Studies Programme 15 - East Asian Studies
15.01. Japanese Studies
A. Bachelor Degree in Japanese Studies
STEP - Orientation Period
BM0 - Orientation
BM1 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 1
BM4 - Introductory Course
Required Modules
BM2 - Practical Japanese 1
BM3 - Basics of Regional Studies & History of Japan
BM5 - Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing
- 150111 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150010 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150231 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150244 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
BM6 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 2
- 150041 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 2
- 150102 VO Japanese grammar
BM7 - Practical Japanese 2
- 150242 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150243 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese conversation 2
- 150239 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150238 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese conversation 2
- 150024 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150023 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese conversation 2
- 150068 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150085 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese conversation 2
BM8 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 3
BM9 - Practical Japanese 3
BM10 - Basic Knowledge of Japanese Culture & Society
- 150034 VO Introduction to Japanese Society
BM11 - Basic Knowledge of Japanese Politics & Economy
- 150008 VO Japanese Economy
- 150033 VO Japanese Politics
BM12 - Intercultural Learning
- 150252 UE Intercultural learning
- 150012 UE Intercultural Learning
BM13 - Advanced Training in Research and Paper Writing
- 150059 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II: Family in Japan
- 150245 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II: Minorities in Japan
- 150028 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II: Youth Culture and Leisure in Japan
- 150005 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II: Women's and Gender Studies
BM14 - Japanese Grammar and Translation 4
- 150042 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 4
BM15 - Practical Japanese 4
- 150240 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 4
- 150237 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 4
- 150064 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 4
- 150259 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese 4
BM16 - Basic Knowledge, Extension
- 150009 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150087 VO Introduction to Music in Japan
- 150062 VO+UE Religions in East Asia
- 150091 VO+UE [ en ] Religious Policy in East Asia: Chinese-Tibetan Relations in the 20th Century
- 150094 UE Discovering Japan with the video camera
- 150098 SUE [ de ja ] Translation of Functional Texts: Japanese
- 150261 SUE [ ja ] Use of Japanese in every day life
- 150106 VO+UE [ en ] New Trends in East Asian Popular Culture: Hallyu as a National, Regional and Global Phenomenon
BM17 - Practical Training/ Internship
BM18 - Practical Japanese and Japanese Grammar and Translation 5
- 150035 SUE [ de ja ] Reading of newspapers
BM19 - Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Advanced Studies
BM20 - Independent Work in Japanese Studies - Bachelor¿s Paper
- 150110 SE Seminar II
- 150037 SE Seminar II
- 150039 SE Seminar II
B. Master Degree Programme in Japanese Studies
MM1 - Premodern Japanese
- 150072 UE Premodern Japanese II
MM2 - Scientific Japanese Texts
- 150007 UE Lecture of scientific Japanese texts on specific topics
- 150045 UE Lecture of scientific Japanese texts on specific topics
MM3 - Advanced Command of Language
- 150046 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation: Perfection
- 150071 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese
- 150241 SUE [ de ja ] Reading of newspapers
MM4 - Methods in Japanese Studies
MM5 - Specialised Knowledge
MM6 - Advanced Academic Studies I
MM7 - Advanced Academic Studies II
- 150092 SE Seminar II: 140 years of relations between Austria and Japan
- 150130 SE Ritual Music in East Asia
MM8 - Monitoring Class for the Master¿s Thesis
- 150025 SE Research seminar: nishiki-e caricatures
- 150078 SE Colloquium for master and doctoral students
- 150084 SE Colloquium for master and doctoral students
MM9 - East Asian Studies
- 150009 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150109 VO+UE From Miyabi to Yugen: Waka court poetry throughout time
- 150062 VO+UE Religions in East Asia
- 150007 UE Lecture of scientific Japanese texts on specific topics
- 150045 UE Lecture of scientific Japanese texts on specific topics
- 150091 VO+UE [ en ] Religious Policy in East Asia: Chinese-Tibetan Relations in the 20th Century
- 150106 VO+UE [ en ] New Trends in East Asian Popular Culture: Hallyu as a National, Regional and Global Phenomenon
- 150094 UE Discovering Japan with the video camera
- 150098 SUE [ de ja ] Translation of Functional Texts: Japanese
- 150027 SE SE International Relations in East Asia
- 150128 SE SE Economic Development in East Asia
C. Doctoral Degree in Japanese Studies
- 150078 SE Colloquium for master and doctoral students
- 150084 SE Colloquium for master and doctoral students
D. Electives (Bachelor and Master Degree Programme in Japanese Studies)
- 150009 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150087 VO Introduction to Music in Japan
- 150109 VO+UE From Miyabi to Yugen: Waka court poetry throughout time
- 150062 VO+UE Religions in East Asia
- 150091 VO+UE [ en ] Religious Policy in East Asia: Chinese-Tibetan Relations in the 20th Century
- 150106 VO+UE [ en ] New Trends in East Asian Popular Culture: Hallyu as a National, Regional and Global Phenomenon
- 150027 SE SE International Relations in East Asia
- 150094 UE Discovering Japan with the video camera
- 150128 SE SE Economic Development in East Asia
- 150130 SE Ritual Music in East Asia
- 150046 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation: Perfection
- 150071 SUE [ de ja ] Practical Japanese
- 150241 SUE [ de ja ] Reading of newspapers
- 150035 SUE [ de ja ] Reading of newspapers
- 150261 SUE [ ja ] Use of Japanese in every day life
- 150263 UE [ de ja ] Revision course to Practical Japanese
- 150098 SUE [ de ja ] Translation of Functional Texts: Japanese
- 340324 UE [ ja ] Basic Translation Competence: Japanese
- 340047 UE [ ja ] Cultural Competence: Japanese
- 340048 UE [ ja ] Text Competence 2 (oral): Japanese
- 340107 UE [ ja ] Translation of Functional Texts 1: Japanese
- 340156 UE [ ja ] Oral Communication: Japanese
- 340373 UE [ ja ] Reading Comprehension and Text Production: Japanese
- 340378 UE [ ja ] Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: Japanese
- 340391 UE [ ja ] Translation of Legal Texts: Japanese
- 150007 UE Lecture of scientific Japanese texts on specific topics
- 150045 UE Lecture of scientific Japanese texts on specific topics
E. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
CSP Japanese Culture
- 150008 VO Japanese Economy
- 150033 VO Japanese Politics
- 150034 VO Introduction to Japanese Society
- 150087 VO Introduction to Music in Japan
CSP Japanese Language, Culture and Society
- 150014 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 2
- 150013 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 4
15.02. Korean Studies
A. Bachelor and Individual Bachelor Programme in Korean Studies
STEP - Orientation Period
BM1 - Korean Language Competence 1
BM7 - Introductory Courses
Required Modules
BM2 - Korean Language Competence 2
- 150097 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 2
- 150114 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 2
- 150246 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 2
BM3 - Korean Language Competence 3
BM4 - Korean Language Competence 4
- 150003 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 4
- 150096 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 4
- 150248 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 4
BM5 - Korean Language Competence 5
BM6 - Korean Language Competence 6
- 150101 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 6
- 150115 UE [ de ko ] Korean grammar and translation 6
- 150250 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 6
BM8 - Basics of Korean Studies
- 150073 UE Introduction to Scientific Writing in Korean Studies
- 150083 UE Social, Political and Economical Processes of Transformation in Joseon
- 150086 VO Social, Political and Economical Processes of Transformation in Joseon
BM9 - History Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
BM10 - Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
- 150001 PS Basic training in research and paper writing II: - Critical Reflection of Political Circumstances and Changes in Society in South Korean Literature and Fine Arts from 1960 to Present
BM11 - Advanced Courses in History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
BM12 - Advanced Courses in Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
- 150069 UE Exercises to Seminar II: Upheaval of Modernity (1920-1960) - The Image of Woman in Korean Literature and Film
- 150100 SE Seminar II: Upheaval of Modernity (1920-1960) - The Image of Woman in Korean Literature and Film
B. Master and Individual Master Programme in Korean Studies
MM1 - Premodern Korean
- 150075 UE Premodern Korean II
MM2 - Scientific Work
- 150036 SE [ ko ] The "Korean Wave" in trouble? Anti-Korean Wave and Chinese Identity Politics - Antikoreanische Tendenzen in China als Folge kulturpolitischer Maßnahmen zur Bewahrung kultureller Identität
- 150051 SE Linguistic Analysis of Sinokorean Texts
- 150074 VO [ ko ] Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty and March 1st Independence Movement
- 150076 UE The Influence of State and Society on Public Projects in South Korea: 1987-2007
- 150106 VO+UE [ en ] New Trends in East Asian Popular Culture: Hallyu as a National, Regional and Global Phenomenon
MM3 - History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea
MM4 - Politics, Economy and Society of Korea
- 150100 SE Seminar II: Upheaval of Modernity (1920-1960) - The Image of Woman in Korean Literature and Film
- 150103 UE Exercises to Master's Seminar II: Upheaval of Modernity (1920-1960) - The Image of Woman in Korean Literature and Film
MM5 - Methods and Theories in Korean Studies
- 150070 UE Methods in Korean studies II: Methods in Korean Studies with Emphasis on New Religious Movements
MM6 - Master Thesis Colloquium
15.03. Sinology
- 150091 VO+UE [ en ] Religious Policy in East Asia: Chinese-Tibetan Relations in the 20th Century
- 150255 SE X 490 Colloqium for Ph.D. Students
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Sinology
- 150011 UE Chinese Calligraphy
- 150055 UE Language Lab 2b - Language Lab 2b
- 150061 UE Chinese Calligraphy
- 150067 UE Language Lab 2b
- 150090 UE Language Lab 2b
- 150136 UE Language Lab 2b - Language Lab 2b
- 150139 UE Language Lab 2b
BM0 - Orientation Period (STEP)
BM1 - Basic Module - Beginners Language Acquisition
- 150026 UE Modern Chinese 1b - Modern Chinese 1b
- 150040 UE Language Lab 1b - Language Lab 1b
- 150043 UE Sprechpraktikum 1 b, Gruppe 4
- 150052 UE Modern Chinese 1b - Modern Chinese 1b
- 150053 UE Spoken Chinese 1b - Spoken Chinese 1b
- 150056 UE Language Lab 1b - Language Lab 1b
- 150057 UE Language Lab 1b - Language Lab 1b
- 150058 UE Written Chinese 1b - Written Chinese 1b
- 150082 UE Modern Chineses 1b
- 150089 UE Written Chinese 1b
- 150119 UE Written Chinese 1b - Written Chinese 1b
- 150120 UE Language Lab 1b - Language Lab 1b
- 150125 UE Spoken Chinese 1b - Spoken Chinese 1b
- 150132 UE Modern Chinese 1b, Group 5
- 150137 UE Language Lab 1b
- 150230 UE Written Chinese 1b - Written Chinese 1b
- 150235 UE Spoken Chinese 1b - Spoken Chinese 1b
- 150236 UE Modern Chinese 1b
BM2 - Advanced Module - Beginners Language Acquisition
- 150049 UE Written Chinese 2b - Written Chinese 2b
- 150054 UE Modern Chinese 2b - Modern Chinese 2b
- 150104 UE Spoken Chinese 2b - Spoken Chinese 2b
- 150107 UE Spoken Chinese 2b
- 150108 UE Written Chinese 2b
- 150118 UE Spoken Chinese 2b - Spoken Chinese 2b
- 150121 UE Written Chinese 2b - Written Chinese 2b
- 150126 UE Spoken Chinese, 2b
- 150135 UE Written Chinese 2b - Written Chinese 2b
- 150141 UE Modern Chinese 2b
- 150143 UE Reading 2b - Reading 2b
- 150144 UE Reading 2b - Reading 2b
- 150234 UE Modern Chinese 2b - Modern Chinese 2b
- 150254 UE Reading 2b
BM3 - Intermediate Language Acquisition
- 150048 UE Listening Comprehension 2b - Listening Comprehension 2b
- 150117 UE Newspaper Reading - Newspaper Reading
- 150124 UE Listening Comprehension 2b - Listening Comprehension 2b
- 150131 UE Written Chinese 6. Sem. - Written Chinese 6. Sem.
- 150134 UE Written Chinese 6. Sem. - Written Chinese 6. Sem.
- 150200 UE Classical Chinese - Classical Chinese
- 150253 UE Newspaper Reading - Newspaper Reading
- 150266 UE Listening Comprehension 2b
BM4 - Module - Basic Knowledge of China
- 150009 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150116 VO VO PR 110 Economic Geography
- 150148 VO VO LK 110 Introduction to 20th Century Chinese Literature
- 150204 VO VO PR 110 Chinese Law
BM5 - Module - Advanced Knowledge of China
- 150017 UE UE LK Introduction to Chinese literary studies, group 1
- 150018 UE UE GG 110 Media in the PRC
- 150095 UE UE PR Chinese Law
- 150142 UE [ zh ] UE LK Traditional Chinese popular culture
- 150151 UE [ en ] UE PR Multinational Corporations in China after 1980
- 150211 UE UE PR Chinese "reform" discourse: Path dependence and pragmatic flexibility
- 150228 UE UE LK Introduction to Chinese literary studies, group 2
BM6 - Module - Scientific Work
- 150016 UE UE GG
- 150017 UE UE LK Introduction to Chinese literary studies, group 1
- 150228 UE UE LK Introduction to Chinese literary studies, group 2
BM7 - Module Bachelor
- 150065 PS Bachelor proseminar: Crisis (Politics and Law), group 1
- 150066 PS Bachelor proseminar: Crisis (Politics and Law), group 2
- 150122 PS Bachelor proseminar LK: Crisis (Literature and Culture), group 2
- 150123 PS Bachelor proseminar: Crisis (Literature and Culture), group 1
- 150226 PS Bachelor proseminar: Crisis (History and Society)
- 150227 PS Bachelor proseminar: Crisis (History and Society), group 2
B. Master Degree Programme in Sinology
MM1 - Module - Advanced Lanuage Acquisition
- 150113 UE Translation
- 150140 UE Translation
MM2 - Basic Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150015 PS [ en ] PS LK 410 Spaces for the Faith. Art and Achitecture in mid-imperial China (7th.13th c.CE)
- 150129 PS PS PR 410 The Chinese Rechtsstaat in the crime novels of Qiu Xiaolong
- 150207 PS PS GG/PR 410 Political history of ideas: From the late imperial era to the present
MM3 - Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies
- 150127 SE SE LK/ GG 420 Devotionalia of the Cultural Revolution
- 150138 SE [ en ] SE PR 420 The ongoing financial crisis and China¿s response to it
- 150203 SE [ en ] SE GG 420 Ethnolinguistic History of East Asia
- 150210 SE SE LK 430 Envisioning China: Media, theories and concepts of China¿s (self)presentation
- 150225 SE SE LK 420 Literature of the 1980s
- 150257 SE SE GG 420 Utopia vs. Mandate of Heaven
MM4 - Methods of China Studies
- 150147 SE X 490 Colloqium for MA Students
15.04. Economy and Society of East Asia
A. Master Degree Programme in Economy and Society of East Asia
M1 - Required Module - Contemporary East Asian Language
M2 - Required Module - East Asian Economy
- 150128 SE SE Economic Development in East Asia
M3 - Required Module - East Asian Politics
- 150027 SE SE International Relations in East Asia
M4 - Required Module - East Asian Society
- 150009 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: a History of East Asia 1600-1900
- 150062 VO+UE Religions in East Asia
- 150091 VO+UE [ en ] Religious Policy in East Asia: Chinese-Tibetan Relations in the 20th Century
- 150106 VO+UE [ en ] New Trends in East Asian Popular Culture: Hallyu as a National, Regional and Global Phenomenon
M5 - Required Module - Research Seminar and Monitoring Class for the Master's Thesis
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35