Studies Programme 9 - Antiquity Sciences
9.01. Ancient History
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
1a Geschichte der Antike
- 090002 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
1b Das Fach Alte Geschichte und seine Methoden
- 090001 VO STEOP: The Subject of Ancient History
- 090032 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
2. Group of Required Modules - Greek History
2A Module - Greek History 1
2B Module - Greek History 2
2C Module - Greek History 3
- 090033 VO Greek History 3
2D Module - Study of Sources in Greek History
3. Group of Required Modules - Roman History
3A Module - Roman History 1
3B Module - Roman History 2
3C Module - Roman History 3
- 090034 VO Roman History 3
3D Module - Study of Sources in Roman History
- 090066 KU Study of Sources in Roman History
4. Module - Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090036 VO Women in myth and reality in antiquity.
- 090037 VO Crime and Crime Prevention in the Graeco-Roman World
- 090076 KU Roman Legal Documents I. Documents from the towns around the Monut Vesuvius
5. Group of Required Modules - Study of Sources
5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources
- 090072 KU Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 1 - Rom and Greece, from the first Macedonian war to Actium (215-27 BC)
5B Module - Papyrology 1
5C Module - Epigraphy
- 090073 VO Epigraphy
5D Module - Numismatics 1
- 060085 PS Ancient Greek Federal Coinage
6. Module - Ancient Languages
- 090081 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
- 090082 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
- 090099 VO Herodotus - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090100 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry): Aristophanes - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung)
7. Module - Interdisciplinarity
8. Module - Bachelor's Papers
- 090032 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
- 090058 SE Bachelor's Paper 2
B. Master Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Module - Scientific Thinking and Working in Ancient History
2. Advanced Module 1: Greek History
- 090055 SE Seminar in Greek History
- 090074 VO Lecture in Greek History - Die Entwicklung der griechischen Staatenwelt in archaischer Zeit (8. bis 6. Jh. v. Chr.).
3. Advanced Module 2: Roman History
- 090056 SE Seminar in Roman History
4. Research Module
- 090078 SE Research Module: Ostracism
5. Required Module - Study of Sources and Techniques of Edition
5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 2
5B Module - Greek Epigraphy
5C Module - Latin Epigraphy
5D Module - Papyrology 2
- 090035 VO Papyrology 2
5E Module - Numismatics 2
- 060092 KU Das Münzwesen im Osten der griechischen Welt
- 060093 KU Coin Production and Coin Finds from Caracalla to Maximinus Thrax
5F Module - Techniques of Edition (either in the field of Epigraphy or in Papyrology)
6. Module - Ancient History
- 090038 VO Byzantine History
- 090059 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090060 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090074 VO Lecture in Greek History - Die Entwicklung der griechischen Staatenwelt in archaischer Zeit (8. bis 6. Jh. v. Chr.).
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Empire of Kush
- 140071 VO History of North Africa 1
7. Applied History: Field Trip(s)
- 090075 KU Applied History: Field Trip(s)
8. Module - Master Privatissimum
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Proseminar for Students of Ancient History
2. Survey Lectures
- 090002 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
3. Ancient History
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
- 090033 VO Greek History 3
- 090034 VO Roman History 3
- 090059 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090060 VO Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 090074 VO Lecture in Greek History - Die Entwicklung der griechischen Staatenwelt in archaischer Zeit (8. bis 6. Jh. v. Chr.).
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Empire of Kush
- 140071 VO History of North Africa 1
4. Classical Studies
- 090036 VO Women in myth and reality in antiquity.
- 090037 VO Crime and Crime Prevention in the Graeco-Roman World
- 090076 KU Roman Legal Documents I. Documents from the towns around the Monut Vesuvius
5. Reading and Historical Interpretation
- 090072 KU Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 1 - Rom and Greece, from the first Macedonian war to Actium (215-27 BC)
6. Electives
6.1. Elective Course - Latin Epigraphy
- 090073 VO Epigraphy
6.2. Elective Course - Greek Epigraphy
6.3. Elective Course - Papyrology
- 090035 VO Papyrology 2
- 090061 UE Exercise in Editorial Technique (Epigraphy or Papyrology)
6.4. Elective Course - Ancient Numismatics
- 060085 PS Ancient Greek Federal Coinage
- 060092 KU Das Münzwesen im Osten der griechischen Welt
- 060093 KU Coin Production and Coin Finds from Caracalla to Maximinus Thrax
7. Seminars and Privatissima
- 090055 SE Seminar in Greek History
- 090056 SE Seminar in Roman History
- 090057 SE Master's Privatissimum (Seminar for Diploma Candidates)
- 090058 SE Bachelor's Paper 2
8. Field Trips
- 090075 KU Applied History: Field Trip(s)
9. Work Groups - Projects
- 090061 UE Exercise in Editorial Technique (Epigraphy or Papyrology)
- 090078 SE Research Module: Ostracism
D. Complementary Study Programmes in Ancient History
CSP2 Greek and Roman History
CSP1 Basics of Ancient History
1. Module Basics of Ancient History
- 090001 VO STEOP: The Subject of Ancient History
- 090002 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
- 090032 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
2. Module Theoretical Source Studies
- 060085 PS Ancient Greek Federal Coinage
- 090073 VO Epigraphy
3. Module Advanced Source Studies
- 090072 KU Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 1 - Rom and Greece, from the first Macedonian war to Actium (215-27 BC)
EC 3: Grundlagen der Alten Geschichte: Basis (Neu: Ab 1. Oktober 2012)
- 090001 VO STEOP: The Subject of Ancient History
- 090002 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
- 090032 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
EC 4: Grundlagen der Alten Geschichte: Aufbau (Neu: Ab 1. Oktober 2012)
- 060085 PS Ancient Greek Federal Coinage
- 090072 KU Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 1 - Rom and Greece, from the first Macedonian war to Actium (215-27 BC)
- 090073 VO Epigraphy
EC 5: Griechische Geschichte
1. Group of Required Modules in Greek History
1A Module Greek History 1
1B Module Greek History 2
1C Module Greek History 3
- 090033 VO Greek History 3
1D Module Source Studies in Greek History
E. Doktoratsstudium Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde
Das Lehrangebot findet sich unter SPL 41
9.02. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
I. Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)
B1: Basics of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090044 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies - Einführung in die Byzantinistik
- 090062 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
Pflichtmodul 1b: STEOP: "Sprache I: Neugriechisch. Basis"
- 090039 VO+UE Modern Greek 1
Eingangsphase (nicht Bestandteil der STEOP)
B 2: "Sprache I: Neugriechisch. Aufbau"
B 3: "Sprache II: Altgriechisch"
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
II. Core Competencies
B4: History and Literature 1 - Basis
- 090038 VO Byzantine History
- 090043 VO Byzantine History
- 090050 VO Byzantine Literature - Von den Kirchenvätern bis zum Zeitalter des Ikonoklasmus (4.-9. Jahrhundert)
- 090065 VO Byzantine History - Byzanz zwischen Osten und Westen
- 090070 VO Greek History, 1821-1923
B5: History and Literature 2 - Advanced Courses
- 090049 PS Byzantine / Modern Greek Philology
- 090068 UE Online-Ressources
B6: Language III: Medieval Greek and Modern Greek Advanced Studies
- 090049 PS Byzantine / Modern Greek Philology
- 090051 UE Medieval Greek 1
- 090067 UE Modern Greek 3
B7: Additional Fields of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 080042 PS Byzantine Art
- 080057 PS Byzantine Art in Western Collections
- 080067 UE Byzantine Art
- 090038 VO Byzantine History
- 090043 VO Byzantine History
- 090050 VO Byzantine Literature - Von den Kirchenvätern bis zum Zeitalter des Ikonoklasmus (4.-9. Jahrhundert)
- 090065 VO Byzantine History - Byzanz zwischen Osten und Westen
- 090070 VO Greek History, 1821-1923
III. Perspectives and Reflection
B 8: Special Issues in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090047 SE Byzantine History
B 9: Transdisciplinary Competence
B 10: Practical Field - General Occupational Competence
IV. Final Stage
B 11: Bachelor's Papers
B. Master Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
I. Basics and Methods
bn 1: Byzantine History and Greek History of Modern Times
- 090038 VO Byzantine History
- 090043 VO Byzantine History
- 090065 VO Byzantine History - Byzanz zwischen Osten und Westen
- 090070 VO Greek History, 1821-1923
bn 2: Greek Language and Literature of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 090042 UE Modern Greek V
- 090048 UE Byzantine Philology
- 090050 VO Byzantine Literature - Von den Kirchenvätern bis zum Zeitalter des Ikonoklasmus (4.-9. Jahrhundert)
II. Groups of Alternative Modules
II./A - Byzantine Studies
b3: Byzantine Ancillary Sciences
- 090045 VO+WP Diplomatics and paleography
b4: Master Seminars in Byzantine Studies
- 090047 SE Byzantine History
b5: Byzantine Art
- 080042 PS Byzantine Art
- 080057 PS Byzantine Art in Western Collections
- 080067 UE Byzantine Art
b6: Field Trip
b7: Modern Languages in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
II./B - Modern Greek Studies
n3: Theory and Research in Modern Greek Studies
- 090063 VO+UE History and Theory of Science - Erinnerungskultur, Geschichtspolitik und "historische Meistererzählungen" (mit Beispielen aus der neugriechischen Geschichte)
- 090071 UE The financial crisis around the mines of Lavrion in the 19th century - A chapter of Greek and European Economic and Social History
n4: Archive Science and Post-Byzantine/Modern Greek Art
- 090045 VO+WP Diplomatics and paleography
n5: Advanced Language Competence in Modern Greek
n6: Field Trip
n7: Neighbouring Languages of Modern Greek
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
1 Lectures
2 Proseminars
3 Practicals
- 090040 UE Colloquial Greek
- 090041 UE Colloquial Greek
4 Seminars
5 Excursions
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
CSP1 Greek Culture and History of Modern Times
- 090062 VO+UE Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
- 090063 VO+UE History and Theory of Science - Erinnerungskultur, Geschichtspolitik und "historische Meistererzählungen" (mit Beispielen aus der neugriechischen Geschichte)
- 090070 VO Greek History, 1821-1923
CSP2 Byzantine Culture
- 080042 PS Byzantine Art
- 080057 PS Byzantine Art in Western Collections
- 080067 UE Byzantine Art
- 090038 VO Byzantine History
- 090043 VO Byzantine History
- 090044 VO+UE Introduction to Byzantine Studies - Einführung in die Byzantinistik
- 090050 VO Byzantine Literature - Von den Kirchenvätern bis zum Zeitalter des Ikonoklasmus (4.-9. Jahrhundert)
- 090065 VO Byzantine History - Byzanz zwischen Osten und Westen
9.03. Classical Archaeology
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Basics
1. Required Module - Introduction to Archaeology - STEP
- 090004 VO STEOP: Introduction to Greek Archaeology
- 090006 VO STEOP: Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- 090022 KU STEOP: Introduction to Scientific Work
- 090023 KU STEOP: Introduction to Scientific Work - Topography of Athens
2. Required Module - Methods of Archaeology - STEP
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090024 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing - Roman Sculpture in the KHM
- 090025 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing - Ancient Ceramics
3. Group of Elective Modules - Basics
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090010 PS Images on Public Buildings - Architectural Sculpture in Archaic and Classical Times
- 090012 PS Female Cults in Greece
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090013 PS Roman Victory Monuments from Mid-Republican to Mid-Imperial Times
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
WM Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090008 PS Palatial Architectural Forms in Minoan Crete
WM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090009 PS Pottery in the Danube Provinces: the Example of Pannonia
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
WM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090011 PS Plants in Early Christian Art
II. Advanced Courses
4. Required Module - Pictures
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
5. Alternative Required Modules
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
APM Minoan-Mycenean Archaeology
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
APM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
APM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090017 SE Light in Early Christian Art
III. Extension
6. Required Module - Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 090026 KU Processing of Finds - Pottery from the Vicus of Neunkirchen
- 090027 KU Working and Photographing in the Institute's Collection
7. Alternative Required Modules
APM Field Trip
APM Instructional Excavation
IV. Supplementary Courses
Groups of Alternative Required Modules
APMG1 - Language and Advanced Studies
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090026 KU Processing of Finds - Pottery from the Vicus of Neunkirchen
- 090027 KU Working and Photographing in the Institute's Collection
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
APMG 2 - Language and Interdisciplinarity
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
APMG 3 - Language and Option
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
APMG 4 - Languages
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
APMG 5 - Advanced Courses
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090017 SE Light in Early Christian Art
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090026 KU Processing of Finds - Pottery from the Vicus of Neunkirchen
- 090027 KU Working and Photographing in the Institute's Collection
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
APMG 6 - Interdisciplinarity
V. Final Stage - Bachelor Module
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090017 SE Light in Early Christian Art
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
Alternative Erweiterung
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
- 090019 PV Colloquium for Students Writing Theses
- 090021 PV Privatissimum
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
II. Alternative Required Module
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 090026 KU Processing of Finds - Pottery from the Vicus of Neunkirchen
- 090027 KU Working and Photographing in the Institute's Collection
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090017 SE Light in Early Christian Art
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090017 SE Light in Early Christian Art
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
VI. Master Module
- 090019 PV Colloquium for Students Writing Theses
- 090020 PV Privatissimum - for Students in Dissertation, Diploma, Master and Other Interested
- 090021 PV Privatissimum
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
1. Lectures
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090004 VO STEOP: Introduction to Greek Archaeology
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090006 VO STEOP: Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
2. Proseminars
- 090008 PS Palatial Architectural Forms in Minoan Crete
- 090009 PS Pottery in the Danube Provinces: the Example of Pannonia
- 090010 PS Images on Public Buildings - Architectural Sculpture in Archaic and Classical Times
- 090011 PS Plants in Early Christian Art
- 090012 PS Female Cults in Greece
- 090013 PS Roman Victory Monuments from Mid-Republican to Mid-Imperial Times
3. Practicals
- 090026 KU Processing of Finds - Pottery from the Vicus of Neunkirchen
- 090027 KU Working and Photographing in the Institute's Collection
4. Seminars
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090016 SE Personifications in Greek Culture
- 090017 SE Light in Early Christian Art
- 090018 SE Roman Pilgrim Sanctuaries
- 090019 PV Colloquium for Students Writing Theses
- 090020 PV Privatissimum - for Students in Dissertation, Diploma, Master and Other Interested
- 090021 PV Privatissimum
5. Field Trips and Practical Training
6. Supplementary Courses from Other Departments
D. Complementary Study Programme (Minor) Classical Archeology
CSP Basic Module
- 090004 VO STEOP: Introduction to Greek Archaeology
- 090006 VO STEOP: Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090024 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing - Roman Sculpture in the KHM
- 090025 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing - Ancient Ceramics
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
CSP Advanced Module
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090005 VO Early Christianity in the Balkans in Light of the Monuments
- 090007 VO Ancient Baths and Water Technology in the Roman World
- 090008 PS Palatial Architectural Forms in Minoan Crete
- 090009 PS Pottery in the Danube Provinces: the Example of Pannonia
- 090010 PS Images on Public Buildings - Architectural Sculpture in Archaic and Classical Times
- 090011 PS Plants in Early Christian Art
- 090012 PS Female Cults in Greece
- 090013 PS Roman Victory Monuments from Mid-Republican to Mid-Imperial Times
- 090029 VO The Roman Army - Band of Brothers
- 090030 VO Poseidonia - Paestum: from Greek Apoikia to Roman Colony
9.04. Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090118 VO+UE Einführung in das Latein I
- 090119 VO+UE Einführung in das Latein I
- 090120 VO+UE Einführung in das Latein I
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Philology
Module Group I: Advanced Modules
1. Required Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
- 090002 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090079 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Latin) - (= Überblick über die römische Literatur in Übersetzung)
- 090080 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek) - (= Griechisch für Studierende der Latinistik)
- 090081 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
- 090082 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
2. Required Module - Classical Studies
- 090084 VO Latin Grammar (basics) - Kurs A
- 090085 VO Latin Grammar (basics) - Kurs B
- 090086 VO Greek Grammar (basics)
3a. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1
- 090087 VO Introduction to Ancient Greek - Part I
3b. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1a
4. Required Module - Greek 2
- 090088 UE Reading Greek I (part 1) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre griechischer Autoren)
Module Group II: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5A-8A: Area of Specialisation "Latin Studies"
5a. Required Moudule - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Latin)
- 090089 UE Latin Grammar I
- 090090 UE Latin Reading II - (= Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
6a. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Latin)
- 090091 UE Latin Grammar II
- 090092 UE Latin Grammar III
7a. Required Module - Classical Studies (Latin)
- 090093 VO Roman Cultural History
- 090094 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der römischen Literatur ( Dichtung)
8a. Required Module - History of Reception (Latin)
- 090095 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090096 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Dichtung)
Module Group III: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5B-8B: Area of Specialisation "Greek Studies"
5b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Greek)
- 090097 UE Greek Grammar II
6b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Greek)
- 090098 UE Greek Reading II
7b. Required Module - Classical Studies (Greek)
- 090099 VO Herodotus - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090100 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry): Aristophanes - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung)
8b. Required Module - History of Reception (Greek)
9. Required Module - Bachelor's Paper
- 090101 PS Introduction to philological working methods
- 090102 PS Introduction to philological working methods
- 090103 SE The Devil in Latin Epic - (Seminar)
- 090104 SE Cicero - (Seminar)
- 090105 SE Aristotle, De anima - (Seminar)
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Greek Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
- 160039 VO Historical grammar of Greek
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
- 090111 SE Master seminar
C. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Latin Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090109 SE Editing and translating Latin texts - Master seminar
- 090110 SE Master seminar
4. Required Module - Linguistic History
- 090107 UE Stylistics of Latin
- 090112 UE Latine loquamur
- 160030 VO Linguistic introduction to Indo-European language A - Historical Grammar of Latin
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
- 090109 SE Editing and translating Latin texts - Master seminar
- 090110 SE Master seminar
D. Master Degree Programme in Medieval and Modern Times Latin Philology
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
- 090108 UE The Eupolemius - A Latin epic from the Middle Ages
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090109 SE Editing and translating Latin texts - Master seminar
- 090110 SE Master seminar
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
- 090110 SE Master seminar
E. Diploma Degree Programme Middle and Neo-Latin
1. Abschnitt
- 090089 UE Latin Grammar I
- 090090 UE Latin Reading II - (= Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
- 090091 UE Latin Grammar II
- 090092 UE Latin Grammar III
- 090093 VO Roman Cultural History
- 090094 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der römischen Literatur ( Dichtung)
- 090095 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090097 UE Greek Grammar II
- 090098 UE Greek Reading II
- 090099 VO Herodotus - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090100 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry): Aristophanes - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung)
- 090101 PS Introduction to philological working methods
- 090115 UE Didactics of Text Comprehension and Translation (Latin)
- 090116 UE Didactics of Text Comprehension and Translation (Greek)
1.1. StEOP
- 090079 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Latin) - (= Überblick über die römische Literatur in Übersetzung)
- 090080 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek) - (= Griechisch für Studierende der Latinistik)
- 090081 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
- 090082 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre lateinischer Autoren)
- 090088 UE Reading Greek I (part 1) - (= Einführung in die Lektüre griechischer Autoren)
2. Abschnitt
- 090084 VO Latin Grammar (basics) - Kurs A
- 090085 VO Latin Grammar (basics) - Kurs B
- 090086 VO Greek Grammar (basics)
- 090094 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der römischen Literatur ( Dichtung)
- 090095 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090096 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Dichtung)
- 090099 VO Herodotus - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090100 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry): Aristophanes - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung)
- 090102 PS Introduction to philological working methods
- 090103 SE The Devil in Latin Epic - (Seminar)
- 090104 SE Cicero - (Seminar)
- 090105 SE Aristotle, De anima - (Seminar)
- 090106 VO Overview of Latin Literature of the Late Antique
- 090107 UE Stylistics of Latin
- 090108 UE The Eupolemius - A Latin epic from the Middle Ages
- 090112 UE Latine loquamur
- 090113 UE Reading Latin texts
- 090114 UE Teaching and Learning Target of Reading Latin Authors II
- 090117 UE Extracanonical texts in school Latin
- 160030 VO Linguistic introduction to Indo-European language A - Historical Grammar of Latin
- 160039 VO Historical grammar of Greek
F. Complementary Study Programme in Classical Philology
Module A: History of Reception (Antique Literature)
Module B: Classics in Translation
G. Erweiterungscurriculum Klassische Philologie: Griechische und Römische Literatur - Wirkungsgeschichte
- 090094 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der römischen Literatur ( Dichtung)
- 090095 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090096 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - TG der lateinischen Literatur (Dichtung)
- 090099 VO Herodotus - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Prosa)
- 090100 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry): Aristophanes - TG der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung)
H. Erweiterungscurriculum Klassische Philologie: Griechische und Römische Literatur - Texte und Kontexte
- 090079 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Latin) - (= Überblick über die römische Literatur in Übersetzung)
- 090080 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek) - (= Griechisch für Studierende der Latinistik)
- 090083 VO Wirkungsgeschichte (History of Effect) of Antique Literature (Motives)
- 090093 VO Roman Cultural History
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37