Special Teaching Programmes
Here you find details on Individual Degree Programmes, e.g. Development Studies or Nursing Science, Multidisciplinary Degree Programmes e.g. Risk Research or Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science, Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes like the Master Programme Gender Studies, language courses and various preparatory courses.
0.01 Individual Degree Programmes
1. Development Studies
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Introductory Phase
- 140475 RV Lecture Series: Development Co-operation - Lecture Series: Development Co-operation
- 140472 AR Discussion Class: Development Co-operation - Discussion Class: Development Co-operation
- 140473 AR Discussion Class: Development Co-operation - Discussion Class: Development Co-operation
- 140474 AR Discussion Class: Development Co-operation - Discussion Class: Development Co-operation
- 140489 AR Discussion Class: Development Co-operation - Discussion Class: Development Co-operation
- 140001 AR Discussion Class: Introduction Development Studies - Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
- 140002 AR Discussion Class: Introduction Development Studies - Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
- 140003 AR Discussion Class: Introduction Development Studies - Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
2. Core Subjects
- 140007 PS Developmental Theories - Developmental Theories: Development as an Idea, as Practice and as a Field of Study
- 140008 PS Developmental Theories - Developmental Theories: Development as an Idea, as Practice and as a Field of Study
- 140009 PS Developmental Theories - Developmental Theories: Development as an Idea, as Practice and as a Field of Study
- 140015 PS Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140016 PS Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140017 PS Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140018 PS Introductory Seminar: Development Economics - Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140010 VO Introduction to international development policy - Introduction to international development policy and it¿s instutions and key players
- 140011 PS Introd. Sem. Development Policy: Int. Organization - Introductory Seminar Development Policy: The contribution of International Organizations and regimes to development
- 140012 PS Intr. Sem. Development Policy as crisis prevention - Introductory Seminar: Development policy as a means to crisis prevention?
- 140013 PS Intr. Sem: Development Policy Financial Flows - Introductory Seminar: Development Policy: Financial Flows to Developing Countries
- 140014 PS Introd. Sem. Development Policy: Financial Flows - Introductory Seminar: Development Policy: Financial Flows
- 140501 PS Intr. Sem Development Policy Theories and Concepts - Introductory Seminar Development Policy: Theories and Concepts
- 140476 RV North-South relations in historical perspective - Lecture Series: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140468 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations - Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140469 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations - Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140470 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations - Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140471 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations - Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140502 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations - Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
3. Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140019 PS Transdisciplinary research in development studies - Trans-disciplinary research in development studies I ¿ An international political economy approach
- 140020 PS Transdisciplinary Development Research I - Transdisciplinary Development Research I
- 140021 PS Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Transdisciplinary Development Research II: Global Political Economy
- 140022 PS Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Transdisciplinary Development Research II: Global Political Economy
- 140023 PS Introductory Seminar: Global Politiacal Economy 2 - Introductory Seminar: Global Political Economy 2
- 140335 PS Introductory seminar: Linguistics II and TEF II - Introductory seminar: Linguistics II, history and transdisciplinary development research - texts
4. Continental Analysis
- 140451 RV History and society of Africa in 19th/20th century - Lecture series in Non-European History: African history and society in the 19th and 20th century
- 140466 RV Interdisciplinary Lectures: Mega Cities - Interdisciplinary Lectures: Mega Cities
- 140467 RV Interdisc. Lectures: War(s) in the Periphery - Interdisciplinary Lectures: War(s) in the Periphery
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Transdisciplinary Development Research (T I - T IV)
T I Socio-Cultural Development
- 140005 AR International Migration - International Migration
- 140099 VO+UE Racism - Racism
- 140193 VO+UE Discourse analysis - politness in public discourse - Applied linguistics: Discourse analysis - politness in public discourse
- 140332 AR Qualitative methods in African&Development Studies - Qualitative methods in African and Development Studies
- 140512 SE Islamism - Islamism
- 140515 PS Youth in African past and present - Youth in African past and present
- 150009 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien
- 030108 KU Indigenous Peoples - The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America
- 010328 SE Religion - Ethics - Development - Religion - Ethics - Development. New Series
- 070173 VO Politics and Religion in Modern India - Politics and Religion in Modern India
- 150090 VO Fremden- und Asylgesetz in Japan - Fremden- und Asylgesetz in Japan
- 140521 SE Post-Development in Development theory - Post-Development in Development theory
- 140533 PS Israelisch-palästinensischer Konflikt - Konzepte und Theorien zum israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt
- 150045 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Ostasien (Gruppe 2)
T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 070173 VO Politics and Religion in Modern India - Politics and Religion in Modern India
- 070534 VO Questions about Cultural History of Latin America - Questions about Cultural History of Latin America
- 070710 VO Modern African History, 20th Century - Modern African History: Colonialism and Decolonisation, 20th Century
- 070711 KU Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times - Serfdom in Eastern Europe in Early Modern Times. Agrarian Structures, especially the Spread of Serfdom, East of the Elbe-River in their Global Contexts
- 070732 SE Industrial Development in Europe - Comparing Paths of Industrial Development in Europe (19/20 c.)
- 140512 SE Islamism - Islamism
- 150031 VO Einführung: Japanische Geschichte - Einführung: Japanische Geschichte
- 140331 VO Introduction to the history of Southern Africa I - Introduction to the history of Southern Africa I
- 140330 VO Introduction to the history of Southern Africa II - Introduction to the history of Southern Africa II
- 150081 UE Übung zur VO: Japanische Geschichte - Übung zur VO: Japanische Geschichte
- 140514 SE Austria and the non-European world since 1945. - Austria and the non-European world since 1945. Polical, economic and cultural relations
- 140302 SE SE "Labour in a gendered perspective" - Seminar in African Contemporary History: "Labour in a gendered perspective"
T III Development Policy
- 040128 SE Development Policy - Development Policy
- 040144 VO Developing Countries' Debts - Developing Countries' Debts
- 140101 SE Economics and Gender - Economics and Gender
- 140514 SE Austria and the non-European world since 1945. - Austria and the non-European world since 1945. Polical, economic and cultural relations
- 150001 PS Koreanologisches Proseminar II: Die Joseon-Zeit - Koreanologisches Proseminar II: Die Joseon-Zeit - Wandlungsprozesse in Politik, Gesellschaft und Geistesleben
- 150008 VO Einführung: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik - Einführung: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik
- 150027 VO+UE Ökon. u. polit. Entwicklung Japans u. Südkoreas II - Ökonomische und politische Entwicklung Japans und Südkoreas im Vergleich II (Vertiefung)
- 150062 VO+UE Ökon. u. polit. Entwicklung Japans u. Südkoreas I - Ökonomische und politische Entwicklung Japans und Südkoreas im Vergleich I
- 150074 SE Koreanologisches Seminar - Koreanologisches Seminar: Investitionspotenziale und Wirtschaft in Nordkorea
- 150260 UE Übung zur VO: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik - Übung zur VO: Japanische Wirtschaft/Politik
- 140526 SE [ en ] Structural adjustment and knowledge production - Structural adjustment and knowledge production in the global political economy. A comparison of impact evaluations.
- 140528 AG Globalization, NGOs and Transformation - Globalization, Non-Government Organizations and the Transformation of Statehood
- 140533 PS Israelisch-palästinensischer Konflikt - Konzepte und Theorien zum israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt
T IV Culture and Development/Gender Studies
- 140024 UE [ en ] Transcultural theatre work - Transcultural theatre work with participants from various countries of origin (focus on Africa)
- 140025 UE [ en ] Transcultural theatre work - Transcultural theatre work with participants from various countries of origin (focus on gender issues)
- 140101 SE Economics and Gender - Economics and Gender
- 140290 VO+UE Language and identity in Creole-speaking areas - Language and identity in Creole-speaking areas
- 070534 VO Questions about Cultural History of Latin America - Questions about Cultural History of Latin America
- 140292 AR Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power - Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power in African literature
- 140465 AR Culture and Development - Culture and Development
- 140477 AR [ en ] Gender Theory and Research Methods in Africa - Gender Theory and Research Methods in Africa
- 150086 VO+UE Die Philosophie von Tasan Chong - Die Philosophie von Tasan Chong
- 010328 SE Religion - Ethics - Development - Religion - Ethics - Development. New Series
- 140527 AR [ en ] Gender and development. An introduction - Gender and development. An introduction
2. Development Planning and Management (P)
P I Introduction to Development Planning
- 140511 VO+UE Basic Aspects of Development Planning - Basic Aspects of Development Planning
P II Introduction to Development Management and Evaluation
- 140004 AR Evaluation and Monitoring - Evaluation and Monitoring
- 140006 AR Project-Design II - Project-Design II
- 140534 AG Project design - Part I - Project design - Part I
P III Intercultural Communication
- 140463 VO+UE Intercultural Communications: Visual Culture - Intercultural Communications: Visual Cultur
- 140464 VO+UE Intercultural Communications: Visual Culture - Intercultural Communications: Visual Culture
- 140537 VO+UE Conflict Solutions - Umgang mit Konflikten
3. Transdisziplinary Seminars
- 140177 SE Seminar for diploma and doctoral candidates - Seminar for diploma and doctoral candidates
- 140198 SE SE: "Interpreter's role in legal matters" - Seminar in Applied Research: "Interpreter's role in legal matters"
- 140460 SE Concepts of Poverty - Concepts of Poverty: a transdisciplinary approach
- 140461 SE Seminar in History and Politics - Seminar in History and Politics
- 140513 SE Applied Research: Lighting and energy in Africa - Seminar in Applied Research: Lighting and energy in Africa
2. Celtic Studies
- 160091 UE Old Irish 1 - Old Irish 1
- 160158 UE Modern Irish level 4 - Modern Irish level 4
- 160159 UE Introduction to Breton, part 2 (Conversation) - Introduction to Breton, part 2 (Conversation)
- 160161 UE Introduction to Breton, part 2 - Introduction to Breton, part 2
- 160162 UE Modern Irish level 2 - Modern Irish level 2
- 160321 SE Seminar in Old Irish: Fled Bricrend - Seminar in Old Irish: Fled Bricrend
- 160322 UE Reading Middle Welsh: Owein - Reading Middle Welsh: Owein
- 160324 VO Celtiberian - Celtiberian
- 160326 SE [ en ] Wars in Ireland - Wars in Ireland
- 160327 VO+UE Archaeology of the Iron Age - Archaeology of the Iron Age
- 160380 SE Seminar in Iron Age Archaeology - Seminar in Iron Age Archaeology: Complex Iron Age Societies
- 160381 LG Lecture Excavation I and II: Iron Age Settlements - Lecture Excavation I and II: Iron Age Settlements
3. Korean Studies
4. Nursing Science
A. IDS Nursing Science, Curriculum 2005
First Year (Introductory Phase)
- 230573 VO Main feature of sociology for nursing science - Nursing Science: Main feature of sociology for nursing science
- 230438 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursing Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230439 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursing Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230440 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursing Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230441 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursings Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230442 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursings Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230463 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursings Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230464 UE UE Statistics for nursing science II - Nursings Science: UE Statistics for nursing science II
- 230428 VO Introduction to education science - Nursing Science: Introduction to education science
- 230429 VU Introduction to quantitative research methods - Nursing Science: Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 230430 VU Introduction to quantiative research methods - Nursing Science: Introduction to quantiative research methods
- 230456 UE Introduction to quantitative research methods - Nursings Science: Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 230431 VO Introduction to evidence based nursing - Nursing Science: Introduction to evidence based nursing
- 230432 PS Communication in specific settings: elderly people - Nursing Science: Communication in specific settings: elderly people
- 230433 PS Communication in specific settings - Nursing Science: Communication in specific settings: seriously ill and dying people
- 230435 PS Communication in specific settings: in hospital - Nursing Science: Communication in specific settings: in hospital
- 230437 PS Communication in specific settings - Nursing Science: Communication in specific settings: health promotion and advice by professional caregivers
- 230455 PS Communication in specific settings - Nursing Science: Communication in specific settings: seriously ill and dying people
- 230468 PS Communication in specific settings - Nursing Science: Communication in specific settings: people with dementia
- 230493 PS Communication in specific settings - Nursings Science: Communication in specific settings: cross-cultural communication
- 230516 PS Communication in specific settings: elderly people - Nursings Science: Communication in specific settings: elderly people
- 230517 PS Communication in specific settings: cross-cultural - Nursings Science: Communication in specific settings: cross-cultural communication
- 230518 PS Communication in specific settings: in hospital - Nursings Science: Communication in specific settings: in hospital
Second Year
- 230443 PS Living with cronic illness - Nursings Science: Living with cronic illness
- 230444 PS Decision Making in nursing science - Nursings Science: Decision Making in nursing science
- 230445 PS Decision Making in nursing science - Nursings Science: Decision Making in nursing science
- 230446 PS Decision Making in nursing science - Nursings Science: Decision Making in nursing science
- 230447 VO Theories, designs and concepts in nursings science - Nursing Science: Theories, designs and concepts in nursings science
- 230448 SE Care of patients with specific needs - Nursings Science: Care of patients with specific needs
- 230450 SE Care of patients with specific needs - Nursings Science: Care of patients with specific needs
- 230454 VU Classification systems - Nursings Science: Classification systems
- 230547 VO Gender Studies - Nursing Science: Gender Studies
- 230548 PS Qualitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Qualitative Research, specific methods
- 230549 PS Qualitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Qualitative Research, specific methods
- 230550 PS Qualitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Qualitative Research, specific methods
- 230551 PS Qualitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Qualitative Research, specific methods
- 230552 PS Qualitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Qualitative Research, specific methods
- 230553 PS Qualitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Qualitative Research, specific methods
- 230554 SE Quantitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Quantitative Research, specific methods
- 230555 SE Quantitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Quantitative Research, specific methods
- 230556 SE Quantitative Research, specific methods - Nursing Science: Quantitative Research, specific methods
- 230598 SE Care of patients with specific needs - Nursings Science: Care of patients with specific needs
Third Year
B. IDS Nursing Science, Old Curricula
- 230452 SE Course for graduands - Nursings Science: Course for graduands
- 230557 UE [ en ] English for nursing science - Nursings Science: English for nursing science
- 230558 AR Advanced nursing practice - Nursing Science: Advanced nursing practice
- 230559 UE Psychology für nursing science II - Nursing Science: Psychology für nursing science II
- 230575 UE Psychological communication for nursing science - Nursings Science: Psychological communication for nursing science
- 230577 SE Communication and interaction with disabled people - Nursings Science: Communication and interaction with disabled people
- 230578 VO Clinical psychology - Nursings Science: Clinical psychology
- 020103 VO Fields & collaboration of health professions - Fields of activity and collaboration of health professions
- 020070 VO Clinical Rounds (main point on nursing) - Clinical Rounds - discussion from a legal, ethic and nursing perspective
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
0.02 Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
1. Master Programme Gender Studies
1. Introductory Module
- 140517 UE Methods and Theory of Gender Studies - Introduction into the Methods and Theory of Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 140518 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Introduction into the methods and theory of gender studies in the social sciences and humanities
- 140520 GR Guided reading Judith Butler - Guided reading Judith Butler: From "Doing Gender" to "Undoing Gender"
2. Core Modules
2.a. Gender Theory and Methodology (10 ECTS)
- 140517 UE Methods and Theory of Gender Studies - Introduction into the Methods and Theory of Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 140518 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Introduction into the methods and theory of gender studies in the social sciences and humanities
- 140519 VO Archives and Geographies of Queer Theories - Archives and Geographies of Queer Theories
- 140520 GR Guided reading Judith Butler - Guided reading Judith Butler: From "Doing Gender" to "Undoing Gender"
- 140522 SE Queer Narratives - Narratives beyond the borders of gender and sexuality. Literature/Film/Theatre
- 140523 SE Seminar in Queer Theories - Queer Theories: Gender Relations between Performance and Subversion
- 140525 SE Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences - Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences
2.b. Focus Module (10 ECTS)
- 140516 VO+UE Liberty and Gender - Liberty and Gender-Open Relationships, Precarious Conditions
- 140525 SE Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences - Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences
2.c. Gender Specific Communicational and Organizational Competence (10 ECTS)
- 140524 UE Gender Mainstreaming, Strategies and Methods - Gender Mainstreaming, Strategies and Methods
2.d. Domains of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 140516 VO+UE Liberty and Gender - Liberty and Gender-Open Relationships, Precarious Conditions
- 140519 VO Archives and Geographies of Queer Theories - Archives and Geographies of Queer Theories
- 140520 GR Guided reading Judith Butler - Guided reading Judith Butler: From "Doing Gender" to "Undoing Gender"
- 140523 SE Seminar in Queer Theories - Queer Theories: Gender Relations between Performance and Subversion
- 140525 SE Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences - Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences
2.e. Reflection Module (10 ECTS)
2.f. Practice Module (10 ECTS)
3. Individual Module
3.a. Domains of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 010341 SE Qualitative research into religious gender studies - Qualitative research into religious gender studies - Qualitative social studies interpreted by practical-theological research
- 030317 KU Gender studies in criminology - Gender studies in criminology
- 030428 SE SE "Equal opportunities, social mobility, gender" - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics - Feminist Economics
- 070148 GR On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins" - On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins". Ambigous Gender Models in the Balkans
- 070150 KU Shopping His/Herstory - Shopping His/Herstory
- 080006 UE Tutorial: Facts: Mediated - Concepts of Reality - Tutorial: Facts: Mediated - Concepts of Reality and Mediation, and the Function of Social Phantasms
- 100020 PS Neuere dt. Lit.: Schreiben um zu überleben - Neuere dt. Lit.: Schreiben um zu überleben. Zu den Wechselwirkungen von Biografie und Schreiben im weiblichen Lebenszusammenhang
- 110009 PS [ de it ] Lit.wiss.PS II Ital.: Frauenbilder in der Oper - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar II - Italienisch: Zwischen Anpassung und Aufbegehren: Frauenbilder in der italienischsprachigen Oper
- 120017 AR [ en ] Gender St: "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero" - Gender St. : "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero": Male and Female Authors Engaging and Clashing With the Titans of Western Patriarchal Culture
- 190311 SE Collective Memory Work - Collective Memory Work: Mother images of power and hindrance
- 210399 PS D1, G8: Gender in international Relations - Gender in international Relations (D1/G8)
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - VO-FEM
- 230481 SE Feminist Theory and Practice - Seminar out of Feminist Theories: Feminist Theory and Practice / Feminist Theory and Women -Specific Counselling
- 230484 SE Gender Aspects of Economic Globalisation - SE out of Feminist Theories: Gender Aspects of Economic Globalisation
- 230574 SE Women in Science-Feminist Restructuring of Science - From "Women in Science" to "Feminist Restructuring of Science" - Theories and Methods at the Interface of Feminist Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
- 240056 VO Warrior women - Warrior women - female imaginary in the media
4. Transfer Modules
4.a. Focus on Specialist Discipline I
4.b. Focus on Specialist Discipline II (Continuation of 4.a.)
5. Final Stage
5.a. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
0.03 Multidisciplinary Courses
1. Computer-Oriented Teaching in Natural and Life Sciences
- 260169 UE Exer. to funct. and symb. programming using Math. - Practical exercises to functional and symbolic programming using Mathematica
- 260170 VO Funct. and symb. programming using Mathematica - Functional and symbolic programming using Mathematica
- 280012 UE Exercises to Access - Exercises to Access
- 280013 VO Windows: Access - Windows: Access
- 280016 UE HTML, Java- and VB-Script - HTML, Java- and VB-Script
- 280045 VO FORTRAN Programming - FORTRAN Programming
- 280109 UE C++ and JAVA - C++ and JAVA
- 300668 UE HTML - Programmieren für das Internet - HTML - Programmieren für das Internet
Introductory and General Courses
- 260262 VO Theory of complex interconnected systems II - Theory of complex interconnected systems: from cellular automata to neural network models
- 300378 VO Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden - Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden für Naturwissenschaftler
Special Interdisciplinary Topics
2. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 020070 VO Clinical Rounds (main point on nursing) - Clinical Rounds - discussion from a legal, ethic and nursing perspective
- 020103 VO Fields & collaboration of health professions - Fields of activity and collaboration of health professions
- 030005 KU Clinical Rounds (main point on nursing) - Clinical Rounds in view of legal, ethical and nursing sight
- 030006 KO Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies - Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030406 SE Seminar in Medical Law - Current topics in Medical Law (Seminar for Students and Graduates)
- 030452 PV Individual tutorial in Medical Law - Individual tutorial in Medical Law
- 030488 KU Medical Law II - Medical Law II
- 030621 KU Medical Law - Case Studies (with excursions) - Selected ranges of Medical Law on the basis case studies (with excursiones)
3. Risk Research
- 260054 VO Nuclear safety and material related problems II - Nuclear safety and material related problems II
- 280062 SE Methoden und Konzepte der Risikoforschung II - Methoden und Konzepte der Risikoforschung II
- 280063 SE [ en ] Basics of Nuclear Technology - Basics of Nuclear Technology (Grundlagen der Nukleartechnologie)
- 280067 VO Radioactive Waste Management II - Radioactive Waste Management - Its Perception and Acceptance II (Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle - Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz II)
- 280068 VO [ en ] Management of Nuclear Catastrophies II - Selected Aspects of Nuclear Safety - Management of Nuclear Catastrophies II
- 280069 VO Umweltrisiken II - Umweltrisiken II
- 280070 VO Energiebereitstellung und Risiko II - Energiebereitstellung und Risiko - Kosten und Umwelt II
- 280365 KO Humanökologisches Kolloquium - Aktuelle Probleme in humanökologischer Sicht (SS4)
4. Study Module "Cultural Sciences and Cultural Studies"
CS I (Basics)
- 110341 VO Kulturwissenschaft und Cultural Studies - Kulturwissenschaft und Cultural Studies: Fragen und Theorien
CS II (Methodology and Theory)
- 120097 AR [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies: Shipping Out - Advanced Cultural Studies: Shipping Out
- 120178 AR [ en ] Adv. CS: Intercultural Communication - Adv. Cultural Studies: Intercultural Communication
CS III (Practice)
- 110342 SE Close Reading as a method of Cultural Studies - Close Reading as a method of Cultural Studies
- 120066 SE [ en ] CS Seminar: Approaches to Cultural Analysis - Cultural Studies Seminar: Ways of Thinking. Approaches to Cultural Analysis - The British Way
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course: The Americanness of Popular Cul - Interdisciplinary Course: "Often Only A Place in the Mind": The Americanness of Popular Culture
5. Study Module "Gender Studies"
0. Introductory Modules
- 140516 VO+UE Liberty and Gender - Liberty and Gender-Open Relationships, Precarious Conditions
- 140517 UE Methods and Theory of Gender Studies - Introduction into the Methods and Theory of Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 140518 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Introduction into the methods and theory of gender studies in the social sciences and humanities
1. Basic Modules
Module A: Feminist Theories and Gender Theories
- 100029 SE Forschungskolloquium: Gender - Literatur - Theorie - Forschungskolloquium: Gender - Literatur - Theorie
- 120017 AR [ en ] Gender St: "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero" - Gender St. : "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero": Male and Female Authors Engaging and Clashing With the Titans of Western Patriarchal Culture
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course: The Americanness of Popular Cul - Interdisciplinary Course: "Often Only A Place in the Mind": The Americanness of Popular Culture
- 140292 AR Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power - Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power in African literature
- 140517 UE Methods and Theory of Gender Studies - Introduction into the Methods and Theory of Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 140518 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Introduction into the methods and theory of gender studies in the social sciences and humanities
- 140522 SE Queer Narratives - Narratives beyond the borders of gender and sexuality. Literature/Film/Theatre
- 180264 SE [ en ] Continental Feminist Philosophy - Continental Feminist Philosophy (§ 2/5) (§ 4/2/2) (PP 57.3.4)
- 180431 SE Philosophical Gender Theory, Part II - Philosophical Gender Theory, Part II (§ 4/2/2) (PP § 57.6)
Module B: Science Language Criticism and Methodology
- 080206 PS Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990 - Proseminar 2: Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990
- 120070 AR [ en ] Adv. Gender Studies: Nursing the Nation - Advanced Gender Studies: Nursing the Nation
- 140292 AR Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power - Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power in African literature
- 180431 SE Philosophical Gender Theory, Part II - Philosophical Gender Theory, Part II (§ 4/2/2) (PP § 57.6)
- 200080 PS Proseminar Differentielle Psychologie - Proseminar Differentielle Psychologie
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - VO-FEM
- 230499 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender - LE+SE: Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 240060 VO Sexuality and Exchange, Hybride Identity - Sexuality and Exchange, Hybride Identity: Gender Studies and Latinamerica
Module C: Gender Relationships: Social Realities
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes
- 030428 SE SE "Equal opportunities, social mobility, gender" - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics - Feminist Economics
- 140516 VO+UE Liberty and Gender - Liberty and Gender-Open Relationships, Precarious Conditions
- 210399 PS D1, G8: Gender in international Relations - Gender in international Relations (D1/G8)
- 220254 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 220495 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 230481 SE Feminist Theory and Practice - Seminar out of Feminist Theories: Feminist Theory and Practice / Feminist Theory and Women -Specific Counselling
- 230484 SE Gender Aspects of Economic Globalisation - SE out of Feminist Theories: Gender Aspects of Economic Globalisation
- 230499 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender - LE+SE: Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 230547 VO Gender Studies - Nursing Science: Gender Studies
- 240004 VO Introductory Course: Anthropology of Gender - Introductory Course: Anthropology of Gender
- 350132 SE MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar - MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
2. Topic-Related Modules
Module A: Representation, Language Symbolism and Gender Construction
- 080206 PS Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990 - Proseminar 2: Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990
- 100029 SE Forschungskolloquium: Gender - Literatur - Theorie - Forschungskolloquium: Gender - Literatur - Theorie
- 100052 SE Ältere dt. Lit.: Böse Frauen - gute Frauen - Ältere dt. Lit.: Böse Frauen - gute Frauen. Rollenbilder und deren Verweigerung in der Literatur des Mittelalters
- 100128 PS Ältere dt. Lit.: Frauenlehren im dt. Mittelalter - Ältere dt. Lit.: Frauenlehre in der didaktischen Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters
- 102110 PS Neuere dt. Lit.: Rosa Mayreder - Neuere dt. Lit.: Rosa Mayreder: Zur "österreichischen Moderne der Frauen"
- 110009 PS [ de it ] Lit.wiss.PS II Ital.: Frauenbilder in der Oper - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar II - Italienisch: Zwischen Anpassung und Aufbegehren: Frauenbilder in der italienischsprachigen Oper
- 110237 PS Lit.wiss. PS II Frz.: Feminist. Literaturwiss. - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar II - Französisch: Feministische Literaturwissenschaft im Kontext der frankophonen afrikanischen Literatur südlich der Sahara
- 120017 AR [ en ] Gender St: "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero" - Gender St. : "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero": Male and Female Authors Engaging and Clashing With the Titans of Western Patriarchal Culture
- 120044 AR [ en ] Adv. Gender Studies: Death and Bereavement - Advanced Gender Studies: Coping with Death and Bereavement as a Theme in English Literature. An Interdisciplinary Approach.
- 120070 AR [ en ] Adv. Gender Studies: Nursing the Nation - Advanced Gender Studies: Nursing the Nation
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course: The Americanness of Popular Cul - Interdisciplinary Course: "Often Only A Place in the Mind": The Americanness of Popular Culture
- 130087 UE Reading Ukrainian Women¿s Literature - Reading Ukrainian Women¿s Literature
- 140065 VO Women in the Arab Society 3-4 - Women in the Arab Society 3-4
- 140089 PS Indian Goddesses in East and West - Indian Goddesses in East and West
- 140292 AR Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power - Literature and Gender: Sexuality and power in African literature
- 140522 SE Queer Narratives - Narratives beyond the borders of gender and sexuality. Literature/Film/Theatre
- 160190 UV Women composers live - Women Composers Live - confrontation and discussion
- 160369 UV [ en ] Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality in Western Music - Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality in Western Musical Culture
- 160371 SE [ en ] Topics in Music, Gender, and Sexuality - Topics in Music, Gender, and Sexuality
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - VO-FEM
Module B: Historic and Cultural Manifestation of Gender and its Inconstancies
- 070089 KU Soviet Women in World War II. - Soviet Women in World War II.
- 070148 GR On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins" - On "mannish women" and "sworn virgins". Ambigous Gender Models in the Balkans
- 070156 SE Women in the Sphere of Power - Women in the Sphere of Power. Popular and Academic Perspectives on Women in the Nazi-Elite
- 070493 VO An Introduction into Feminist Historiography - An Introduction into Feminist Historiography
- 070617 FS Women's Diaries of the 20th Century - Research Seminar within the Framework of the Research Platform of the University of Vienna: Repositioning of Women's and Gender History in the New European Context
- 080206 PS Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990 - Proseminar 2: Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990
- 090171 VO Women backstage? Roman Empresses - Women backstage? Roman Empresses: Representation, responsibility and function
- 100128 PS Ältere dt. Lit.: Frauenlehren im dt. Mittelalter - Ältere dt. Lit.: Frauenlehre in der didaktischen Literatur des deutschen Mittelalters
- 102110 PS Neuere dt. Lit.: Rosa Mayreder - Neuere dt. Lit.: Rosa Mayreder: Zur "österreichischen Moderne der Frauen"
- 120017 AR [ en ] Gender St: "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero" - Gender St. : "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero": Male and Female Authors Engaging and Clashing With the Titans of Western Patriarchal Culture
- 160369 UV [ en ] Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality in Western Music - Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality in Western Musical Culture
- 160371 SE [ en ] Topics in Music, Gender, and Sexuality - Topics in Music, Gender, and Sexuality
Module C: Politics, State and Gender System
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes
- 030375 SE "Seminar"/"Wahlfachkurs" Gender-Studies1 - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law
- 030428 SE SE "Equal opportunities, social mobility, gender" - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030510 KU Genderproblems in Labour Law and Soc. Security Law - Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics - Feminist Economics
- 140101 SE Economics and Gender - Economics and Gender
- 140302 SE SE "Labour in a gendered perspective" - Seminar in African Contemporary History: "Labour in a gendered perspective"
- 190047 SE Pedagogy of diverse ways of life - Diversity with Differences - gender-critical perspectives of a new pedagogy of diverse ways of life
- 190697 SE Woman with Disabilities, esp. in Devel.Countries - Woman with Disabilities, Stressing the Situation in Developing Countries
- 190847 SE 5.10.3 Women's Networks in Science: Practice - Women's Networks in Science: Concepts and Practice
- 210312 PS D1, G2, G8: The Politics of Black Feminism - The Politics of Black Feminism. Race Matters (D1/G2/G8)
- 210399 PS D1, G8: Gender in international Relations - Gender in international Relations (D1/G8)
- 230481 SE Feminist Theory and Practice - Seminar out of Feminist Theories: Feminist Theory and Practice / Feminist Theory and Women -Specific Counselling
- 230484 SE Gender Aspects of Economic Globalisation - SE out of Feminist Theories: Gender Aspects of Economic Globalisation
- 230499 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender - LE+SE: Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 230547 VO Gender Studies - Nursing Science: Gender Studies
- 240004 VO Introductory Course: Anthropology of Gender - Introductory Course: Anthropology of Gender
Module D: Interculturality, Religion and Gender
- 010210 VO Great women of Christian spirituality - Great women of Christian spirituality
- 010324 SE Religion and Gender - Religion and Gender
- 010341 SE Qualitative research into religious gender studies - Qualitative research into religious gender studies - Qualitative social studies interpreted by practical-theological research
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course: The Americanness of Popular Cul - Interdisciplinary Course: "Often Only A Place in the Mind": The Americanness of Popular Culture
- 140089 PS Indian Goddesses in East and West - Indian Goddesses in East and West
- 140302 SE SE "Labour in a gendered perspective" - Seminar in African Contemporary History: "Labour in a gendered perspective"
- 140477 AR [ en ] Gender Theory and Research Methods in Africa - Gender Theory and Research Methods in Africa
- 230485 SE Quality of Life of Women in the 3rd and 1st World - SE out of Feminist Theories: Quality of Life of Women in the Third and First World
- 240030 PR Training in Fieldwork - Training in Fieldwork: Contesting Multiculturalism: Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Sexual Autonomy in the EU
Module E: Ethics and Gender
- 010324 SE Religion and Gender - Religion and Gender
- 010341 SE Qualitative research into religious gender studies - Qualitative research into religious gender studies - Qualitative social studies interpreted by practical-theological research
- 180075 SE Old Age - Disease - Dying - Old Age - Disease - Dying (§ 4/1/3) (PP § 57.3.3) (PP §57.3.5.)
- 230485 SE Quality of Life of Women in the 3rd and 1st World - SE out of Feminist Theories: Quality of Life of Women in the Third and First World
Module F: Women's and Gender Research in Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine
- 080078 VO nutrition and gender - nutrition and gender
- 140525 SE Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences - Donna Haraways Politics of Techno Sciences
- 190847 SE 5.10.3 Women's Networks in Science: Practice - Women's Networks in Science: Concepts and Practice
- 200080 PS Proseminar Differentielle Psychologie - Proseminar Differentielle Psychologie
- 230574 SE Women in Science-Feminist Restructuring of Science - From "Women in Science" to "Feminist Restructuring of Science" - Theories and Methods at the Interface of Feminist Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
- 250309 KO Problems in Mathematics Education - Problems in Mathematics Education (with emphasis on gender issues)
- 260183 VO Physics under the "gender" perspective - Physics under the gender perspective - results of physics education research, intervention strategies
- 300385 VO Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften - Die Frau in den Naturwissenschaften
- 300567 SE SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution - SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution
- 310029 VO Specific aspects of hormones in women - Specific aspects of hormones in women: lipoproteins and fertilization
- 310030 SE Gender in Science - Gender in Science
- 350132 SE MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar - MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 310005 SE Gender in Science - Gender in Science
6. Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science
1. Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science
1.1. Introductory Courses
- 180479 SE Rethinking objectivity - Objectivity. Historical, sociological and philosophical perspectives
- 180480 SE Intellectuals - Organic, critical, free-floating and other intellectuals. Concepts, positions
- 180481 SE IGNORING. KNOWING. TRUSTING - IGNORING.KNOWING.TRUSTING: Decision-making between information, ignorance, knowledge and trust
- 180488 SE On the rel. betw. anthropol. and theory of society - On the relation between anthropology and theory of society. About the challenges of biomedicine for the humanities.
- 180489 SE Anthr. and techn. imaginations in modern medicine - Perspectives from the sociology and the history of science on anthropological and technological imaginations in modern medicine
- 180490 SE Introduction in the work of Michel Foucault - An introduction in the work of Michel Foucault and its relevance for the social- and cultural studies
- 180491 VO Philosophy of Science in the Laboratory - Philosophy of Science in the Laboratory: Observation, Measurement, Simulation (§ 4/2/3) und (PP § 57.2.4)
- 180492 SE Global Science and Philosophy - Global Science and Philosophy: Alexander von Humboldt`s Voyages of Discovery (§ 4/2/3) und (PP § 57.2.4)
- 180493 SE Thought Style and Knowledge - Thought Style and Knowledge: Modern Physics in the "Journal Science" of the Interwar Years (§ 4/2/3) und (PP § 57.2.4)
1.2. Advanced Courses
- 040201 DK [ en ] PhD-M: Philosophy of Science - PhD-M: Philosophy of Science
- 180054 SE Fundamentals of biological knowledge - Fundamentals of biological knowledge
- 180136 SE Philosophy of Science and Culture II - Philosophy of Science and Culture II
- 180469 SE Scientific knowledge - Scientific knowledge, social position and political interest: toward a critique and further development of standpoint theories (§ 4/2/3)
- 180487 SE Metaphors of Science - Metaphors of Science. On the relation between science and culture
- 260283 VO Methods in complementary medicine - Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
1.3. MEi:CogSci -- Middle European Interdisciplinary Joint Masters Program in Cognitive Science
- 180376 SE [ de en ] Introduction to Cognitive Science II - Introduction to Cognitive Science II: Key Topics in Cognitive Science
- 180466 VO+UE [ de en ] Tools in Cognitive Science II - Tools in Cognitive Science II: Basic Statistics for Cognitive Science (§ 4/2/3) (§ 1.3)
- 180467 SE [ de en ] Mei: CogSci Into Research - Mei: CogSci Into Research
- 180468 KO MEi: CogSci Psychology Discussion - MEi: CogSci Psychology Discussion (§ 4/2/3) (§ 1.3)
- 180470 SE [ en ] MEi: CogSci Topic Seminar - MEi: CogSci Topic Seminar: Introduction to the connectionist and dynamical system approaches in cognitive science
- 180478 SE [ en ] Connectionist modeling of language acquisition - Connectionist modeling of language acquisition
2. Social Studies of Science
2.1. Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 180481 SE IGNORING. KNOWING. TRUSTING - IGNORING.KNOWING.TRUSTING: Decision-making between information, ignorance, knowledge and trust
- 230565 VO An Instruction to Social Studies of Science - Technology - Science - Society, An Instruction to Social Studies of Science
- 230566 SE Biomedicine and Society - Biomedicine and Society: A dissection of a different kind
- 230567 SE How does research produce knowledge? - How does research produce knowledge? Contexts of production, mechanisms of justifications and forms of representation
- 230571 SE When science becomes a research object - When science becomes a research object - An introduction to Science and Technology Studies
- 230572 SE Science in Literature - Science in Literature: walking the borderline between fact and fiction
- 230580 SE Under suspicion - Science and the law - Under suspicion - Introduction into the the changing relations between science and the law from a Science and Technology Studies' perspective
- 230589 SE [ en ] Technological Democracy in Europe - Technological Democracy in Europe - A new challenge for social sciences?
2.2. Advanced Social Studies of Science
- 230568 SE SE for Masters + PhD students, SSS - Seminar for Masters and PhD students in Social Studies of Science
- 230569 SE Political Technologies - Political Technologies. An exploration of the ragged borderlines between techno-sciences, politics and society
- 230570 SE (Crossing) Boundaries: Social Sciences + Bioethics - Beyond Good and Evil: (Crossing) Boundaries between Social Sciences and Bioethics
- 230574 SE Women in Science-Feminist Restructuring of Science - From "Women in Science" to "Feminist Restructuring of Science" - Theories and Methods at the Interface of Feminist Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
3. Courses for Doctoral Candidates
- 230568 SE SE for Masters + PhD students, SSS - Seminar for Masters and PhD students in Social Studies of Science
0.04 Language Courses
- 130107 UE Polish for Advanced Students (contin.) - Polish for Advanced Students (continuation; for students of other departments)
1. Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 130103 UE Bosn./ Croat./Serb. f. Advanced Students (contin.) - Bosnian/ Croatian/Serbian for Advanced Students (continuation; for students of other departments)
- 130104 UE Bosnian/ Croatian/Serbian: Basic Course (contin.) - Bosnian/ Croatian/Serbian: Basic Course (continuations; compulsory course 2. Slavic language, also for students of other departments)
2. German
- 100012 UE Deutsch für Internationale Studierende I - Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (Grundkurs I)
- 100013 UE Deutsch für Internationale Studierende II - Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (Grundkurs II)
- 100220 UE Deutsch für Nichtdeutschsprachige (Mittelstufe) - Deutsch für Nichtdeutschsprachige (Mittelstufe)
- 100221 UE Deutsch für Nichtdeutschsprachige (Oberstufe) - Deutsch für Nichtdeutschsprachige (Oberstufe)
3. Greek
4. Japanese
- 150013 UE [ de ja ] Japanisch für Fortgeschrittene (Fortsetzung) - Japanisch für Fortgeschrittene (Fortsetzung)
- 150014 UE [ de ja ] Japanisch für AnfängerInnen (Fortsetzung) - Japanisch für AnfängerInnen (Fortsetzung)
- 150102 VO Japanische Grammatik - Japanische Grammatik
5. Korean
- 150096 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisch Theorie II-2 - Koreanisch Theorie II-2
- 150097 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisch Theorie I-2 - Koreanisch Theorie I-2
- 150101 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisch Praxis III-2 - Koreanisch Praxis III-2
- 150114 KO [ de ko ] Koreanisches Konversatorium III-2 - Koreanisches Konversatorium III-2
- 150115 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisch Theorie III-2 - Koreanisch Theorie III-2
- 150246 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisch Praxis I-2 - Koreanisch Praxis I-2
- 150247 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisches Konversatorium II-2 - Koreanisches Konversatorium II-2
- 150248 UE [ de ko ] Koreanisch Praxis II-2 - Koreanisch Praxis II-2
- 150249 KO [ de ko ] Koreanisches Konversatorium I-2 - Koreanisches Konversatorium I-2
6. Polish
- 130107 UE Polish for Advanced Students (contin.) - Polish for Advanced Students (continuation; for students of other departments)
- 130108 UE Polish: Basic Course (contin.) - Polish: Basic Course (continuation; compulsory course 2. Slavic language, also for students of other departments)
7. Russian
- 130105 UE Russisch für Fortgeschrittene (Fortsetzung) - Russisch für Fortgeschrittene (Fortsetzung; für Nichtslawisten)
- 130106 UE Russisch: Grundkurs C (Fortsetzung) - Russisch: Grundkurs C (Fortsetzung; Pflichtfach 2. slawische Sprache, auch für Nichtslawisten)
- 130112 UE Russisch: Grundkurs B (Fortsetzung) - Russisch: Grundkurs B (Fortsetzung; Pflichtfach 2. slawische Sprache, auch für Nichtslawisten)
- 130236 UE Russisch: Grundkurs A (Fortsetzung) - Russisch: Grundkurs A (Fortsetzung; Pflichtfach 2. slawische Sprache, auch für Nichtslawisten)
8. Czech
- 130020 UE Czech for Advanced Students (cont.) - Czech for Advanced Students (continuation; compulsory course 2. Slavic language, also for students of other departments)
- 130048 UE Czech: Basic Course B (cont.) - Czech: Basic Course B (continuation; compulsory course 2. Slavic language, also for students of other departments)
- 130111 UE Czech: Basic Course A (contin.) - Czech: Basic Course A (continuation; compulsory course 2. Slavic language, also for students of other departments)
0.05 Preparatory Courses for the University Entrance Qualification Exam and Supplementary
- 102041 UE Studienberechtigungsprüfung aus Deutsch - Universitätslehrgang Aufsatz über ein allgemeines Thema für die Studienberechtigungsprüfung aus Deutsch
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34