24.01. Social and Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor Degree Programme in Social and Cultural Anthroplogy
1. Introductory Phase
1.1 Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences
- 240001 VO Basics of social theory
- 240002 VO Basics of methodology in social sciences
- 240003 VO Social sciences and social change: contemporary debates
1.2 Introduction to Social Scientific Work
- 240004 VO Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
- 240005 VO Introduction to social and cultural anthropology
- 240006 VO Introduction to cultural and social anthropology: fields of research and case studies
2. Basics
2.1. Core Issues
2.2 Central Fields of Research
- 240008 VO Anthropology of nature: an introduction
- 240009 VO Introduction to intercultural communication
2.3 History of Theory in Anthropology
- 240010 PS Reading anthropological texts
- 240011 PS Reading anthropological texts
- 240012 PS Reading anthropological texts
- 240013 PS Reading anthropological texts
3. Advanced Phase
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240014 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240015 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240016 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240017 PS [ en ] Qualitative research methods
- 240018 PS Qualitative research methods
- 240020 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240021 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240022 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240128 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240129 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240130 PS Qualitative Research Methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research
3.2.1 Organisational and Business Anthropology
- 240028 VS VS Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240029 VS Human ressource management in global organizations - theory and practice in context with intercultural challenges
- 240030 VO Anthropology of organizations
- 240031 VS Going business - practising anthropology in organization development and human resource development
- 240032 VO VO Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240112 VS Mentoring as a new culture in University organisation: Students promoting students
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work
- 240034 VS VS Museum and Educational Work - Scientific research on ehtnografical collections using cases found in the archive of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology in Vienna
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality
- 240035 VS Conflicts within transcultural medical systems and healing methods
- 240036 VO Medical anthropology
- 240042 VO Artificial reproduction techniques - timely discussions concerning the artificial creation of life
- 240096 VS [ en ] Ritualization of lifecourse - illness identity and the sick role
- 240099 VS Ethnomusictherapy
3.2.6 Intercultural Communication
3.2.7 Visual Anthropology
- 240037 VS VS Visual Anthropology - history, theory, analysis
3.2.8 NGOs, Project Law and International Legal Development
- 240032 VO VO Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240038 VO Anthropological project work in intercultural human rights fields
- 240039 VS Cultural competence and intercultural conflict resolution
- 240040 VS Governance of indigeneity in south africa
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology
3.3.1 Globalisation - Postcolonialism - Transnationalism
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict
- 240043 VS Human rights and rights of indigenous peoples - in the context of political and economic power relations
- 240045 VS On Violence and Justice - Anthropological discourses on terror, trauma and reconciliation
- 240046 SE [ en ] Lived Diasporas: Alienation and Violence in African American and Jamaican Cultures
- 240097 VS Theories and examples of transnational migration
3.3.3 Urban Anthropology
3.3.4 Political Anthropology
3.3.5 Economy - Tourism
3.3.6 Religion - World View - Ritual
- 240033 VS Shamanic cosmologies and ritual healing - etic and emic research-approaches in anthropology of religion
3.3.7 Art - Visual Culture - Material Culture
3.3.8 Media, New Media, Film
- 240044 VS Key texts and contemporary issues in media anthropology
- 240047 VO Anthropology of new media - communication and representation in the context of new information and communication technologies
- 240048 VS Media analysis
3.4 Regional Specialisations
- 240023 VO Anthropology of europe - european peripheries and processes of integration
- 240024 VO Introduction to the anthropology of central australia
- 240025 VO Introduction: ethnology of mesoamerica
- 240026 VO Introduction to the anthropology of north africa
4. In-Depth Study Phase
4.1 Theoretical Discourses
- 240052 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240053 SE Theoretical discourses
4.2 Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
- 240049 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
- 240050 SE Bachelor seminar: empiric data collecting and analysis
- 240051 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
Master Degree Programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology
P1 Methods
- 240055 SE P1 Methods Seminar
- 240056 SE Religion, diasporic realities and local integration
- 240057 SE CREOLE: Methods-P1 MSE - the exotic in Vienna 19th century
- 240058 SE Nonverbal communication
- 240059 SE Jump to the field - a practical introduction to fieldwork
- 240060 SE Water-research-revisited
- 240061 PR P1 Methods Fieldwork
- 240062 PR Fieldwork in the archives - the exotic in Vienna in 19th century
- 240063 PR Public relations - decoding popular ideologies and visual stereotypes
- 240098 SE Transfer of knowledge
P2 Theories
- 240064 VO P2 Theories - from cognition to performance
- 240065 VO The global connectedness of local minority members
P3 Regional Fields of Research
- 240066 SE Gender and violence in Latin America
- 240067 SE Everyday life and counter reality - Sklavengemeinschaften in Afrika und Amerika
- 240068 VO [ en ] P3 Regional Fields of Research VO
- 240069 SE [ en ] Islamic responses to modernity
- 240070 VO Ethnography of contemporary european agriculture - gendered perspectives
- 240071 SE Ethnography of contemporary european agriculture - case studies
- 240072 VO Aspects of the anthropology of Oceania: new approaches on material culture
- 240073 VO The social organisation of mesoamerica and of the epimesoamerican folk cultures
- 240074 SE Women in the economy - beyond the social impact of women's economic activities in latin america and the caribbean
- 240113 SE [ en ] The Anthropology of Refugee Law - & practical hinduism in contemporary south asia
- 240127 SE [ en ] Anthropologies of the Visual, the Media and the Arts in Europe and Oceania
P4 Thematic Fields of Research
- 240075 SE Object biographies - Contexts of collecting in africa in the 19th century
- 240076 VO P4 Thematic Fields of Research 1 VO
- 240077 VO Famous controversies in anthropology
- 240078 VO Anthropology of/from the body
- 240079 VO Ritual - Media - Gender
- 240080 VO Social aesthetics
- 240081 SE Power of spaces - spaces of power - about the relations between space, power and gender
- 240082 SE Femininity, monstrosity and human race - Anthropology and the construction of gender and race
- 240083 SE [ en ] Global culture, the state, and cosmopolitanization
- 240084 SE Media and social anthropology's perspectives on comic, bande dessinée and manga - Comic, Bande Dessinée und Bildgeschichten aus Sozialanthropologischer Perspektive
- 240085 SE Economical niches - perspectives of economic anthropology
- 240086 SE From cultural universals to the universal culture
- 240087 SE Museums of ethnology and material culture
- 240113 SE [ en ] The Anthropology of Refugee Law - & practical hinduism in contemporary south asia
- 240114 SE Visual Culture
- 240116 SE [ en ] Texts in Anthropology - ethnography of and trough texts
- 240127 SE [ en ] Anthropologies of the Visual, the Media and the Arts in Europe and Oceania
P5 Research Design and Practical Skills
- 240090 SE+UE Visual anthropology
- 240100 UE [ en ] Making documentary videos, an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
P6 Anthro Lab
- 240088 AL Anthro lab
- 240089 AL Anthro lab
- 240091 AL Anthro lab
- 240092 AL Anthro lab
- 240093 AL Anthro lab
Master Degree Programme CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes
Thematic Modules
Material Culture and Consumption
New Identities
Visual Culture, Popular Culture
History of Theory and Methods in Cultural and Social Anthropology
Scientific Methods
Erasmus Module
CREOLE Thesis Module 2
Diploma Degree Programme according to UniStG
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Orientation Period
- 240004 VO Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
- 240005 VO Introduction to social and cultural anthropology
1.2. Theory
1.3. Method
- 240014 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240015 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240016 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240017 PS [ en ] Qualitative research methods
- 240018 PS Qualitative research methods
- 240020 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240021 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240022 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240128 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240129 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240130 PS Qualitative Research Methods
1.4. Thematic Fields of Research
- 240008 VO Anthropology of nature: an introduction
- 240009 VO Introduction to intercultural communication
- 240030 VO Anthropology of organizations
- 240036 VO Medical anthropology
- 240046 SE [ en ] Lived Diasporas: Alienation and Violence in African American and Jamaican Cultures
1.5. Regional Fields of Research
- 240023 VO Anthropology of europe - european peripheries and processes of integration
- 240024 VO Introduction to the anthropology of central australia
- 240025 VO Introduction: ethnology of mesoamerica
- 240026 VO Introduction to the anthropology of north africa
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Wissmeth
- 240055 SE P1 Methods Seminar
- 240056 SE Religion, diasporic realities and local integration
- 240057 SE CREOLE: Methods-P1 MSE - the exotic in Vienna 19th century
- 240058 SE Nonverbal communication
- 240059 SE Jump to the field - a practical introduction to fieldwork
- 240060 SE Water-research-revisited
- 240061 PR P1 Methods Fieldwork
- 240062 PR Fieldwork in the archives - the exotic in Vienna in 19th century
- 240063 PR Public relations - decoding popular ideologies and visual stereotypes
- 240098 SE Transfer of knowledge
2.2. Packages
- 240033 VS Shamanic cosmologies and ritual healing - etic and emic research-approaches in anthropology of religion
- 240043 VS Human rights and rights of indigenous peoples - in the context of political and economic power relations
- 240044 VS Key texts and contemporary issues in media anthropology
- 240045 VS On Violence and Justice - Anthropological discourses on terror, trauma and reconciliation
- 240047 VO Anthropology of new media - communication and representation in the context of new information and communication technologies
- 240048 VS Media analysis
- 240064 VO P2 Theories - from cognition to performance
- 240065 VO The global connectedness of local minority members
- 240066 SE Gender and violence in Latin America
- 240067 SE Everyday life and counter reality - Sklavengemeinschaften in Afrika und Amerika
- 240068 VO [ en ] P3 Regional Fields of Research VO
- 240069 SE [ en ] Islamic responses to modernity
- 240070 VO Ethnography of contemporary european agriculture - gendered perspectives
- 240071 SE Ethnography of contemporary european agriculture - case studies
- 240072 VO Aspects of the anthropology of Oceania: new approaches on material culture
- 240073 VO The social organisation of mesoamerica and of the epimesoamerican folk cultures
- 240074 SE Women in the economy - beyond the social impact of women's economic activities in latin america and the caribbean
- 240075 SE Object biographies - Contexts of collecting in africa in the 19th century
- 240076 VO P4 Thematic Fields of Research 1 VO
- 240077 VO Famous controversies in anthropology
- 240078 VO Anthropology of/from the body
- 240079 VO Ritual - Media - Gender
- 240080 VO Social aesthetics
- 240081 SE Power of spaces - spaces of power - about the relations between space, power and gender
- 240082 SE Femininity, monstrosity and human race - Anthropology and the construction of gender and race
- 240083 SE [ en ] Global culture, the state, and cosmopolitanization
- 240084 SE Media and social anthropology's perspectives on comic, bande dessinée and manga - Comic, Bande Dessinée und Bildgeschichten aus Sozialanthropologischer Perspektive
- 240085 SE Economical niches - perspectives of economic anthropology
- 240086 SE From cultural universals to the universal culture
- 240087 SE Museums of ethnology and material culture
- 240088 AL Anthro lab
- 240089 AL Anthro lab
- 240090 SE+UE Visual anthropology
- 240091 AL Anthro lab
- 240092 AL Anthro lab
- 240093 AL Anthro lab
- 240097 VS Theories and examples of transnational migration
- 240100 UE [ en ] Making documentary videos, an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240113 SE [ en ] The Anthropology of Refugee Law - & practical hinduism in contemporary south asia
- 240114 SE Visual Culture
- 240116 SE [ en ] Texts in Anthropology - ethnography of and trough texts
- 240127 SE [ en ] Anthropologies of the Visual, the Media and the Arts in Europe and Oceania
2.3. Modules
- 240028 VS VS Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240029 VS Human ressource management in global organizations - theory and practice in context with intercultural challenges
- 240031 VS Going business - practising anthropology in organization development and human resource development
- 240032 VO VO Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240034 VS VS Museum and Educational Work - Scientific research on ehtnografical collections using cases found in the archive of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology in Vienna
- 240035 VS Conflicts within transcultural medical systems and healing methods
- 240037 VS VS Visual Anthropology - history, theory, analysis
- 240038 VO Anthropological project work in intercultural human rights fields
- 240039 VS Cultural competence and intercultural conflict resolution
- 240040 VS Governance of indigeneity in south africa
- 240042 VO Artificial reproduction techniques - timely discussions concerning the artificial creation of life
- 240096 VS [ en ] Ritualization of lifecourse - illness identity and the sick role
- 240099 VS Ethnomusictherapy
- 240112 VS Mentoring as a new culture in University organisation: Students promoting students
2.4. Excursions Abroad
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Basics of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Basic Approaches of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Regional Perspectives
Thematic Perspectives
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
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