) - ENTOUR
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work
- 240155 VO Introduction into media and pedagogical instruction (MAPOB)
- 240156 VS Antirassists Education
- 240157 VS Seminar to the ethnological work at museums
- 240158 VO Basics of Museum Anthropology - MAPOB
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality
3.2.6 Intercultural Communication
- 240159 VS Intercultural Communication - Beyond Does and Don'ts
- 240160 VS Intercultural Learning - Kooperationsbereiche zwischen Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie und Bildungseinrichtungen
- 240161 VS Intercultural Trainings: Theory and Practice
- 240162 VS Austrian Companies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Anthropological Perspectives on international Management and intercultural Communication
- 240163 VS Anthropological Studies of Conflict and Comparative Conflict Analysis
- 240242 VO Zusammen.Tun - Interkulturelles Verstehen in Projekten
3.2.7 Visual Anthropology
- 240222 VO [ en ] The Visual in Visual Anthropology - MAPOB
- 240224 VS I spy, I spy... - Visual representation: theoretical background and practical exercises
- 240237 VO Making Documentary Films - From Script to Practice
3.2.8 NGOs, Project Law and International Legal Development
- 240152 VS "The Project" - NGO Intervention and Interaction - (ENTOUR, INGORAPS)
- 240243 VS Indigenous Peoples (INGORAPS)
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology
3.3.1 Globalisation - Postcolonialism - Transnationalism
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict
- 240165 VS The State, Violence and Law - Dynamics of transformation and everyday practices within "Cultures of Terror" and their aftermaths
- 240166 VO Human Rights as a Topic of Social Anthropology
- 240168 VS The guardians of Mother Earth - traditional knowledge and the management of protected areas
- 240196 VO [ en ] Peace, Conflict and the Notion of Justice
- 240246 VS Anthropology of violence
3.3.3 Urban Anthropology
3.3.4 Political Anthropology
3.3.5 Economy - Tourism
- 240169 VS Gender and Tourism - Junctions and Disjunctions
- 240170 VS Tourism and Gender - Femaleness and Maleness in Tourism(industry), Travelling and Othering
3.3.6 Religion - World View - Ritual
3.3.7 Art - Visual Culture - Material Culture
- 240172 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Art
- 240173 VO Material Culture Studies: An Introduction
- 240174 VS Narrating Heritage
- 240239 VO Der wilde Körper. Konzepte und Rituale zur Body-Art
3.3.8 Media, New Media, Film
3.4 Regional Specialisations
- 240145 VO Introduction into the Anthropology of Southeast Asia and Indonesia
- 240146 VO Introduction to the Caribbean Studies
- 240147 VO Anthropology of China - Introduction and Reflexion on China's Past and Present
- 240148 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
4. In-Depth Study Phase
4.1 Theoretical Discourses
- 240176 SE Theoretical Discourses
- 240177 SE Theoretical Discourses
4.2 Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
- 240178 SE Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
- 240179 SE Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
Master Degree Programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology
P1 Methods
- 240180 SE Study motivations, conditions and goals - autoethnography and comparison
- 240181 SE Seminar Methods: Nonverbal Communication
- 240182 SE Ethnography of Material Culture - Methods in the Context of economic Anthropology
- 240183 SE Designing a model of mentoring - among students of social and cultural anthropology
- 240184 SE Methodology Seminar: Media Ethnographies
- 240186 PR [ en ] Ethnographer, Informant and Fieldwork - How to conduct a Fieldwork in an urban Context
- 240187 PR Researching the World of Water - Culture, Art & Spirituality
- 240188 PR Study motivations, conditions and goals - autoethnography and comparison
- 240197 PR Orthodox Easter Rites in the Medieval Monemvasia/Southern Peloponnes
- 240234 SE Von der KSA Forschungsarbeit zur wissenschaftlichen Publikation
- 240238 SE Methods of Analysis in Qualitative Research
- 240240 PR The Interview (Global Goods - Local Markets)
P2 Theories
- 240190 VO Thinking about Theories of Practice - Social and Cultural Anthropological Methods within the History of Science
- 240200 VO [ en ] Neonationalism
P3 Regional Fields of Research
- 240191 VO The cortesian Mexico - The Conquest and the ensuing Cultural Change
- 240192 VO "Without Corn the Soul will Die" - Corn at the Center of Economy, Religion and Identity
- 240193 VO Women's Entrepreneurship - Regarding the social Relevance of economic Agency in Middle and South America
- 240195 VS Sustainable Cities - Environment and Urbaneness in the Westafrican Countries
- 240198 SE Indian Cinema in Times of Globalisation
- 240245 SE Everyday Life and Counter Reality
- 240247 VO Ausgewählte Kapitel zur Sozialanthropologie Tibets
P4 Thematic Fields of Research
- 240193 VO Women's Entrepreneurship - Regarding the social Relevance of economic Agency in Middle and South America
- 240198 SE Indian Cinema in Times of Globalisation
- 240199 VO The Social Construction of Intimacy - Die soziale Konstruktion von Intimität
- 240200 VO [ en ] Neonationalism
- 240201 VO [ en ] Cultures of Cinema - Film and Culture
- 240202 SE Media anthropology and its interdisciplinary context
- 240203 VS Current Concepts and Approaches in Medical Anthropology
- 240205 VS Cultural Awareness and Anthropological Conflict Studies
- 240206 VS Global Goods and Organized Crime - Socio-cultural Forms of Trade and "Trafficking"
- 240207 SE Migrating masculinities - Krisen und Kontrollen von Männlichkeiten in einer "globalisierten" Welt
- 240208 VS The Self and the Other in Female Travelogues - Fremdrepräsentation und Selbstpositionierung in Reisetexten von Frauen
- 240209 VO+SE Power of Spaces - Spaces of Power - About the Relations Between Space, Power and Gender
- 240210 SE Global Art and contemporary Art of Africa
- 240211 SE [ en ] "Consuming Cities" - Anthropological approaches to food and consumption in urban settings
- 240212 SE German Speaking Anthropologists and their research in Oceania
- 240213 SE Orientalism and Balkanism: The "Other" Outside and Within
- 240248 SE Pioneers of Cultural Analysis - An Introduction to paradigms and contexts
- 240249 SE [ en ] Exploring Linguistic Anthropology
- 240250 SE [ en ] Introduction to Media Anthropology
- 240252 SE [ en ] Scales of Justice in Post-Conflict Societies - Legal Anthropology, Transitional Justice and Scalar Theory
- 240253 SE [ en ] Political Interests and Othering in the Balkans
P5 Research Design and Practical Skills
- 240214 UE Journalism and Public Relations for Social and Cultural Anthropologists - Journalismus und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Kultur- und SozialanthropologInnen
- 240215 UE [ de en ] Making Documentary Videos - an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
P6 Anthro Lab
- 240216 AL Anthro Lab
- 240217 AL Anthro Lab
- 240218 AL Anthro Lab
Master Degree Programme CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes
Thematic Modules
Material Culture and Consumption
New Identities
Visual Culture, Popular Culture
History of Theory and Methods in Cultural and Social Anthropology
Scientific Methods
Erasmus Module
- 240251 IP [ en ] Movement 2: World Cultures and Nation States (CREOLE Intensive Programme)
- 240253 SE [ en ] Political Interests and Othering in the Balkans
CREOLE Thesis Module 2
Diploma Degree Programme according to UniStG
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Orientation Period
- 240119 VO Introduction to Kinship Studies
1.2. Theory
- 240120 VO Introduction into the Gender Anthropology
- 240126 VO Introduction to the intelelctual History of socio-cultural Anthropology
1.3. Method
- 240133 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240134 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240135 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240136 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240137 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240138 PS [ en ] Qualitative Research Methods
- 240139 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240140 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240142 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240143 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240144 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
1.4. Thematic Fields of Research
- 240121 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240122 VO Economic Anthropology (Introduction)
- 240123 VO Anthropology of Myth. An Introduction.
- 240124 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness
- 240155 VO Introduction into media and pedagogical instruction (MAPOB)
- 240172 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Art
1.5. Regional Fields of Research
- 240145 VO Introduction into the Anthropology of Southeast Asia and Indonesia
- 240146 VO Introduction to the Caribbean Studies
- 240147 VO Anthropology of China - Introduction and Reflexion on China's Past and Present
- 240148 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Wissmeth
- 240180 SE Study motivations, conditions and goals - autoethnography and comparison
- 240181 SE Seminar Methods: Nonverbal Communication
- 240182 SE Ethnography of Material Culture - Methods in the Context of economic Anthropology
- 240183 SE Designing a model of mentoring - among students of social and cultural anthropology
- 240184 SE Methodology Seminar: Media Ethnographies
- 240186 PR [ en ] Ethnographer, Informant and Fieldwork - How to conduct a Fieldwork in an urban Context
- 240187 PR Researching the World of Water - Culture, Art & Spirituality
- 240188 PR Study motivations, conditions and goals - autoethnography and comparison
- 240197 PR Orthodox Easter Rites in the Medieval Monemvasia/Southern Peloponnes
- 240234 SE Von der KSA Forschungsarbeit zur wissenschaftlichen Publikation
- 240238 SE Methods of Analysis in Qualitative Research
- 240240 PR The Interview (Global Goods - Local Markets)
2.2. Packages
- 240165 VS The State, Violence and Law - Dynamics of transformation and everyday practices within "Cultures of Terror" and their aftermaths
- 240166 VO Human Rights as a Topic of Social Anthropology
- 240168 VS The guardians of Mother Earth - traditional knowledge and the management of protected areas
- 240169 VS Gender and Tourism - Junctions and Disjunctions
- 240170 VS Tourism and Gender - Femaleness and Maleness in Tourism(industry), Travelling and Othering
- 240171 VS Religious communities and inter-ethnic relationships in Western Asia
- 240174 VS Narrating Heritage
- 240190 VO Thinking about Theories of Practice - Social and Cultural Anthropological Methods within the History of Science
- 240191 VO The cortesian Mexico - The Conquest and the ensuing Cultural Change
- 240192 VO "Without Corn the Soul will Die" - Corn at the Center of Economy, Religion and Identity
- 240193 VO Women's Entrepreneurship - Regarding the social Relevance of economic Agency in Middle and South America
- 240195 VS Sustainable Cities - Environment and Urbaneness in the Westafrican Countries
- 240196 VO [ en ] Peace, Conflict and the Notion of Justice
- 240198 SE Indian Cinema in Times of Globalisation
- 240199 VO The Social Construction of Intimacy - Die soziale Konstruktion von Intimität
- 240200 VO [ en ] Neonationalism
- 240201 VO [ en ] Cultures of Cinema - Film and Culture
- 240202 SE Media anthropology and its interdisciplinary context
- 240203 VS Current Concepts and Approaches in Medical Anthropology
- 240205 VS Cultural Awareness and Anthropological Conflict Studies
- 240206 VS Global Goods and Organized Crime - Socio-cultural Forms of Trade and "Trafficking"
- 240207 SE Migrating masculinities - Krisen und Kontrollen von Männlichkeiten in einer "globalisierten" Welt
- 240208 VS The Self and the Other in Female Travelogues - Fremdrepräsentation und Selbstpositionierung in Reisetexten von Frauen
- 240209 VO+SE Power of Spaces - Spaces of Power - About the Relations Between Space, Power and Gender
- 240210 SE Global Art and contemporary Art of Africa
- 240211 SE [ en ] "Consuming Cities" - Anthropological approaches to food and consumption in urban settings
- 240212 SE German Speaking Anthropologists and their research in Oceania
- 240213 SE Orientalism and Balkanism: The "Other" Outside and Within
- 240214 UE Journalism and Public Relations for Social and Cultural Anthropologists - Journalismus und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Kultur- und SozialanthropologInnen
- 240216 AL Anthro Lab
- 240217 AL Anthro Lab
- 240218 AL Anthro Lab
- 240224 VS I spy, I spy... - Visual representation: theoretical background and practical exercises
- 240239 VO Der wilde Körper. Konzepte und Rituale zur Body-Art
- 240245 SE Everyday Life and Counter Reality
- 240246 VS Anthropology of violence
- 240247 VO Ausgewählte Kapitel zur Sozialanthropologie Tibets
- 240248 SE Pioneers of Cultural Analysis - An Introduction to paradigms and contexts
- 240249 SE [ en ] Exploring Linguistic Anthropology
- 240250 SE [ en ] Introduction to Media Anthropology
- 240252 SE [ en ] Scales of Justice in Post-Conflict Societies - Legal Anthropology, Transitional Justice and Scalar Theory
- 240253 SE [ en ] Political Interests and Othering in the Balkans
2.3. Modules
- 240149 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical Approaches, Globalization and Gender Aspects
- 240150 VS Labour and forced Migration in the Mashreq Area - (IIMA)
- 240151 VS Africans in Austria: migration, expectations and reality - (IIMA)
- 240152 VS "The Project" - NGO Intervention and Interaction - (ENTOUR, INGORAPS)
- 240154 VS Basic Instruments for International Development Cooperation
- 240156 VS Antirassists Education
- 240157 VS Seminar to the ethnological work at museums
- 240158 VO Basics of Museum Anthropology - MAPOB
- 240159 VS Intercultural Communication - Beyond Does and Don'ts
- 240222 VO [ en ] The Visual in Visual Anthropology - MAPOB
- 240223 VO Anthropology of Migration - Theoretical Concepts in a multilevel Field of Research
- 240230 VS [ en ] Economics of Migration
- 240231 VS Migration and Development (ENTOUR) - ENTOUR
- 240233 VS Female Migration and Domestic Work: Doing Gender, Doing Ethnicity
- 240237 VO Making Documentary Films - From Script to Practice
- 240242 VO Zusammen.Tun - Interkulturelles Verstehen in Projekten
- 240243 VS Indigenous Peoples (INGORAPS)
- 240244 VO Migration and family networks: Gender, generation and integration
2.4. Excursions Abroad
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Basics of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240119 VO Introduction to Kinship Studies
- 240120 VO Introduction into the Gender Anthropology
- 240121 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240126 VO Introduction to the intelelctual History of socio-cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Basic Approaches of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240122 VO Economic Anthropology (Introduction)
- 240123 VO Anthropology of Myth. An Introduction.
- 240124 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness
- 240145 VO Introduction into the Anthropology of Southeast Asia and Indonesia
- 240146 VO Introduction to the Caribbean Studies
- 240147 VO Anthropology of China - Introduction and Reflexion on China's Past and Present
- 240148 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
Regional Perspectives
Thematic Perspectives
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
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