Directorate of Studies 9 - Antiquity Sciences
9.01. Ancient History
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
1a Geschichte der Antike
- 090004 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
1b Das Fach Alte Geschichte und seine Methoden
- 090013 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
- 090014 VO STEOP: The Subject of Ancient History
2. Group of Required Modules - Greek History
2A Module - Greek History 1
2B Module - Greek History 2
- 090012 VO Greek History 2
2C Module - Greek History 3
2D Module - Study of Sources in Greek History
3. Group of Required Modules - Roman History
3A Module - Roman History 1
3B Module - Roman History 2
- 090015 VO Roman History 2
3C Module - Roman History 3
3D Module - Study of Sources in Roman History
- 090100 KU Numismatics 1
4. Module - Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090034 VO Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090035 UE Epigraphy in Etruria
- 090036 VO The Carthaginians - history and culture of an ancient superpower
- 090041 VO Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090062 VO Classical Studies - Etruscology
- 140071 VO History of North East Africa 1
5. Group of Required Modules - Study of Sources
5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources
- 090032 KU Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 1 - Quellen zur Geschichte Roms im Zeitalter der Krise der Republik (133-44 v. Chr.)
5B Module - Papyrology 1
5C Module - Epigraphy
- 090038 VO Epigraphy
5D Module - Numismatics 1
6. Module - Ancient Languages
7. Module - Interdisciplinarity
8. Module - Bachelor's Papers
- 090013 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
- 090037 SE Bachelor's Paper 2 - Gründungsmythen und Ursprungslegenden im und zum antiken Italien
B. Master Degree Programme in Ancient History
1. Module - Scientific Thinking and Working in Ancient History
- 090101 KU Practice of Scientific Communication
2. Advanced Module 1: Greek History
- 090042 SE Seminar in Greek History - Fragen und Probleme
- 090048 VO The Spartan Hegemony: from Aigos Potamoi to Mantineia
3. Advanced Module 2: Roman History
- 090064 SE Seminar in Roman History - Panegyrici Latini - Herrscherlob und Herrschaftsideologie in der Spätantike
4. Research Module
- 090019 SE Research Seminar 1 - Die Sammlung des Instituts für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik
5. Required Module - Study of Sources and Techniques of Edition
5A Module - Historical Interpretation of Literary Sources 2
5B Module - Greek Epigraphy
- 090022 KU Greek Epigraphy
5C Module - Latin Epigraphy
- 090016 VO Latin Epigraphy:
5D Module - Papyrology 2
- 090051 VO Papyrology 2
5E Module - Numismatics 2
- 060056 KU Numismatic Sources of the Late Antiquity
- 060116 SE Coinage in the flavian age
- 090100 KU Numismatics 1
5F Module - Techniques of Edition (either in the field of Epigraphy or in Papyrology)
6. Module - Ancient History
- 090017 VO From Constantine to Julian
- 090033 VO Constitution and 'political culture' of the Roman Republic - Soziale Probleme und politische Auseinandersetzungen im Rom des 2. Jh. v. Chr.
- 090039 VO [ en ] Ancient History and Classical Studies
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Topography and Archaeology of Ancient Sudan
7. Applied History: Field Trip(s)
- 090018 KU Field trip: Ancient Sicily
8. Module - Master Privatissimum
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Ancient History
D. Complementary Study Programmes in Ancient History
CSP 1: Greek and Roman History
CSP 2: Basics of Ancient History
1. Module Basics of Ancient History
- 090004 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090013 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
- 090014 VO STEOP: The Subject of Ancient History
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
2. Module Theoretical Source Studies
3. Module Advanced Source Studies
CSP 3: Basics of Ancient History - Basis
- 090004 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090013 PS STEOP: Introductory Seminar in Ancient History
- 090014 VO STEOP: The Subject of Ancient History
- 090031 KU STEOP: Basic Course Ancient History 2
CSP 3: Basics of Ancient History - Advanced
CSP 5: Greek History
1. Group of Required Modules in Greek History
1A Module Greek History 1
1B Module Greek History 2
- 090012 VO Greek History 2
1C Module Greek History 3
1D Module Source Studies in Greek History
CSP 6: Roman History
2. Group of Required Modules in Roman History
2A Module Roman History 1
2B Module Roman History 2
- 090015 VO Roman History 2
2C Module Roman History 3
2D Module Sources Studies in Roman History
- 090100 KU Numismatics 1
E. Doktoratsstudium Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde
Das Lehrangebot findet sich unter SPL 41
9.02. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2013]
Compulsory Modules 1: Orientation Period
Module 1a: Elements of Byzantine Studies
- 090104 VO Introduction to Byzantine Studies
Module 1b: Elements of Modern Greek Studies
- 090116 VO Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
- 090118 UE Modern Greek I
Compulsory Modules 2: Language
Module 2a: Ancient and Medieval Greek
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
- 090120 UE Medieval Greek
Module 2b: Modern Greek
- 090098 UE Modern Greek II
- 090119 UE Modern Greek III
Compulsory Modules 3: Basic Knowledge and Techniques
Module 3a: Byzantine Studies
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090102 UE Introduction to Scholarly Techniques in Byzantine Studies
- 090105 UE Charters of Byzantine Co-Emperors
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090109 UE Byzantine Social History
- 090110 UE Byzantine Cultural History of the "Long" 12th Century (1081-1204)
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
Module 3b: Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
Compulsory Modules 4: Advanced Knowledge and Techniques
Module 4a: Preparatory Seminars
- 090111 PS Elements of Byzantine Studies: Selected Personalities of Byzantine History
- 090113 PS From the Congress of Berlin (1878) to the Lausanne Convention (1923) - Greece between "national triumphs" and "national desasters"
Module 4b: Seminars and Bachelor Thesis
- 090108 SE Approaches to Byzantine Hagiography
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
B. Master Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2013]
Compulsory Module 1: Courses in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090097 UE Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090109 UE Byzantine Social History
- 090110 UE Byzantine Cultural History of the "Long" 12th Century (1081-1204)
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
Alternative Compulsory Modules 1: Byzantine Studies
Module 2.1: Auxiliary Sciences and Art History
- 080042 UE The Byzantine Iconographical Program
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090105 UE Charters of Byzantine Co-Emperors
Module 3.1: Master Seminars
- 090108 SE Approaches to Byzantine Hagiography
Module 4.1: Study Trip
Alternative Module 5.1a: Foreign Languages
Alternative Module 5.1b: Further Courses in Byzantine Studies
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090105 UE Charters of Byzantine Co-Emperors
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090108 SE Approaches to Byzantine Hagiography
- 090109 UE Byzantine Social History
- 090110 UE Byzantine Cultural History of the "Long" 12th Century (1081-1204)
- 090111 PS Elements of Byzantine Studies: Selected Personalities of Byzantine History
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
- 090120 UE Medieval Greek
Module 6.1: Research Seminar
- 090103 PV Research Seminar
Alternative Compulsory Modules 2: Modern Greek Studies
Module 2.1: Advanced Courses in Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
Module 3.1: Master Seminars
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
Module 4.1: Study Trip
Alternative Module 5.1a: Foreign Languages
Alternative Module 5.1b: Further Courses in Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090097 UE Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090113 PS From the Congress of Berlin (1878) to the Lausanne Convention (1923) - Greece between "national triumphs" and "national desasters"
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
Module 6.1: Research Seminar
- 090103 PV Research Seminar
C. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2013]
Complementary Programme 1: Byzantine History and Culture
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090104 VO Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090105 UE Charters of Byzantine Co-Emperors
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090109 UE Byzantine Social History
- 090110 UE Byzantine Cultural History of the "Long" 12th Century (1081-1204)
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
- 090120 UE Medieval Greek
Complementary Programme 2: Modern Greek History and Culture
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
Complementary Programme 3: Modern Greek Language and Culture
- 090098 UE Modern Greek II
- 090116 VO Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
- 090118 UE Modern Greek I
D. Bachelor Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2011]
I. Pflichtmodulgruppe Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (STEOP)
B1: Basics of Byzantine Studies
- 090104 VO Introduction to Byzantine Studies
Basics of Modern Greek Studies
- 090116 VO Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
Language I: Modern Greek. Basis
- 090118 UE Modern Greek I
Eingangsphase (nicht Bestandteil der STEOP)
B 2: "Sprache I: Neugriechisch. Aufbau"
- 090098 UE Modern Greek II
B 3: "Sprache II: Altgriechisch"
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
II. Core Competencies
B4: History and Literature 1 - Basis
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
B5: History and Literature 2 - Advanced Courses
- 090102 UE Introduction to Scholarly Techniques in Byzantine Studies
- 090111 PS Elements of Byzantine Studies: Selected Personalities of Byzantine History
- 090113 PS From the Congress of Berlin (1878) to the Lausanne Convention (1923) - Greece between "national triumphs" and "national desasters"
B6: Language III: Medieval Greek and Modern Greek Advanced Studies
- 090119 UE Modern Greek III
- 090120 UE Medieval Greek
B7: Additional Fields of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 080042 UE The Byzantine Iconographical Program
- 080057 PS Case Study I: Byzantine Icons
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090105 UE Charters of Byzantine Co-Emperors
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
III. Perspectives and Reflection
B 8: Special Issues in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- 090108 SE Approaches to Byzantine Hagiography
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
B 9: Transdisciplinary Competence
B 10: Practical Field - General Occupational Competence
IV. Final Stage
B 11: Bachelor's Papers
E. Master Degree Programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2008]
I. Basics and Methods
bn 1: Byzantine History and Greek History of Modern Times
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090111 PS Elements of Byzantine Studies: Selected Personalities of Byzantine History
- 090113 PS From the Congress of Berlin (1878) to the Lausanne Convention (1923) - Greece between "national triumphs" and "national desasters"
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090115 VO Greek History 1453-1821: When Does Modern Greek History Begin?
bn 2: Greek Language and Literature of the Middle Ages and Modern Times
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090097 UE Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
- 090120 UE Medieval Greek
II. Groups of Alternative Modules
II./A - Byzantine Studies
b3: Byzantine Ancillary Sciences
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
- 090105 UE Charters of Byzantine Co-Emperors
b4: Master Seminars in Byzantine Studies
- 090108 SE Approaches to Byzantine Hagiography
b5: Byzantine Art
- 080042 UE The Byzantine Iconographical Program
- 080057 PS Case Study I: Byzantine Icons
b6: Field Trip
b7: Modern Languages in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
II./B - Modern Greek Studies
n3: Theory and Research in Modern Greek Studies
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090117 SE Film Festivals and Politics in Southeastern Europe - a Comparison of the Film Festivals in Pula (since 1954) and Thessaloniki (since 1960)
n4: Archive Science and Post-Byzantine/Modern Greek Art
- 090096 UE Greek Palaeography and Codicology II
n5: Advanced Language Competence in Modern Greek
- 090094 UE Literature in Renaissance Crete
- 090097 UE Reading Modern Greek Texts
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
n6: Field Trip
n7: Neighbouring Languages of Modern Greek
F. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies [Version 2008]
CSP1 Greek Culture and History of Modern Times
- 090095 VO Poetical Avant-Garde of the Interwar Period - Poetische Avantgarden der Zwischenkriegszeit
- 090106 UE European Circumscriptions - Three Novels on a Cultural Area
- 090113 PS From the Congress of Berlin (1878) to the Lausanne Convention (1923) - Greece between "national triumphs" and "national desasters"
- 090114 VO Greece in Cold War South Eastern Europe
- 090116 VO Introduction to Modern Greek Studies
CSP2 Byzantine Culture
- 080042 UE The Byzantine Iconographical Program
- 080057 PS Case Study I: Byzantine Icons
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
- 090104 VO Introduction to Byzantine Studies
- 090107 VO [ en ] The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship - The Monastery of Saint Catherine and the Sinai: History, Culture and Scholarship
- 090112 VO History of Byzantine Literature II - From the "Macedonian Renaissance" until the End of the Empire (9th to 15th C.)
9.03. Classical Archaeology
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Basics
1. Required Module - Introduction to Archaeology - STEP
- 090005 VO STEOP: Introduction to Greek Archaeology
- 090006 VO STEOP: Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- 090007 KU STEOP: Introduction to Scientific Work - Fußnoten, Museen und Griechen
- 090008 KU STEOP: Introduction to Scientific Work
2. Required Module - Methods of Archaeology - STEP
- 090009 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing (Based on one Category of Monuments) - Roman Portraits in the KHM and the Ephesos Museum
- 090010 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing (Based on one Category of Monuments)
- 090011 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing (Based on one Category of Monuments) - Relief Sculpture
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
3. Group of Elective Modules - Basics
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090024 PS Sculpture of the Classical Period
- 090026 PS Crisis, what Crisis? Athens in the 4th Century BC Reconsidered
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
WM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090027 PS The Roman Triumph
WM Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
WM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090045 PS Roman Towns along the Amber Route
WM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090025 PS Early Christian Monuments of the Balkans in the KHM and IKA
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
II. Advanced Courses
4. Required Module - Pictures
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
5. Alternative Required Modules
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Greek Archaeology)
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
APM Greek-Roman Archaeology (Focus on Roman Archaeology)
- 090050 SE Roman Tableware
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
APM Minoan-Mycenean Archaeology
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
APM Provincial-Roman Archaeology
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
APM Early Christian Archaeology
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090047 SE Space in Early Christian Art
- 090056 SE Early Islamic Architectural Decor between Late Antique and Early Medieval Art
III. Extension
6. Required Module - Excavation, Preservation of Monuments, Museum Studies
- 060059 KU God and Money in the Bible
- 090044 KU Graphic Documentation of Architectural Blocks in the Ephesos Museum
7. Alternative Required Modules
APM Field Trip
APM Instructional Excavation
IV. Supplementary Courses
Groups of Alternative Required Modules
APMG1 - Language and Advanced Studies
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
APMG 2 - Language and Interdisciplinarity
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
- 060043 PS Family Propaganda in the Coinage of the Later Roman Republic
- 060056 KU Numismatic Sources of the Late Antiquity
- 060060 KU Continuity and Discontinuity in the Coinage of Ancient Greek Cities
- 060116 SE Coinage in the flavian age
- 090016 VO Latin Epigraphy:
- 090022 KU Greek Epigraphy
- 090035 UE Epigraphy in Etruria
- 090038 VO Epigraphy
- 090062 VO Classical Studies - Etruscology
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Topography and Archaeology of Ancient Sudan
- 090041 VO Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090051 VO Papyrology 2
- 140005 VO Near Eastern Archeology I: Introduction into Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
APMG 3 - Language and Option
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
APMG 4 - Languages
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
APMG 5 - Advanced Courses
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090047 SE Space in Early Christian Art
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090050 SE Roman Tableware
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
- 090056 SE Early Islamic Architectural Decor between Late Antique and Early Medieval Art
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
APMG 6 - Interdisciplinarity
- 060043 PS Family Propaganda in the Coinage of the Later Roman Republic
- 060056 KU Numismatic Sources of the Late Antiquity
- 060060 KU Continuity and Discontinuity in the Coinage of Ancient Greek Cities
- 060116 SE Coinage in the flavian age
- 090016 VO Latin Epigraphy:
- 090022 KU Greek Epigraphy
- 090035 UE Epigraphy in Etruria
- 090038 VO Epigraphy
- 090041 VO Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090051 VO Papyrology 2
- 090062 VO Classical Studies - Etruscology
- 140005 VO Near Eastern Archeology I: Introduction into Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Topography and Archaeology of Ancient Sudan
- 060043 PS Family Propaganda in the Coinage of the Later Roman Republic
- 060056 KU Numismatic Sources of the Late Antiquity
- 060060 KU Continuity and Discontinuity in the Coinage of Ancient Greek Cities
- 060116 SE Coinage in the flavian age
- 090016 VO Latin Epigraphy:
- 090022 KU Greek Epigraphy
- 090035 UE Epigraphy in Etruria
- 090038 VO Epigraphy
- 090062 VO Classical Studies - Etruscology
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Topography and Archaeology of Ancient Sudan
- 090041 VO Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090051 VO Papyrology 2
- 140005 VO Near Eastern Archeology I: Introduction into Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
V. Final Stage - Bachelor Module
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090047 SE Space in Early Christian Art
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090050 SE Roman Tableware
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
Alternative Erweiterung
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Archaeology
I. Required Module - Greek-Roman Archaeology
- 090029 PV Privatissimum
- 090030 PV Privatissimum
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090050 SE Roman Tableware
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
II. Alternative Required Module
1. Alternative Required Module - Field Trip
2. Alternative Required Module - Instructional Excavation
- 060059 KU God and Money in the Bible
- 090044 KU Graphic Documentation of Architectural Blocks in the Ephesos Museum
III. Interdisciplinary Module
- 060043 PS Family Propaganda in the Coinage of the Later Roman Republic
- 060056 KU Numismatic Sources of the Late Antiquity
- 060060 KU Continuity and Discontinuity in the Coinage of Ancient Greek Cities
- 060116 SE Coinage in the flavian age
- 090016 VO Latin Epigraphy:
- 090022 KU Greek Epigraphy
- 090035 UE Epigraphy in Etruria
- 090038 VO Epigraphy
- 090062 VO Classical Studies - Etruscology
- 140058 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Topography and Archaeology of Ancient Sudan
- 090041 VO Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
- 090051 VO Papyrology 2
- 140005 VO Near Eastern Archeology I: Introduction into Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
IV. Specialisation Module A
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090047 SE Space in Early Christian Art
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090050 SE Roman Tableware
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
- 090056 SE Early Islamic Architectural Decor between Late Antique and Early Medieval Art
V. Specialisation Module B
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090046 SE Non-mythological Images on Attic Vases
- 090047 SE Space in Early Christian Art
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090050 SE Roman Tableware
- 090052 SE Archaeology of Catastrophes - Zerstörungshorizonte des 3. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
- 090054 SE Iconography of Indigenous Deities in the Roman Empire
- 090056 SE Early Islamic Architectural Decor between Late Antique and Early Medieval Art
VI. Master Module
- 090028 PV Privatissimum - for Masters & Dissertation-Students and Otherwise Interested Students
- 090029 PV Privatissimum
- 090030 PV Privatissimum
D. Complementary Study Programme (Minor) Classical Archeology
CSP Basic Module
- 090005 VO STEOP: Introduction to Greek Archaeology
- 090006 VO STEOP: Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- 090009 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing (Based on one Category of Monuments) - Roman Portraits in the KHM and the Ephesos Museum
- 090010 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing (Based on one Category of Monuments)
- 090011 KU STEOP: Course on Describing, Comparing (Based on one Category of Monuments) - Relief Sculpture
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
CSP Advanced Module
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090023 VO The Province of Noricum
- 090024 PS Sculpture of the Classical Period
- 090025 PS Early Christian Monuments of the Balkans in the KHM and IKA
- 090026 PS Crisis, what Crisis? Athens in the 4th Century BC Reconsidered
- 090027 PS The Roman Triumph
- 090043 VO The Roman Catacombs
- 090045 PS Roman Towns along the Amber Route
- 090053 VO Crete in the 1st Millenium BC - Archaeology, History, and Arts
9.04. Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090001 VO+UE Einführung in das Latein I
- 090002 VO+UE Einführung in das Latein I
- 090003 VO+UE Einführung in das Latein I
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Philology
Module Group I: Advanced Modules
1. Required Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
- 090004 VO Basic Course Ancient History 1
- 090057 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Latin)
- 090058 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek)
- 090059 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase)
- 090060 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase)
- 090061 VO Wirkungsgeschichte (History of Effect) of Antique Literature (Motives)
2. Required Module - Classical Studies
- 090063 VO Grundlagen der Grammatik (Propädeutikum)
- 090065 VO Grundlagen der Grammatik (Propädeutikum)
3a. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1
- 090066 VO Einführung in die griechische Sprache I
3b. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1a
4. Required Module - Greek 2
Module Group II: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5A-8A: Area of Specialisation "Latin Studies"
5a. Required Moudule - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Latin)
- 090068 UE Latin Grammar I
- 090069 UE Latin Reading II - Juvenal, Satiren
6a. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Latin)
- 090070 UE Latin Grammar II
- 090071 UE Latin Grammar III
7a. Required Module - Classical Studies (Latin)
- 090072 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - Ovid, Metamorphosen
- 090080 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose) - Die römische Kunstprosa
8a. Required Module - History of Reception (Latin)
- 090073 VO Introduction to Culture, Literature and Society of the Late Antique
- 090074 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose) - Die lateinische Literatur der italienischen Renaissance: Prosa des 15. Jahrhunderts
- 090075 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - Historisch-panegyrische Epik in Spätantike und Mittelalter
Module Group III: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5B-8B: Area of Specialisation "Greek Studies"
5b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Greek)
- 090076 UE Greek Grammar II
6b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Greek)
- 090077 UE Greek Reading II - Aischylos, Prometheus
7b. Required Module - Classical Studies (Greek)
- 090078 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Thukydides und die griechsche Geschichtsschreibung
- 090079 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry) - Euripides - "Zerstörer der Tragödie" oder "tragischster aller Dichter"?
8b. Required Module - History of Reception (Greek)
9. Required Module - Bachelor's Paper
- 090064 SE Seminar in Roman History - Panegyrici Latini - Herrscherlob und Herrschaftsideologie in der Spätantike
- 090081 PS Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten +BA- Arbeit 1 - Heroides-Dichtungen in Antike und Mittelalter
- 090082 PS Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten +BA- Arbeit 1 - Homer, Hesiod und die Hymnen
- 090083 SE Seminar + BA- Arbeit 2 - Horaz, Erstes Epistelbuch
- 090084 SE Seminar + BA- Arbeit 2 - Das griechische Theater. Vom Kult zum Spiel
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Greek Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
- 090090 UE Introduction to the Theory of Literature
2. Required Module - Literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
C. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Latin Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
- 090090 UE Introduction to the Theory of Literature
2. Required Module - Literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
4. Required Module - Linguistic History
- 090089 UE Paleography and History of Tradition
- 090121 UE Latine loquamur
- 090122 UE Latin Anecdotes in the Middleages
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
- 090093 PRI Seminar for Master's Candidates Latin
D. Master Degree Programme in Medieval and Modern Times Latin Philology
- 090123 UE Classical reception
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090090 UE Introduction to the Theory of Literature
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
- 090093 PRI Seminar for Master's Candidates Latin
E. Diploma Degree Programme Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090064 SE Seminar in Roman History - Panegyrici Latini - Herrscherlob und Herrschaftsideologie in der Spätantike
- 090074 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose) - Die lateinische Literatur der italienischen Renaissance: Prosa des 15. Jahrhunderts
- 090075 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - Historisch-panegyrische Epik in Spätantike und Mittelalter
- 090091 UE Griechischer Lektürekanon
- 090123 UE Classical reception
1. Abschnitt
- 090057 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Latin)
- 090058 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek)
- 090059 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase)
- 090060 UE STEOP: Basics of Translation (Introductory Phase)
- 090067 VO Griechische Lektüre I (Teil 1): Platon, Charmides
- 090068 UE Latin Grammar I
- 090069 UE Latin Reading II - Juvenal, Satiren
- 090070 UE Latin Grammar II
- 090071 UE Latin Grammar III
- 090072 VO Area of Roman Literature (Poetry) - Ovid, Metamorphosen
- 090076 UE Greek Grammar II
- 090077 UE Greek Reading II - Aischylos, Prometheus
- 090078 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Thukydides und die griechsche Geschichtsschreibung
- 090079 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry) - Euripides - "Zerstörer der Tragödie" oder "tragischster aller Dichter"?
- 090080 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose) - Die römische Kunstprosa
- 090081 PS Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten +BA- Arbeit 1 - Heroides-Dichtungen in Antike und Mittelalter
- 090082 PS Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten +BA- Arbeit 1 - Homer, Hesiod und die Hymnen
- 090086 UE Didactics of Text Comprehension and Translation (Latin)
2. Abschnitt
- 090063 VO Grundlagen der Grammatik (Propädeutikum)
- 090065 VO Grundlagen der Grammatik (Propädeutikum)
- 090075 VO Area of Latin Literature (Poetry) - Historisch-panegyrische Epik in Spätantike und Mittelalter
- 090078 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Thukydides und die griechsche Geschichtsschreibung
- 090079 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry) - Euripides - "Zerstörer der Tragödie" oder "tragischster aller Dichter"?
- 090080 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose) - Die römische Kunstprosa
- 090083 SE Seminar + BA- Arbeit 2 - Horaz, Erstes Epistelbuch
- 090084 SE Seminar + BA- Arbeit 2 - Das griechische Theater. Vom Kult zum Spiel
- 090087 UE Teaching and Learning Target of Reading Latin Authors II
- 090088 UE Seminar Specialised Didactics (Latin)
- 090091 UE Griechischer Lektürekanon
- 090121 UE Latine loquamur
- 090122 UE Latin Anecdotes in the Middleages
F. Complementary Study Programme in Classical Philology
Module A: History of Reception (Antique Literature)
Module B: Classics in Translation
G. Complementary Study Programme: Greek and Roman Literature - History of Reception
- 090061 VO Wirkungsgeschichte (History of Effect) of Antique Literature (Motives)
- 090078 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose) - Thukydides und die griechsche Geschichtsschreibung
- 090079 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Poetry) - Euripides - "Zerstörer der Tragödie" oder "tragischster aller Dichter"?
H. Complementary Study Programme: Greek and Roman Literatur - Text and Context
- 090099 VO History of the Byzantine Peloponnese
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38