Studies Programme 9 - Antiquity Sciences
9.01. Ancient History
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Ancient History
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
1. Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
- 090004 VO The Subject of Ancient History
- 090012 VO History of the Ancient World 1 (Basic Course Ancient History 1)
- 090013 KU History of the Ancient World 2 (Basic Course Ancient History 2)
- 090054 PS Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
2. Group of Required Modules - Greek History
2A Module - Greek History 1
2B Module - Greek History 2
- 090006 VO Greek History 2
2C Module - Greek History 3
2D Module - Study of Sources in Greek History
- 090059 KU Study of Sources in Greek History
3. Group of Required Modules - Roman History
3A Module - Roman History 1
3B Module - Roman History 2
- 090026 VO Roman History 2
3C Module - Roman History 3
3D Module - Study of Sources in Roman History
4. Module - Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090010 VO Constitution and 'political culture' of the Roman Republic
- 090035 UE Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090064 VO Introduction to Mycenaean studies: early Greek culture and history
5. Group of Required Modules - Study of Sources
5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources
- 090058 VO Livy's History: Selected Chapters
- 090060 VO Historical interpretation of literary sources 1: Plutarch's Spartan lives: - Lycurgus, Lysander, Agesilaos, Agis und Cleomenes
5B Module - Papyrology 1
- 090055 VO Papyrology 1
5C Module - Epigraphy
- 090027 VO Introduction to Latin Epigraphy
5D Module - Numismatics 1
- 060194 KU Samples from Maximinus Thrax to Trebonianus Gallus, coins and history
- 060195 KU Coins and monetary history of the Roman Republic
6. Module - Ancient Languages
- 090041 UE Introduction into Latin grammar - Kurs A
- 090075 UE Introduction into Greek grammar
- 090076 UE Introduction in Latin texts: Pliny, Letters - Kurs B
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
- 090120 UE Indroduction in Latin texts: Pliny, Letters - Kurs A
7. Module - Interdisciplinarity
8. Module - Bachelor's Papers
- 090054 PS Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
B. Master Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Module - Scientific Thinking and Working in Ancient History
2. Advanced Module 1: Greek History
- 090007 VO Lecture in Greek History
- 090008 SE Seminar in Greek History
3. Advanced Module 2: Roman History
4. Research Module
5. Required Module - Study of Sources and Techniques of Edition
5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 2
5B Module - Greek Epigraphy
- 090009 KU Greek Epigraphy
5C Module - Latin Epigraphy
5D Module - Papyrology 2
5E Module - Numismatics 2
5F Module - Techniques of Edition (either in the field of Epigraphy or in Papyrology)
6. Module - Ancient History
- 090005 VO History of the Ptolemaic Empire, II
- 090057 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies: Late Antiquity
7. Applied History: Field Trip(s)
- 090056 KU Applied History: Field Trip Preparation
8. Module - Master Privatissimum
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Proseminar for Students of Ancient History
2. Survey Lectures
3. Ancient History
- 090005 VO History of the Ptolemaic Empire, II
- 090006 VO Greek History 2
- 090007 VO Lecture in Greek History
- 090026 VO Roman History 2
- 090057 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies: Late Antiquity
- 090058 VO Livy's History: Selected Chapters
- 140328 VO Palaces, Temples, Pyramids: Archaeology of the Kushite Empire
4. Classical Studies
- 090007 VO Lecture in Greek History
- 090010 VO Constitution and 'political culture' of the Roman Republic
- 090035 UE Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090064 VO Introduction to Mycenaean studies: early Greek culture and history
5. Reading and Historical Interpretation
- 090058 VO Livy's History: Selected Chapters
- 090060 VO Historical interpretation of literary sources 1: Plutarch's Spartan lives: - Lycurgus, Lysander, Agesilaos, Agis und Cleomenes
6. Electives
6.1. Elective Course - Latin Epigraphy
- 090027 VO Introduction to Latin Epigraphy
6.2. Elective Course - Greek Epigraphy
- 090009 KU Greek Epigraphy
6.3. Elective Course - Papyrology
- 090053 VO Papyrology 2: Papyri from Egypt as a source for Roman provincial administration.
- 090055 VO Papyrology 1
6.4. Elective Course - Ancient Numismatics
- 060194 KU Samples from Maximinus Thrax to Trebonianus Gallus, coins and history
- 060195 KU Coins and monetary history of the Roman Republic
7. Seminars and Privatissima
- 090008 SE Seminar in Greek History
- 090028 SE Seminar in Roman History: Cicero and the end of the Roman Republic
- 090029 SE Master's Privatissimum (Seminar for Diploma Candidates)
8. Field Trips
- 090056 KU Applied History: Field Trip Preparation
9. Work Groups - Projects
D. Complementary Study Programmes in Ancient History
EC1 Basics of Ancient History
1. Module Basics of Ancient History
- 090004 VO The Subject of Ancient History
- 090011 KU History of the Ancient World 2 (Basic Course Ancient History 2)
- 090013 KU History of the Ancient World 2 (Basic Course Ancient History 2)
- 090054 PS Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
2. Module Theoretical Source Studies
- 090027 VO Introduction to Latin Epigraphy
- 090058 VO Livy's History: Selected Chapters
- 090060 VO Historical interpretation of literary sources 1: Plutarch's Spartan lives: - Lycurgus, Lysander, Agesilaos, Agis und Cleomenes
3. Module Advanced Source Studies
- 090068 VO Lecture: Nutrition in Antiquity
- 090097 VO Odysseus in World Literature
EC2 Greek and Roman History
1. Group of Required Modules in Greek History
1A Module Greek History 1
1B Module Greek History 2
- 090006 VO Greek History 2
1C Module Greek History 3
1D Module Source Studies in Greek History
- 090059 KU Study of Sources in Greek History
2. Group of Required Modules in Roman History
2A Module Roman History 1
2B Module Roman History 2
- 090026 VO Roman History 2
2C Module Roman History 3
2D Module Sources Studies in Roman History
9.02. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090001 UE Systematic introduction to modern Greek language I
- 090072 UE Mittelalterliches Griechisch I
- 090074 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090082 UE Berufspraktikum
- 090088 SE Byzantium in Vienna
- 090089 PS "Kleine Literaten". Die leise Stimme im Kanon
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
- 090095 SE Epistolographie
- 090096 SE Privatissimum für Studierende im Stadium der Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit od. Doktorarbeit
- 090098 PS Die Orthodoxe Kirche im Osmanischen Reich
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
- 090101 UE Systematische Einführung ins Neugriechische III
- 090102 PS Byzantinische Militärorganisation in der Zeit vom 7. bis zum ausgehenden 10. Jahrhundert
- 090170 SE Seminar - Privatissimum
I. Orientation Period (STEP)
B1: Basics of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090074 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
B2: Language I: Modern Greek
B3: Language II: Ancient Greek
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
II. Core Competencies
B4: History and Literature 1 - Basis
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
B5: History and Literature 2 - Advanced Courses
- 090089 PS "Kleine Literaten". Die leise Stimme im Kanon
- 090098 PS Die Orthodoxe Kirche im Osmanischen Reich
- 090102 PS Byzantinische Militärorganisation in der Zeit vom 7. bis zum ausgehenden 10. Jahrhundert
B6: Language III: Medieval Greek and Modern Greek Advanced Studies
- 090072 UE Mittelalterliches Griechisch I
- 090089 PS "Kleine Literaten". Die leise Stimme im Kanon
- 090101 UE Systematische Einführung ins Neugriechische III
B7: Additional Fields of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
III. Perspectives and Reflection
- 090170 SE Seminar - Privatissimum
B 8: Special Issues in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090088 SE Byzantium in Vienna
- 090095 SE Epistolographie
- 090096 SE Privatissimum für Studierende im Stadium der Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit od. Doktorarbeit
- 090170 SE Seminar - Privatissimum
B 9: Transdisciplinary Competence
B 10: Practical Field - General Occupational Competence
- 090082 UE Berufspraktikum
IV. Final Stage
- 090170 SE Seminar - Privatissimum
B 11: Bachelor's Papers
- 090096 SE Privatissimum für Studierende im Stadium der Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit od. Doktorarbeit
B. Master Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090071 UE Byzantinische Fürstenspiegel
- 090073 VO+WP Griechische Paläographie und Handschriftenkunde II
- 090085 FPR Practical Research Training
- 090088 SE Byzantium in Vienna
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
- 090093 VO+UE Greek Linguistic History of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 090095 SE Epistolographie
- 090096 SE Privatissimum für Studierende im Stadium der Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit od. Doktorarbeit
- 090098 PS Die Orthodoxe Kirche im Osmanischen Reich
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
- 090170 SE Seminar - Privatissimum
I. Basics and Methods
bn 1: Byzantine History and Greek History of Modern Times
- 090085 FPR Practical Research Training
- 090098 PS Die Orthodoxe Kirche im Osmanischen Reich
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
bn 2: Greek Language and Literature of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 090071 UE Byzantinische Fürstenspiegel
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
- 090093 VO+UE Greek Linguistic History of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
II. Groups of Alternative Modules
II./A - Byzantine Studies
b3: Byzantine Ancillary Sciences
- 090073 VO+WP Griechische Paläographie und Handschriftenkunde II
b4: Master Seminars in Byzantine Studies
- 090088 SE Byzantium in Vienna
b5: Byzantine Art
b6: Field Trip
b7: Modern Languages in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
II./B - Modern Greek Studies
n3: Theory and Research in Modern Greek Studies
- 090095 SE Epistolographie
- 090096 SE Privatissimum für Studierende im Stadium der Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit od. Doktorarbeit
n4: Archive Science and Post-Byzantine/Modern Greek Art
n5: Advanced Language Competence in Modern Greek
n6: Field Trip
n7: Neighbouring Languages of Modern Greek
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090096 SE Privatissimum für Studierende im Stadium der Diplomarbeit, Magisterarbeit od. Doktorarbeit
- 090170 SE Seminar - Privatissimum
1 Lectures
2 Proseminars
3 Practicals
- 090002 UE Neugriechische Umgangssprache I
- 090003 UE Neugriechische Umgangssprache III
4 Seminars
5 Excursions
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090074 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
EC1 Greek Culture and History of Modern Times
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090100 VO Neugriechische Geschichte von der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwart
EC2 Byzantine Culture
- 090074 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090092 VO Byzantinische Inschriften
9.03. Classical Archaeology
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Basics
1. Required Module - Introduction to Archaeology - STEP
- 090039 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090050 KU Introduction to Research
- 090103 KU Introduction to Research
2. Required Module - Methods of Archaeology - STEP
- 090051 KU Describing, Comparing: Sculpture in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities (KHM, Vienna)
- 090117 KU Course on Describing, Comparing: Hellenistic and Roman Architectural Decoration
3. Group of Elective Modules - Basics
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090045 PS Images of the Trojan War
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090113 PS [ en ] Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090079 PS Roman Painting
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090115 PS Roman Gods and Cults
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
WM Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090042 PS Thera in the Bronze Age
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
WM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090044 PS Introductory Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
WM Early Christian Archaeology
II. Advanced Courses
4. Required Module - Pictures
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
5. Alternative Required Modules
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
- 090129 SE Portraits of the Roman Republic Period
APM Minoan-Mycenean Archaeology
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090046 SE Urbanism in Minoan Crete
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
APM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
APM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090048 SE The Meaning and Significance of Water in Early Christian Art
III. Extension
6. Required Module - Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090038 VO Lecture in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090065 KU CAD for Archaeology
- 090066 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090067 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies - Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an der im SS 2011 stattfindenden LG
7. Alternative Required Modules
APM Field Trip
APM Instructional Excavation
IV. Supplementary Courses
Groups of Alternative Required Modules
APMG1 - Language and Advanced Studies
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
APMG 2 - Language and Interdisciplinarity
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
APMG 3 - Language and Option
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
APMG 4 - Languages
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
APMG 5 - Advanced Courses
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090046 SE Urbanism in Minoan Crete
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090048 SE The Meaning and Significance of Water in Early Christian Art
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
- 090129 SE Portraits of the Roman Republic Period
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
APMG 6 - Interdisciplinarity
V. Final Stage - Bachelor Module
- 090080 KU Bachelor-Course
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
- 090129 SE Portraits of the Roman Republic Period
- 090168 PV Colloquium for students writing theses (diploma, dissertation)
II. Alternative Required Module
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 090038 VO Lecture in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090065 KU CAD for Archaeology
- 090066 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090067 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies - Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an der im SS 2011 stattfindenden LG
III. Interdisciplinary Module
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090046 SE Urbanism in Minoan Crete
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090048 SE The Meaning and Significance of Water in Early Christian Art
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
- 090129 SE Portraits of the Roman Republic Period
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090046 SE Urbanism in Minoan Crete
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090048 SE The Meaning and Significance of Water in Early Christian Art
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
- 090129 SE Portraits of the Roman Republic Period
VI. Master Module
- 090049 PV Privatissimum for Students in Dissertation, Diploma and otherwise interested
- 090168 PV Colloquium for students writing theses (diploma, dissertation)
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
1. Lectures
- 010091 VO Saints of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090038 VO Lecture in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090039 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
2. Proseminars
- 090042 PS Thera in the Bronze Age
- 090044 PS Introductory Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090045 PS Images of the Trojan War
- 090079 PS Roman Painting
- 090113 PS [ en ] Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek
- 090115 PS Roman Gods and Cults
3. Practicals
- 090065 KU CAD for Archaeology
- 090066 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090067 KU Course in the subject areas of Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies - Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an der im SS 2011 stattfindenden LG
4. Seminars
- 090046 SE Urbanism in Minoan Crete
- 090047 SE Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090048 SE The Meaning and Significance of Water in Early Christian Art
- 090049 PV Privatissimum for Students in Dissertation, Diploma and otherwise interested
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
- 090125 SE The so-called Roman Historical Reliefs
- 090129 SE Portraits of the Roman Republic Period
- 090168 PV Colloquium for students writing theses (diploma, dissertation)
5. Field Trips and Practical Training
6. Supplementary Courses from Other Departments
D. Complementary Study Programme (Minor) Classical Archeology
EC Basic Module
- 090039 VO Introduction into Greek Archaeology
- 090051 KU Describing, Comparing: Sculpture in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities (KHM, Vienna)
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090117 KU Course on Describing, Comparing: Hellenistic and Roman Architectural Decoration
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
EC Advanced Module
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090040 VO Early Christian Monuments with Inscriptions
- 090042 PS Thera in the Bronze Age
- 090044 PS Introductory Seminar in: Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090045 PS Images of the Trojan War
- 090078 VO Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly
- 090079 PS Roman Painting
- 090105 VO De mortuis: Cemeteries, Tombs and Funerary Practice from Bronze Age through Early Iron Age Crete
- 090106 VO Marcus Aurelius and the Marcomannic Wars
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090111 VO Art and Architecture in the Hadrianic Period
- 090113 PS [ en ] Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek
- 090115 PS Roman Gods and Cults
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
E. Thematisch interessante Lehrveranstaltungen
9.04. Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090019 VO+UE Latin for beginners - Latin II
- 090052 UE Tales of the middle ages - (besonders für Absolventen der Ergänzungskurse)
- 090068 VO Lecture: Nutrition in Antiquity
- 090097 VO Odysseus in World Literature
- 090109 VO [ en ] Gender and Crime in Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Mythology
- 090110 VO+UE Latin for beginners - Latin I
- 090113 PS [ en ] Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greek
- 090114 VO+UE Latin for beginners - Latin I
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
- 090181 UE Let's talk Latin
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Philology
Module Group I: Advanced Modules
1. Required Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
- 090041 UE Introduction into Latin grammar - Kurs A
- 090075 UE Introduction into Greek grammar
- 090076 UE Introduction in Latin texts: Pliny, Letters - Kurs B
- 090097 VO Odysseus in World Literature
- 090120 UE Indroduction in Latin texts: Pliny, Letters - Kurs A
- 090130 UE Introduction into Latin grammar - Kurs B
- 090131 VO Classics in translation (Roman literature)
2. Required Module - Classical Studies
- 090012 VO History of the Ancient World 1 (Basic Course Ancient History 1)
- 090121 VO Ostia - Living in a Roman City
3a. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1
- 090099 VO+UE Greek for beginners, Part I
3b. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1a
- 090006 VO Greek History 2
- 090140 UE Reading Greek texts, II : Plato, Meno
4. Required Module - Greek 2
- 090021 UE Reading Greek texts, Part I - Teil 1
Module Group II: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5A-8A: Area of Specialisation "Latin Studies"
5a. Required Moudule - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Latin)
- 090043 UE Latin grammar I
- 090132 UE Reading Latin texts, II
6a. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Latin)
- 090134 UE Latin grammar II
- 090137 UE Latin grammar III
7a. Required Module - Classical Studies (Latin)
- 090068 VO Lecture: Nutrition in Antiquity
- 090139 VO Roman culture
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
8a. Required Module - History of Reception (Latin)
- 090068 VO Lecture: Nutrition in Antiquity
- 090086 VO Dante- Poetry and Language
- 090087 VO Biographical writings of early Humanists
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
Module Group III: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5B-8B: Area of Specialisation "Greek Studies"
5b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Greek)
- 090018 UE Greek grammar II
6b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Greek)
- 090140 UE Reading Greek texts, II : Plato, Meno
7b. Required Module - Classical Studies (Greek)
8b. Required Module - History of Reception (Greek)
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090097 VO Odysseus in World Literature
9. Required Module - Bachelor's Paper
- 090023 SE Greek Seminar: Homer
- 090133 SE Latin Seminar: Vergil, Aeneid - Seminar (Latein)
- 090166 PS Introduction to philological methods (Latin)
- 090167 PS Introduction to philological methods (Greek)
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Greek Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
- 090023 SE Greek Seminar: Homer
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090023 SE Greek Seminar: Homer
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090156 VO Word formation of Greek language
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090132 UE Reading Latin texts, II
- 090141 VO+UE (Practical) Introduction to ancient Greek music
- 090145 VO+UE Converstorium: Plato, Timaeus
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
- 090124 SE [ en ] Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology from Gendered Perspectives
C. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Latin Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
- 090068 VO Lecture: Nutrition in Antiquity
- 090086 VO Dante- Poetry and Language
- 090087 VO Biographical writings of early Humanists
- 090133 SE Latin Seminar: Vergil, Aeneid - Seminar (Latein)
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090133 SE Latin Seminar: Vergil, Aeneid - Seminar (Latein)
4. Required Module - Linguistic History
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
- 090165 VO+UE Reading Latin texts of late antiquity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
D. Master Degree Programme in Medieval and Modern Times Latin Philology
- 090133 SE Latin Seminar: Vergil, Aeneid - Seminar (Latein)
1. Required Module - Literary History
- 090087 VO Biographical writings of early Humanists
- 090163 VO Lecture: Latin literature in late antiquity
2. Required Module - Literature
- 090061 UE Latin writings by, for and about women in early modern times
- 090086 VO Dante- Poetry and Language
- 090133 SE Latin Seminar: Vergil, Aeneid - Seminar (Latein)
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090133 SE Latin Seminar: Vergil, Aeneid - Seminar (Latein)
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
- 090061 UE Latin writings by, for and about women in early modern times
- 090181 UE Let's talk Latin
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
- 090165 VO+UE Reading Latin texts of late antiquity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
E. Diploma Degree Programme Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090052 UE Tales of the middle ages - (besonders für Absolventen der Ergänzungskurse)
1. Middle and Neo-Latin Courses
2. Proseminars
3. Seminars
4. Subject Didactics
- 090122 UE Aims and goals of reading Latin texts in school, II
- 090159 UE Aims and goals of teaching Latin language in school
- 090162 UE Greek Seminar( teacher trainning programme)
- 090164 UE Understanding and translating Greek texts
F. Complementary Study Programme in Classical Philology
Module A: History of Reception (Antique Literature)
- 090068 VO Lecture: Nutrition in Antiquity
- 090086 VO Dante- Poetry and Language
- 090087 VO Biographical writings of early Humanists
- 090090 VO Erinnerungsstörungen - Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
- 090163 VO Lecture: Latin literature in late antiquity
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
Module B: Classics in Translation
- 090097 VO Odysseus in World Literature
- 090131 VO Classics in translation (Roman literature)
- 090139 VO Roman culture
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36