2.3. Modules
- 240028 VS VS Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240029 VS Human ressource management in global organizations - theory and practice in context with intercultural challenges
- 240031 VS Going business - practising anthropology in organization development and human resource development
- 240032 VO VO Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240034 VS VS Museum and Educational Work - Scientific research on ehtnografical collections using cases found in the archive of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology in Vienna
- 240035 VS Conflicts within transcultural medical systems and healing methods
- 240037 VS VS Visual Anthropology - history, theory, analysis
- 240038 VO Anthropological project work in intercultural human rights fields
- 240039 VS Cultural competence and intercultural conflict resolution
- 240040 VS Governance of indigeneity in south africa
- 240042 VO Artificial reproduction techniques - timely discussions concerning the artificial creation of life
- 240096 VS [ en ] Ritualization of lifecourse - illness identity and the sick role
- 240099 VS Ethnomusictherapy
- 240112 VS Mentoring as a new culture in University organisation: Students promoting students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35