Special Teaching Programmes
Here you find details on Individual Degree Programmes, e.g. Development Studies or Nursing Science, Multidisciplinary Degree Programmes e.g. Risk Research or Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science, Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes like the Master Programme Gender Studies, language courses and various preparatory courses.
0.01 Individual Degree Programmes
1. Development Studies
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Orientation Period
- 140313 VO EF1 - E I - Introduction to International Development
- 140005 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140235 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140236 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140213 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140237 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140233 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140187 VO Development Co-operation
- 140264 KU Discussion Class: Development Co - operation and Politics
- 140276 KU Discussion Class: Development Co - operation and Politics
- 140277 KU Discussion Class: Development Co - operation and Politics
- 140326 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
2. Core Subjects
- 140007 KU Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
- 140253 KU Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
- 140316 VO KS1 - K III - Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie
- 140016 KU Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140263 KU Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140265 KU [ en ] KW2 - K VI - Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - International Environment and Economic Development
- 140252 VO KP1 - K V - Introduction into Politics from the Perspective of International Development
- 140015 KU Social and Political Aspects of Development - The Development Policy of the European Union between security and development
- 140259 KU Social and Political Aspects of Development - Conflicts in Southeast Asia
- 140261 KU Social and Political Aspects of Development - Theories and Politics of Human Rights
- 140260 KU Social and Political Aspects of Development - International Political Ecology
- 140050 KU Introductory Seminar: African History
- 140269 KU International Development in historical Context
- 140271 KU International Development in historical Context
- 140325 KU International Development in historical Context
- 140048 KU Introductory Seminar African History: Critical Evaluation of Sources
3. Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140019 VO Trans-disciplinary Development Research I: - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140299 KU Trans-disciplinary Development Research I: - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140301 KU Trans-disciplinary Development Research I: - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140302 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Culture - identity - gender. Critical revisions of unambiguity and definiteness from a cultural, postcolonial, queer and gender perspective.
- 140303 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Theories in Global Political Economy
- 140305 KU [ en ] Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Theories in Global Political Economy
- 140188 KU Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Theories in Global Political Economy
4. Continental Analysis
- 140297 VO RTV - KOA - War(s) in the Periphery
- 070148 VO Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914) - Naturkatastrophen und ihre Bewältigung
- 290228 VO Ringvorlesung: Ethnotourismus - Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe?
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Transdisciplinary Development Research (T I - T IV)
T I Socio-Cultural Development
- 140013 AG T I - International Migration - causes, types, processes and the political regulation of migration
- 140330 VO+UE T I - Racism
- 140190 VO+UE T I - Environment and Development
- 140241 VO+UE T I - Introduction: qualitative methods of development research
- 140197 VO+UE T I - Advanced: qualitative methods and techniques of development research
- 140160 SE T I - Migration and Development
- 140245 SE [ en ] T I - Post-Development Theory and Practice
- 140178 SE T I - Global Social Policy, Welfare and Gender
- 140309 SE [ en ] T I - Postcolonial Critique and Methods of Analysis
- 150009 VO+UE VO+UE Methods in East Asian Studies
- 190219 VK Basics of Social Network Analysis I
- 140179 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing 1
T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 140274 AG T II - Panafricanism
- 140047 KU Africa: Democratisation without Democracy? Actors, Processes and Discourses in Comparison
- 140306 PS T II - Crisis, War and Democratization in the 'Near East'
- 140225 SE T II - Protoglobalisation
- 140248 SE T II - Austrian Development Cooperation: history, actors, strategies
- 140399 SE T II - Uneven Development
- 140352 SE T II - PRSP-processes, partizipation and development of country ownership: selected country examples
- 070166 VO Theorien und Methoden der Globalgeschichte - Theories and Methods of Global History
- 150063 VO+UE [ en ] Vo+UE Religion and Nationalism in Modern Japan
- 150126 SE SE Political Systems in East Asia
- 070260 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Geschichte Afrikas in der Neuzeit I
- 070130 VO Economic and Social Histroy from Medieval Time to present
- 070081 FS [ en ] Research Seminar: Insular Studies
- 140029 KU [ en ] Slavery in Africa in the 19th and 20th century
- 140186 VO African Societies in the Times of Colonialism - (Überblicksvorlesung afrikanische Geschichte 3)
- 140090 SE Literature and History: War and Conflict
T III Development Policy
- 140342 AG T III - Non Governmental Organisations and the "New Aid Architecture"
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 140226 VO+UE T III Market, Institutions and State in Economic Theory
- 040128 SE Development Policy - Ungleicher Tausch: Alternative Ansätze in der Theorie des Außenhandels
- 140234 VO+UE T III - Financial Markets, Crises and Development
- 140416 VO+UE [ en ] T III - Development Economics
- 140267 SE [ en ] T III - Economic Growth: Theory, Evidence and Policy
- 140268 SE [ en ] T III - Markets, Government, and Institutions
- 140238 SE T III - Social and political transformation processes in the Middle East - An analysis of the chances and obstacles for democracy in Middle Eastern societies , considering the tensions between Civil Society - Authoritarianism - Islam - Secularism and Nationalism on the examples of Egypt, Turkey and Syria
- 150062 SE SE Economic Systems in East Asia
- 150090 VO+UE VO+UE Governance in East Asia
- 210087 VO M9 a: East European Studies - Erbe des Staatssozialismus und internationale Einflüsse
T IV Culture and Development/Gender Studies
- 140024 AG [ en ] T IV - Transcultural Theatre Work with participants from different countries of origin - Focus Africa
- 140025 AG [ en ] T IV - Transcultural Theatre Work with participants from different countries of origin - Women's Group
- 140231 AG T IV - Everyday 'Common Sense' and Consciousness - Zur Dialektik von Kultur und Entwicklung am Würstelstand und in der Straßenzeitung
- 140217 VO+UE T IV - Education for Sustainable Development
- 140215 SE T IV - Global Learning
- 140222 SE T IV - Growth or Sustainability - outlines of the Right to Development
- 140229 SE T IV - Sex in Development: Theories, Politics, Sexualities
- 140244 SE T IV - Feminization of Migration
- 140262 SE T IV - Critical Whiteness Studies: Key Texts
- 140355 SE T IV - Communication and Development: Self Image of Development Agencies
- 140117 PS Introductory Seminar: Literature and Post Colonialism
- 150032 VO+UE [ en ] VO+UE New Trends in East Asian Popular Culture II: Culture Policy in East Asia
- 030640 PR Working for Human Rights in Practice - Working for Human Rights in Practice
2. Development Planning and Management (P)
P I Introduction to Development Planning
- 140273 UE PR1 - P I - Introduction to Development Planning
- 140275 UE PR1 - P I - Introduction to Development Planning
- 140185 UE PR1 - P I - AG Project Cycle Management - von industriellen Entwicklungsprojekten
- 140333 SE Development Planning - Inclusive Development - (Menschen mit Behinderung)
P II Introduction to Development Management and Evaluation
- 140008 UE PR1 - P II - Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Co-operation Projects
- 140280 UE PR1 - P II - Project Design
- 140281 UE PR1 - P II - Translating academic theory into development co-operation
- 070343 FPR Research Practice
- 140201 UE PR1 - P II - Just social change - community based project planning and implementation
P III Intercultural Communication
- 140195 UE PR1 - P III - Workshop: Academic Writing and Knowledge Transfer
- 140282 UE PR1 - P III - Communication Basics
- 140339 UE PR1 - P III - Constructive coping with conflicts
- 140286 UE PR1 - P III - Intercultural Interacting
- 140296 UE PR1 - P III - Interculturality: Concept - Approaches - Adoptions
- 190216 VK Communication Culture at Universites and at Work I
- 140250 UE Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding in Development Cooperation
3. Special Seminars
- 140341 SE SE IE - Gender, Economics and Postcolonialsism
- 140354 SE SE IE - Concepts of Development: a transdisciplinary approach
- 140074 SE Master and Doctor Course
- 140239 SE DS - Diploma course
- 140257 SE DS - Diploma course
3. Celtic Studies
- 160006 VO Introduction into Celtic Studies - Antiquity
- 160029 VO Old Irish 1
- 160047 PS Exercises on selected Topics from the Iron-Age
- 160082 UE [ br de ] Breton language and literature: Texts by 20th/21st century Breton writers
- 160083 VO Introduction to Celtic languages and linguistics - Selected Topics
- 160086 VO Writing and Orthographies in the Celtic languages - A historical overview
- 160157 VO [ de ga ] Modern Irish - texts for beginners
- 160158 UE Introduction to Old Irish Text reading
- 160159 UE [ de ga ] Modern Irish - The pronunciation of modern Irish
- 160234 SE Comparative grammar of Celtic: inflection
- 160239 UE Gaulic and Lepontic text reading
- 160248 VO Middle Welsh, Introduction
- 160298 VO Early Scottish History AD 84 - 1263 - Mons Graupius to the Battle of Largs
3. Numismatics and Monetary History
4. Nursing Science
A. IDS Nursing Science, Curriculum 2005
First Year (Orientation Period)
Second Year
- 230016 VO Qualitätsmanagement
- 230017 PS Nursing Practice - special topics: - Spezielle pflegerische Praxisfelder
- 230018 PS Nursing practice: special topics - Qualitätsmodelle in der Pflege
- 230025 SE Course for graduates
- 230100 SE DiplomandInnenseminar
- 230147 PS Intensivpflege - Spezielle pflegerische Praxisfelder
- 230148 PS Pflegemesssysteme - Spezielle pflegerische Praxisfelder
- 230161 VO Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie
- 230176 PS Theories, models and concepts of nursing
- 230177 PS Theories, models and concepts of nursing
- 230290 UE Wissenschaftskommunikation - wissenschaftliches Schreiben und kommunizieren
- 230431 UE rhetoric
- 230444 UE Informationskompetenz und wissenschaftliches Schreiben
- 230450 PS Care of patients with specific needs - Nursing practice: special topics
- 230518 PS Geschichte der Pflege: Schwerpunkt Nationalsozialismus - Nursing practice: special topics
- 230547 PS Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen - Fokus Pflegewissenschaft
- 230555 PS Quantitative research II, specific methods
- 230559 PS Psychology for nursing science II
- 230600 SE Qualitative research, specific methods
- 230633 PS Theories, models and concepts of nursing
- 230634 PS planning and research management
- 230635 PS Sociological Practice - special topics: - - migration - -
- 230636 PS Organisation forms in nursing
- 230637 PS Presentation and media didactics
- 230638 SE Family health nursing
B. IDS Nursing Science, Old Curricula
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 230017 PS Nursing Practice - special topics: - Spezielle pflegerische Praxisfelder
- 230018 PS Nursing practice: special topics - Qualitätsmodelle in der Pflege
- 230025 SE Course for graduates
- 230100 SE DiplomandInnenseminar
- 230147 PS Intensivpflege - Spezielle pflegerische Praxisfelder
- 230148 PS Pflegemesssysteme - Spezielle pflegerische Praxisfelder
- 230518 PS Geschichte der Pflege: Schwerpunkt Nationalsozialismus - Nursing practice: special topics
- 230547 PS Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen - Fokus Pflegewissenschaft
- 230635 PS Sociological Practice - special topics: - - migration - -
5. Studies of Religions
0.02 Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
A. Master Degree Programme Gender Studies
- 240107 SE "One Is Not Born a Woman" - Lesbische und queere Theoriebildungen
- 240236 VO+UE Obscure Diffences: Psychoanalysis & Gender? - Lecture Series & Workshops
1. Introductory Module
- 240104 UE Introduction to Methods and Theory - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 240105 GR Judith Butler: Excitable Speech. A Politics of the Performative - Guided reading
- 240106 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Gender in the social sciences and humanities
2. Theories and Methods in Gender Studies (12 ECTS)
- 240107 SE "One Is Not Born a Woman" - Lesbische und queere Theoriebildungen
- 240225 VO Feminist Migration Studies
3. Topics and Themes of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 240108 VO+UE Gender & Social Movements
- 240115 SE Gender & Space
4. Transfer Modules
5. Focus Module (10 ECTS)
- 240110 SE Crypt and roots: genderconfigurations in psychoanalytical
- 240236 VO+UE Obscure Diffences: Psychoanalysis & Gender? - Lecture Series & Workshops
6. Gender Specific Communication and Organisations Skills (11 ECTS)
- 240103 UE Gender & Digital Media - Power and Subversion
- 240119 VO+UE Workshop in Gendersensitive Writing
7. Practical Experience (10 ECTS)
- 240121 PR Research Workshop - "From idea to project"
8. Reflection Module (10 ECTS)
- 240120 KO Gender in der Stammdisziplin - Was ist emanzipatives Genderwissen? Fallbeispiele aus den einzelnen Fächern
- 240123 AG Research Fields of Gender Studies - Theorien des emanzipativen Wissens - Eine Übersicht
5. Final Stage
9.a. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (4 ECTS)
- 240122 DS Master Thesis' Seminar - Monitoring Course
- 240124 DS Master Thesis' Seminar - Monitoring Course
2. MEi: CogSci - Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science (Joint Degree)
1. Required Modules
1.1. Basic Modules
B-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science I
- 180333 SE [ de en ] Introduction to Cognitive Science I
- 180336 UE [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Teamwork
B-M-CS Introduction into Research I
- 180330 SE [ de en ] MEi:Cog Sci Introduction Into Research I
- 180331 VO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Lecture Series
1.2. Advanced Modules
A-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science II
A-M-CS Introduction into Research II
1.3. Specialisation
S-I-CS New Trends in Cognitive Science
- 180342 SE [ en ] New Trends in Cognitive Science
- 180343 SE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Journal Club
S-I-CSM Master Thesis Seminar
2. Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Modules - Discipline
B-D-AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
B-D-BIO Introduction to Behavioural Biology
- 180332 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Behavioural Biology Discussion
B-D-LIN Introduction to Linguistics
- 180334 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Linguistics Discussion
B-D-NEU Introduction to Neuroscience
B-D-PHI Introduction to Philosophy
- 180335 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Philosophy Discussion
B-D-PSY Introduction to Psychology
2.2. Basic Tools Modules
B-M-PRO Basic Mathematics and Programming
- 180344 VO+UE [ de en ] Tools in Cognitive Science I: Basic Mathematics and Programming for Cognitive Scientists
B-M-STA Basic Statistics
2.3. Advanced Tools Modules
2.4. Specialisation
3. Elective Modules
3.1. Basic Module - Discipline
B-D-ANT Introduction to Anthropology
3.2. Advanced Module - Discipline
3.3. Elective Module
W-D-C Elective Module
3. Master Degree Programme in Science-Technology-Society
0.03 Multidisciplinary Courses
1. Computer-Oriented Teaching in Natural and Life Sciences
- 260168 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists I
- 260204 UE Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90 - practical sessions
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260207 VO Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90
Introductory and General Courses
Special Interdisciplinary Topics
2. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 020058 VO Clinical Rounds - from medical, ethical and legal view
- 020059 SE Diplomandenseminar für Pflegewissenschafter
- 020060 SE Medicine beyond Therapy
- 030008 KU Arguing cases in Medical Law based on current jurisdiction - Heimaufenthaltsgesetz
- 030054 KO Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030064 PV "Rounds"
- 030406 SE Seminar in Medical Law - Current topics in Medical Law (Seminar for Students and Graduates)
- 030467 KU Medical Law I - (Allgemeiner Teil)
3. Risk Research
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - (mit Exkursionen)
- 260259 SE Methods and concepts of risk research I
4. Study Module "Cultural Sciences and Cultural Studies"
- 110215 SE Selected topics of Cultural Studies
CS I (Basics)
CS II (Methods and Techniques)
- 110215 SE Selected topics of Cultural Studies
CS III (Practice)
5. Study Module "Gender Studies"
0. Introductory Modules
- 190132 SE Science communication in the gender perspective
- 240104 UE Introduction to Methods and Theory - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 240106 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Gender in the social sciences and humanities
- 240117 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
- 240118 UE Genderwerkstatt
- 240125 VO+KO Einführung in genderspezifische Organisations- und Kommunikationskompetenzen
1. Basic Modules
Module A: Feminist Theories and Gender Theories
- 240104 UE Introduction to Methods and Theory - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 240110 SE Crypt and roots: genderconfigurations in psychoanalytical
Module B: Science Language Criticism and Methodology
Module C: Gender Relations: Social Realities
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law - Womens Rights and cultural identy
- 200078 PS Proseminar Differential Psychology
2. Topic-Related Modules
Module A: Representation, Language Symbolism and Gender Construction
Module B: Historic and Cultural Manifestation of Gender and its Inconstancies
Module C: Politics, State and Gender System
- 030121 KU Equlity between the sexes - in European Community Law
- 030310 KU Unmarried Couples and their legal problems - als Schauplatz des Geschlechterverhältnisses
- 030375 KU Gender issues in the practice of familiy and divorce law
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law - Womens Rights and cultural identy
- 140341 SE SE IE - Gender, Economics and Postcolonialsism
- 220039 VO+UE FORMAN - Research Management and Gender Mainstreaming
Module D: Interculturality, Religion and Gender
Module E: Ethics and Gender
Module F: Women's and Gender Research in Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine
- 290143 PS Gender roles in the context of teaching geography. A theoretical & practical course in didactics.
- 300516 VO Gender in Science
- 300579 SE Gender in Science
- 300719 VO Gender in science
- 350269 VLV BE3II - DC aspects of Gender
3. CSP Gender Studies
1. Basic Module CSP Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 240117 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
- 240125 VO+KO Einführung in genderspezifische Organisations- und Kommunikationskompetenzen
2. Advanced Module CSP Gender Studies (20 ECTS)
- 240118 UE Genderwerkstatt
- 240236 VO+UE Obscure Diffences: Psychoanalysis & Gender? - Lecture Series & Workshops
6. Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science
- 180219 VO Basic Concepts of Cognitive Science - Foundations in Cognitive Science
1. Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science
- 180219 VO Basic Concepts of Cognitive Science - Foundations in Cognitive Science
1.1. Introductory Courses
- 180217 SE Seminar in Philosophy of Science I: interdisciplinary introduction - Foundations, theoretical and practical aspects of philosophy of science
- 180218 PS Projectseminar in philosophy of science - Wissensgenerierung und Modellbildung in der Wissenschaft
- 180219 VO Basic Concepts of Cognitive Science - Foundations in Cognitive Science
- 180240 SE Wissenschafts- und Kulturtheorie I - Wissenschafts- und Kulturtheorie I: Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 180331 VO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Lecture Series
- 180360 VO Topic lecture etutors & knowledge experts: - Knowledge society and digital knowledge creation: challenges, barriers, critiques
1.2. Advanced Courses
1.3. MEi:CogSci -- Middle European Interdisciplinary Joint Masters Program in Cognitive Science
2. Social Studies of Science
2.1. Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
- 230166 KO Institutions and Social Structures of Science
- 230167 UK Ignorance, understanding and participation - Introduction to the relations of sciences and their publics
- 230168 UK Trust, Fraud and Scientific Integrity - Scientific Work under Changing Boundary Conditions
- 230169 UK Technology as Practice and Culture - Social Science Reflections on the Relation of Techno-Scientific Developments and Social Orders
2.2. Advanced Social Studies of Science
- 230163 SE [ en ] Science Cultures: A closer look at research-in-the-making
- 230164 SE [ en ] Visiting "the laboratories" of social sciences: research contexts, methods and questions
- 230170 SE [ en ] Collaboration and competition: On forms and formats of being together in science
- 230171 SE [ en ] On the Co-Construction of Techno-Scientific Futures and Society
- 230173 SE Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 230174 SE [ en ] Reading seminar for PhD and advanced Master Students in Social Studies of Science
- 230180 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development - Global science in the Information Age
2.3. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) Social Studies of Science
2.3.1. CSP Science, Technology, Society: Basics
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
- 230166 KO Institutions and Social Structures of Science
- 230167 UK Ignorance, understanding and participation - Introduction to the relations of sciences and their publics
- 230168 UK Trust, Fraud and Scientific Integrity - Scientific Work under Changing Boundary Conditions
- 230169 UK Technology as Practice and Culture - Social Science Reflections on the Relation of Techno-Scientific Developments and Social Orders
2.3.2. CSP Science, Technology, Society: Advanced
- 230159 SE [ en ] Risky entanglements? Theorising Science, Technology and Society Relationships
- 230160 SE [ en ] Social Science Research Methods: A Toolbox for STS Research
- 230163 SE [ en ] Science Cultures: A closer look at research-in-the-making
- 230164 SE [ en ] Visiting "the laboratories" of social sciences: research contexts, methods and questions
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
- 230166 KO Institutions and Social Structures of Science
- 230170 SE [ en ] Collaboration and competition: On forms and formats of being together in science
- 230171 SE [ en ] On the Co-Construction of Techno-Scientific Futures and Society
- 230180 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development - Global science in the Information Age
2.4. Master Degree Programme in Science-Technology-Society
1. Basics Science-Technology-Society
- 230157 VO [ en ] Science, Technology, Society (STS): Key-questions and concepts
- 230158 SE [ en ] Science, Technology, Society (STS): Reading seminar
- 230159 SE [ en ] Risky entanglements? Theorising Science, Technology and Society Relationships
- 230160 SE [ en ] Social Science Research Methods: A Toolbox for STS Research
2. Project Design and Development
- 230162 SE [ en ] Scientific Practice and Knowledge Management
3. Module Group Research Specialisations
4. Additional Individual Specialisation (IS)
- 230163 SE [ en ] Science Cultures: A closer look at research-in-the-making
- 230164 SE [ en ] Visiting "the laboratories" of social sciences: research contexts, methods and questions
- 230170 SE [ en ] Collaboration and competition: On forms and formats of being together in science
- 230180 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development - Global science in the Information Age
5. Master Seminars (MS)
3. Courses for Doctoral Candidates
- 230173 SE Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 230174 SE [ en ] Reading seminar for PhD and advanced Master Students in Social Studies of Science
0.04 Language Courses
- 100212 UE German for international students (intermediate level) II
- 100213 UE German for international students (intermediate level) I
- 100214 UE Praktische Übungen zur Grammatik für internationale Studierende
- 100215 UE Studienbegleitende Beratung - zu aktuellen studienspezifischen sprachlichen Aufgaben und Fragestellungen für international Studierende
- 100216 UE Textarbeit / Schreiben in wissenschaftlichen Kontexten
0.05 Preparatory Courses for the Special University Entrance Qualification Examination and Supplementary Examinations
- 090099 VO+UE Einführung in die griechische Sprache 1
0.06. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) - Courses for Students from other Degree Programmes
EC "The Bible: Book and Text"
EC "The Bible: History and Interpretation"
CSP Arabic Culture and Language
EC Studies in Egyptology
CSP Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
CSP Business Administration
CSP Education Theory/Education Research I
CSP Education Theory/Education Research II
CSP Byzantine Culture
CSP German as a Foreign/Second Language and Germanic Linguistics
CSP German Philology
CSP Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture
EC Empirical Sociology
CSP English and American Studies Basics
CSP English and American Studies Linguistics
CSP English and American Studies Literature
CSP Ethics
CSP eTutorials and Knowledge Experts
CSP European Ethnology - Advanced
CSP European Ethnology - Basics
CSP European History of Music
CSP Finnish Culture and Language
CSP Gender Studies
CSP History
CSP History of Philosophy
CSP Greek Culture and History of Modern Times
EC Greek and Roman History
EC Großes Philosophicum
EC Basics of Ancient History
CSP Basics of Inclusive Education
CSP Basics of Cultural and Social Anthropology
CSP Basics of Life-Long Learning
CSP Basics of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) I
CSP Basics and Methods of Studies of Religions
CSP Basics of Statistical Methods
CSP Key Issues in the History of Religion
CSP International Literary Transfer
CSP Islam History and Religion
CSP Japanese Culture
CSP Japanese Language, Culture and Society
CSP Jewish Studies
CSP Classical Archeology
EC Classical Philology
CSP Cultural Studies
CSP Art History
CSP World Music
CSP Numismatics of Antiquity
CSP Numismatics of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era
CSP Numismatic Practice and Cataloguing
CSP Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) II
CSP Philosophicum
CSP Psychoanalysis (Basics)
CSP Psychoanalysis (Advanced)
CSP Scandinavian Studies
CSP Scandinavian Studies: Baltic Sea Region Studies
CSP Slavic Interculturality
EC Basics of Slavonic Studies I
EC Basics of Slavonic Studies II
EC Sociological Analyses of Society
CSP Computer Science in Sport
CSP Statistics
CSP South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
CSP South Asian Studies
CSP Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Cultural and Social Anthropology
CSP Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
CSP Turkish Studies I
CSP Turkish Studies II
CSP Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
EC Prehistory and Early History
CSP Economics
CSP Science, Technology, Society: Basics
CSP Science, Technology, Society: Advanced
0.07 Work Shop Offer for the New Doctoral Degree Programme
- 980001 TS Outline and exposé writing - Erfolgreiches Schreiben und Präsentieren eines Exposés für das Dissertationsprojekt
- 980002 TS [ en ] Outline and Exposé writing
- 980003 TS Time Management for Doctoral Projects
- 980006 TS [ en ] The specifics of English as academic language: writing proficiency
- 980008 TS Das Präsentieren wissenschaftlicher Forschung
- 980009 TS The thesis as Project
- 980010 TS Selbstmanagement: Zielklärung, Motivation und Work-Life Balance
- 980011 TS Poster Präsentation
- 980012 TS [ en ] Academic Small Talk and Networking
- 980013 TS [ en ] Academic Writing in English
- 980017 TS Research strategies and library research
- 980018 TS Research strategies and library research
- 980019 TS Research strategies and library research - Schwerpunkt Anglistik
- 980020 TS Research strategies and library research - Bereich anglistisch/amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
- 980021 TS Research strategies and library research
- 980022 TS Research strategies and library research
- 980026 TS Research strategies and library research
- 980027 TS Scientific Writing
- 980028 TS Scientific Writing
- 980029 TS Endnote: An introduction
- 980030 TS Endnote: An introduction
- 980031 TS Introduction to PhD Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35