Special Teaching Programmes
Here you find details on Individual Degree Programmes, e.g. Development Studies or Nursing Science, Multidisciplinary Degree Programmes e.g. Risk Research or Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science, Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes like the Master Programme Gender Studies, language courses and various preparatory courses.
0.01 Individual Degree Programmes
2. Development Studies
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Orientation Period
- 140313 VO Lecture Series International Development: Problems, Mechanisms and Theories - in Development and Underdevelopment
- 140002 AG Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
- 140003 AG Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
- 140005 AG Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
- 140010 AG Discussion Class: Introduction to Development Studies
- 140187 VO Lecture Series: Development Co-operation
- 140264 AG Discussion Class: Development Co - operation
- 140472 AG Discussion Class: Development Co-operation
2. Core Subjects
- 140318 VO Introduction to Development Economics
- 140316 VO Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie
- 140337 VO Culture and Development. Intercultural Philosophie and cultural studies in a Contested Terrain.
- 140007 PS Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
- 140009 PS Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
- 140011 PS Introd. Sem. Development Policy: Democracy in Southeast Asia
- 140012 PS Introd. Seminar Development Policy: Conflicts in Southeast Asia
- 140014 PS Introd. Sem. Development Policy: Theories and Concepts in Political Science
- 140022 PS Introductory Seminar Development Policy: Financial Flows to Developing Countries - the concept of development finance
- 140015 PS Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140016 PS Introductory Seminar: Development Economics
- 140026 PS Introductory Seminar: History of North-South Relations
- 140050 PS Introductory Seminar: African History
- 140325 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140468 PS Introductory Seminar: North-South relations in historical perspective
- 140246 PS Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
3. Transdisciplinary Development Research
- 140019 PS Trans-disciplinary Development Research I: - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140020 PS Trans-disciplinary Development Research: - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140023 PS Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - An International Political Economy Approach
- 140188 PS Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Theories in Global Political Economy
- 140211 PS Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - Theories in Global Political Economy
4. Continental Analysis
- 140272 VO Lecture Series: Migration and Global History - Migration patterns and dynamics in selected world regions, c. 1850 to the present
- 140319 VO Lecture Series: Tourism and Development - Entwicklung durch Tourismus oder Tourismus als Folge von Entwicklung?
- 290142 RV Lecture Series: Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe V
- 240083 VO Ozeanien: Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 18.-20. Jahrhundert
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Transdisciplinary Development Research (T I - T IV)
T I Socio-Cultural Development
- 140013 AG International Migration - causes, types, processes and the political regulation of migration
- 140189 VO+UE Transnational social analysis: problems and perspectives
- 140190 VO+UE Environment and Development - sustainable development - Notwendigkeit & Hemmnisse nachhaltiger Entwicklungen
- 140330 VO+UE Racisms
- 140224 SE Islamism
- 150013 SE Seminar I: Japan and global migration
- 010053 SE Cosmopolitanism - philosophical conceptions, past and present
- 290010 VO Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in Asia
- 290092 PS Third World Development in Theory and Practice - Focus on Asia
- 290233 VO Problems of mass tourism in third world countries
- 140241 VO+UE Qualitative methods of development research
- 140244 SE Migration and Development
- 190219 VK Basics of Social Network Analysis I
T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 140225 SE Global History - 16th Century
- 140274 VO+UE Eurocentrism
- 140226 SE India - new powerhouse in the neoliberal race and social conflicts
- 140332 PS Political Islam in Palestine
- 140340 SE From national development to open world market region. Transitions to neoliberal - development models in comparative perspective.
- 140352 SE Recipient Country Leadership: Tanzania as a Role Modell?
- 140047 KU Africa: Democratisation without Democracy? Actors, Processes and Discourses in Comparison
- 140072 KU Religions and Politics in Nigeria in the 20th Century
- 140088 SE Seminar in African History: The Interwar Depression
- 150009 SE Current Affairs in East Asia
- 290167 VO South Asia - Current Problems and Development Trends I
- 070305 VO Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914) - Fundamentalismus und Terrorismus
- 070350 VO Theorien und Methoden der Globalgeschichte - Ost-West-Beziehungen in Europa: Zwischen Atlantik und Zentralasien
T III Development Policy
- 140192 SE History of neliberal development politics: origins (1950s) until the "Washington Consensus" - zum "Washington Konsens"
- 140194 SE From World Bank to Knowledge Bank?
- 140227 AG Social Protection and Social Policy in Developing Countries
- 140342 AG Policy Coherence for Development - an Approach with Limited Liability
- 140416 VO+UE [ en ] Development Economics
- 140399 SE Uneven Development
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics
- 040128 SE Development Policy
- 150062 SE Economic Systems in East Asia
- 150090 VO+UE Governance in East Asia
- 140232 VO+UE Natural Ressources - Curse or Blessing?
- 140234 VO+UE Financial Markets
- 140237 VO+UE [ en ] International Agricultural Commodity Markets
- 140238 SE [ en ] The Millennium Development Goals in Africa: - Issues in Delivering Education and Health in the Third World.
- 140242 SE Development policy: recent topics and new challenges
T IV Culture and Development/Gender Studies
- 140024 AG [ en ] Transcultural Theatre Work with participants from different countries of origin - Focus Africa
- 140025 AG [ en ] Transcultural Theatre Work with participants from different countries of origin - Women's Group
- 140215 SE Global Learning
- 140217 VO+UE Education for Sustainable Development
- 140229 SE Sex in Development. Theories, Politics, Sexualities
- 140230 AG Whose Empowerment? Concepts, interests and assumptions behind a development buzzword.
- 140231 AG Everyday 'Common Sense' and Consciousness - Zur Dialektik von Kultur und Entwicklung am Würstelstand und in der Straßenzeitung.
- 140090 SE Resistance and Gender in Colonial Africa
- 140222 SE Growth or Sustainability - outlines of the Right to Development"
- 030640 PR Working for Human Rights in Practice - Working for Human Rights in Practice
- 030108 KU Development and the right of self-determination of peoples - Secession - autonomy - decentralisation
- 150161 UE Gender and Sexuality in Japan
- 140240 SE Globalization and Gender
2. Development Planning and Management (P)
P I Introduction to Development Planning
- 140202 AG Basics for planning in Human Development
- 140223 VO+UE Basics for planning in Human Development
- 140248 AG Grundlagen der Entwicklungsplanung
P II Introduction to Development Management and Evaluation
- 140006 AG Design of goal-oriented projects
- 140008 AG Desing, Monitoring and Evaluation of Co-operation Projects
- 140200 AG [ en ] Engaging development research into action: challenges and considerations
- 140201 AG Just social change - challenges in community based project planning and implementation in - East Africa
- 190218 VK Interdisciplinary Research : from Project Planning to Evaluation
P III Intercultural Communication
- 140196 VO+UE Interculturality: Concept - Approaches - Adoptions
- 140199 VO+UE Intercultural acting
- 140339 VO+UE Constructive coping with conflicts
- 140195 AG Workshop: Academic Writing and Knowledge Transfer
- 190216 VK Communication Culture at Universites and at Work I
- 140250 AG Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding in Development Cooperation
3. Special Seminars
- 140198 SE Concepts of Poverty and Poverty Reduction: a transdisciplinary approach
- 140341 SE Gender and Economics
- 140354 SE History and Politics: Ethnicity and Racism
- 140074 SE Master Course
- 140233 SE DiplomandInnenseminar
- 140239 SE Diplomacourse
3. Celtic Studies
- 160085 VO Indo-European and Celtic Poetry
- 160086 VO+SE Women in the Celtic World
- 160097 UE Modern Breton I
- 160098 UE Modern Breton I - Exercises
- 160099 VO+SE Manuscripts of the British Isles
- 160103 UE Practical exercises based on the courses Modern Irish 1, 2 and 3
- 160104 UE Modern Irish 5
- 160105 UE [ cy de ] Modern Welsh II
- 160141 VO Introduction to Celtic Studies
- 160154 VO The Druids
- 160156 VO+UE Music of the Celts III
- 160157 UE Reading course in Old Irish for beginners
- 160158 UE Old Irish I
- 160159 UE Introduction to Middle Welsh
4. Korean Studies
4. Numismatics and Monetary History
5. Nursing Science
A. IDS Nursing Science, Curriculum 2005
First Year (Orientation Period)
- 230443 PS Living with chronic illness
- 230444 PS Decision making in nursing science
- 230450 SE Care of patients with specific needs
- 230454 VU Classification systems in nursing science - Pflegewissenschaft: Klassifikationssysteme
- 230530 VO Introduction in qualitative research
- 230550 PS Qualitative research I, specific methods
Second Year
- 230008 VO Qualitätsmanagement
- 230635 PS Sociological Practice - special topics: - - migration - -
- 230009 PS Nursing practice: special topics - Caring for patients with chronic wounds
- 230010 PS Nursing Practice - special topics: - - living with cancer - -
- 230547 PS Nursing Practice - special topics - critical care
- 230518 PS Nursing practice: special topics - Caring for patients with incontinence
- 230431 UE rhetoric
- 230290 UE Scientific writing and communication - wissenschaftliches Schreiben und kommunizieren
- 230555 PS Quantitative Forschung, spezielle Methoden II
- 230559 PS Psychology for nursing science II
- 230600 SE Qualitative research, specific methods
- 230633 PS Theories, models and concepts of nursing
- 230634 PS planning and research management
- 230636 PS Organisation forms in nursing
- 230637 PS Presentation and media didactics
- 230638 SE Family health nursing
- 230447 UE scientific writing
- 230100 SE Course for graduates
- 230025 SE Course for graduates
B. IDS Nursing Science, Old Curricula
First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 230632 UE [ en ] English for nursing science - talking about science
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 230009 PS Nursing practice: special topics - Caring for patients with chronic wounds
- 230010 PS Nursing Practice - special topics: - - living with cancer - -
- 230025 SE Course for graduates
- 230100 SE Course for graduates
- 230447 UE scientific writing
- 230518 PS Nursing practice: special topics - Caring for patients with incontinence
- 230547 PS Nursing Practice - special topics - critical care
- 230635 PS Sociological Practice - special topics: - - migration - -
6. Studies of Religions
0.02 Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
1. Master Degree Programme Gender Studies
1. Orientation Module
- 240121 VO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Genderforschung in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 240100 UE Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Genderforschung in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 240101 GR Gender Trouble and Undoing Gender. - Geschlecht als gesellschaftliche Konstruktion
2. Core Modules
2.a. Theories and Methods of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 240102 SE SE: Intersektionalität - Interdependenz und Artikulation
- 240103 VO VO: Queer Theorie
2.b. Focus Module (10 ECTS)
- 240104 VO+UE Ringvorlesung: Geschlecht und Körperregime
- 240105 SE Post/moderne Körper. Zurichtungen und Aneignungen
2.c. Gender Specific Communicational and Organizational Competence (10 ECTS)
- 240106 VO+UE Gendersensible Schreibwerkstätte
- 240107 UE "Gender in the Middle" - Exercises on strategies und methods to change the mainstream.
2.d. Domains of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 240108 VO+UE Feministische Ökonomie
- 240109 SE Postkolonialismus und Sprache
2.e. Reflection Module (10 ECTS)
- 240110 KO Gender in der Stammdisziplin
2.f. Practice Module (10 ECTS)
- 240111 KO Arbeitsfelder der Gender Studies
3.a. Domains of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
4. Transfer Modules
4.a. Focus on Specialist Discipline I
4.b. Focus on Specialist Discipline II (Continuation of 4.a.)
5. Final Stage
5.a. Seminar for Diploma Candidates
2. MEi: CogSci - Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science (Joint Degree)
1. Required Modules
1.1. Basic Modules
B-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science I
- 180326 VO Cognitive Science - Foundations of Cognitive Science
- 180397 SE [ de en ] Introduction to Cognitive Science I
- 180403 UE [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Teamwork
B-M-CS Introduction into Research I
- 180396 SE [ de en ] MEi:Cog Sci Introduction Into Research I
- 180408 VO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Lecture Series
1.2. Advanced Modules
A-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science II
A-M-CS Introduction into Research II
1.3. Specialisation
S-I-CS New Trends in Cognitive Science
- 180398 SE [ en ] MEi:CogSci Journal Club
- 180399 SE [ en ] New Trends in Cognitive Science - The Social Turn in the Cognitive Sciences
S-I-CSM Master Thesis Seminar
2. Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Modules - Discipline
B-D-AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
B-D-BIO Introduction to Behavioural Biology
- 180365 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Behavioural Biology Discussion
B-D-LIN Introduction to Linguistics
- 180400 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Linguistics Discussion
B-D-NEU Introduction to Neuroscience
B-D-PHI Introduction to Philosophy
- 180366 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Philosophy Discussion
B-D-PSY Introduction to Psychology
2.2. Basic Tools Modules
B-M-PRO Basic Mathematics and Programming
- 180401 VO+UE [ de en ] Tools in Cognitive Science I: Basic Mathematics and Programming for Cognitive Scientists
- 180407 VO+UE [ de en ] Complex Dynamical Systems
B-M-STA Basic Statistics
2.3. Advanced Tools Modules
2.4. Specialisation
3. Elective Modules
3.1. Basic Module - Discipline
B-D-ANT Introduction to Anthropology
3.2. Advanced Module - Discipline
3.3. Elective Module
W-D-C Elective Module
0.03 Multidisciplinary Courses
1. Computer-Oriented Teaching in Natural and Life Sciences
- 260168 VO Introduction into PC hardware for scientists I
- 260204 UE Informatics for Physicists - Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90 - practical sessions
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260207 VO Informatics for Physicists - Introduction to numerical programming in Fortran 90
Introductory and General Courses
Special Interdisciplinary Topics
2. Ethics and Law in Medicine
- 020126 VO Clinical Rounds - from medical, ethical and legal view
- 020127 KU Relationship between physician and patient
- 030005 KU Arguing cases in Medical Law based on current jurisdiction - reproductive medicine law
- 030006 KO Austrian Law on Medicines and Pharmacies
- 030064 PV "Rounds"
- 030406 SE Seminar in Medical Law - Current topics in Medical Law (Seminar for Students and Graduates)
- 030467 KU Medical Law I - (Allgemeiner Teil)
3. Risk Research
- 260086 VO Nuclear Safety and Material Related Problems I - (mit Exkursionen)
- 260259 SE Methods and concepts of risk research I
- 280600 VO Introduction to human ecology
- 280601 VO [ en ] Selected aspects of nuclear safety I - Management of Nuclear Catastrophies I (Ausgewählte Aspekte der nuklearen Sicherheit - Management nuklearer Katastrophen I)
- 280602 VO Radioactive Waste Management I - Its Perception and Acceptance I (Nuklearabfallmanagement - Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz I)
- 280603 VO Environmental risks I
- 280604 VO Provision of energy and risks - Kosten und Umwelt I
- 280605 KO Human ecology colloquium - Topical problems in the view of human ecology
4. Study Module "Cultural Sciences and Cultural Studies"
CS I (Basics)
CS II (Methods and Techniques)
CS III (Practice)
5. Study Module "Gender Studies"
0. Introductory Modules
- 240104 VO+UE Ringvorlesung: Geschlecht und Körperregime
- 240112 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
- 240114 UE Genderwerkstatt
1. Basic Modules
Module A: Feminist Theories and Gender Theories
- 180226 SE Diversity, Gender, Queer Theory - The importance of Intersectionality and Social Justice in diversity, gender and queer theory
- 180427 PS Women and philosophy in Latin-American discourse
- 210233 PS G8: Geschlechter- und Intersektionalitätsforschung
- 240100 UE Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Genderforschung in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 240103 VO VO: Queer Theorie
- 240112 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
Module B: Science Language Criticism and Methodology
- 150035 UE Terminology Gender
- 180226 SE Diversity, Gender, Queer Theory - The importance of Intersectionality and Social Justice in diversity, gender and queer theory
- 240070 VO Hegemonic and Subversive Imaginations and Conceptions of Gender
- 240080 VS Bartered Sexuality. Hybrid Identity: Gender Studies of Latinamerica
- 240101 GR Gender Trouble and Undoing Gender. - Geschlecht als gesellschaftliche Konstruktion
Module C: Gender Relations: Social Realities
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights an Political Participation
- 190027 SE "Bildung": A Question of Sex and Gender in Education?
- 190192 SE Remodelling Dual Gender Constructions
- 200078 PS Proseminar Differential Psychology
- 210122 PS G8: Geschlecht und Klasse
- 240090 VS Gender, Orientalism and Colonial Discourses - Gender, Orientalismus und koloniale Diskurse
- 240108 VO+UE Feministische Ökonomie
2. Topic-Related Modules
Module A: Representation, Language Symbolism and Gender Construction
- 140117 PS Introductory Seminar: Literature and Gender
- 150035 UE Terminology Gender
- 150045 SE Seminar I: Fashion, Ornament and Gender in Japan
- 160052 UE Latin American Women¿s Narrative from the Perspective of feminist Criticism
- 160053 PS The Brentano and the Wordworth Circle - Gender relations and literary Creativity in the Romantic period
- 170088 UE Caste and Gender - a theatre-anthropological approach towards traditional Indian theatre
- 180226 SE Diversity, Gender, Queer Theory - The importance of Intersectionality and Social Justice in diversity, gender and queer theory
- 240103 VO VO: Queer Theorie
Module B: Historic and Cultural Manifestation of Gender and its Inconstancies
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
- 070012 KU Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte /A1 - Kriminalität und Geschlecht in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070187 VO Women's and Gender History - Questions, Issues, History
- 090061 UE Petrarca
- 140090 SE Resistance and Gender in Colonial Africa
- 160052 UE Latin American Women¿s Narrative from the Perspective of feminist Criticism
- 160053 PS The Brentano and the Wordworth Circle - Gender relations and literary Creativity in the Romantic period
- 180427 PS Women and philosophy in Latin-American discourse
- 230037 SE City and Gender - Space Production of Feminist Public Sphere and Social Movements
- 240080 VS Bartered Sexuality. Hybrid Identity: Gender Studies of Latinamerica
Module C: Politics, State and Gender System
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes in European Community Law
- 030310 KU Unmarried Couples and their legal problems - als Schauplatz des Geschlechterverhältnisses
- 030375 KU Gender issues in the practice of familiy and divorce law
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights an Political Participation
- 140341 SE Gender and Economics
- 150161 UE Gender and Sexuality in Japan
- 190208 SE Empirical research on gender socialisation from childhood to adolescence - Vom Teddybär zum Lippenstift
- 190956 VO+UE Intrudation into educational Gender-Studies
- 210122 PS G8: Geschlecht und Klasse
- 210125 PS G8: Gleichgeschlechtliche PartnerInnenschaftskonzepte
- 210198 PS D1, G4: Familienpolitik und Geschlechterverhältnis in Österreich
- 220039 VO+UE FORMAN - Research Management and Gender Mainstreaming
- 230028 VO+SE Health an Gender
- 230037 SE City and Gender - Space Production of Feminist Public Sphere and Social Movements
- 230040 SE Genderperspectives on Family Violence
- 240070 VO Hegemonic and Subversive Imaginations and Conceptions of Gender
- 240107 UE "Gender in the Middle" - Exercises on strategies und methods to change the mainstream.
- 240108 VO+UE Feministische Ökonomie
- 240113 VO+KO Einführung in genderspezifische Organisations- und Kommunikationskompetenzen
Module D: Interculturality, Religion and Gender
- 020071 SE New Testament Seminar: Women in Early Christianity
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 140043 VO Islamic Gender Studies (Women in Arab Society and Culture 1)
- 140044 VO Women in Arab Society and Culture 2
- 140090 SE Resistance and Gender in Colonial Africa
- 170088 UE Caste and Gender - a theatre-anthropological approach towards traditional Indian theatre
- 240090 VS Gender, Orientalism and Colonial Discourses - Gender, Orientalismus und koloniale Diskurse
Module E: Ethics and Gender
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 190192 SE Remodelling Dual Gender Constructions
- 230040 SE Genderperspectives on Family Violence
Module F: Women's and Gender Research in Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine
- 230028 VO+SE Health an Gender
- 260121 SE Gender - Physics - Technics
- 290143 PS Gender roles in the context of teaching geography. A theoretical & practical course in didactics. - (auch als Fachdidaktisches Praktikum oder Proseminar anrechenbar)
- 300516 VO Gender in Science
- 300579 SE Gender in Science
- 300719 VO Gender in science
- 350269 VLV BE3II - DC aspects of Gender
6. Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science
- 180326 VO Cognitive Science - Foundations of Cognitive Science
1. Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science
1.1. Introductory Courses
- 180314 SE Project Seminar in Philosophy of Science I
- 180326 VO Cognitive Science - Foundations of Cognitive Science
- 180417 SE Seminar in Philosophy of Science I
1.2. Advanced Courses
1.3. MEi:CogSci -- Middle European Interdisciplinary Joint Masters Program in Cognitive Science
- 180365 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Behavioural Biology Discussion
- 180366 KO [ de en ] MEi:CogSci Philosophy Discussion
2. Social Studies of Science
2.1. Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230149 VO Science, politics, and publics: Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230150 KO Science, politics, and publics
- 230151 UK Observing science from a different perspective
- 230154 UK Technology in everyday life - Everyday technologies
- 230157 UK Trust, fraud and fabrication: Social Aspects of Knowledge Production
2.2. Advanced Social Studies of Science
- 230152 SE Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 230153 SE Research-encounters at the interface between science and art
- 230155 SE Imag(in)ing practices in science
- 230156 SE [ en ] Forms of Knowledge Related to the Body - Knowledge about the Body in Medicine and Nutrition
- 230158 SE [ en ] Values and Facts in Science and Society
- 230166 SE Discourse analysis in Social Studies of Science - Reflecting theories and methods (for Master and Doctoral Students)
2.3. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) Social Studies of Science
- 230152 SE Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 230153 SE Research-encounters at the interface between science and art
- 230155 SE Imag(in)ing practices in science
- 230156 SE [ en ] Forms of Knowledge Related to the Body - Knowledge about the Body in Medicine and Nutrition
- 230158 SE [ en ] Values and Facts in Science and Society
- 230166 SE Discourse analysis in Social Studies of Science - Reflecting theories and methods (for Master and Doctoral Students)
2.3.1. CSP Science, Technology, Society: Basics
- 230149 VO Science, politics, and publics: Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230150 KO Science, politics, and publics
- 230151 UK Observing science from a different perspective
- 230154 UK Technology in everyday life - Everyday technologies
- 230157 UK Trust, fraud and fabrication: Social Aspects of Knowledge Production
2.3.2. CSP Science, Technology, Society: Advanced
- 230149 VO Science, politics, and publics: Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230150 KO Science, politics, and publics
- 230153 SE Research-encounters at the interface between science and art
- 230155 SE Imag(in)ing practices in science
- 230156 SE [ en ] Forms of Knowledge Related to the Body - Knowledge about the Body in Medicine and Nutrition
- 230158 SE [ en ] Values and Facts in Science and Society
3. Courses for Doctoral Candidates
- 230152 SE Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 230166 SE Discourse analysis in Social Studies of Science - Reflecting theories and methods (for Master and Doctoral Students)
0.04 Language Courses
- 100258 UE German for international students (intermediate level)
- 100259 UE German for international students (upper intermediate)
- 090086 UE Modern Greek Vernacular I
0.05 Preparatory Courses for the Special University Entrance Qualification Examination and Supplementary Examinations
- 090004 VO+UE Introduction to Latin I
- 090005 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
- 090099 VO+UE Einführung in die griechische Sprache 1
- 090100 VO+UE Introduction to Latin I
0.06. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) - Courses for Students from other Degree Programmes
CSP Arabic Culture and Language
CSP Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture
CSP Business Administration
CSP Education Theory/Education Research I
CSP Education Theory/Education Research II
CSP Byzantine Culture
CSP German as a Foreign/Second Language and Germanic Linguistics
CSP German Philology
CSP English and American Studies Basics
CSP English and American Studies Linguistics
CSP English and American Studies Literature
CSP Ethics
CSP eTutorials and Knowledge Experts
CSP European Ethnology - Basics
CSP European Ethnology - Advanced
CSP European History of Music
CSP Finnish Culture and Language
CSP Gender Studies
1. Basic Module CSP Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
- 240112 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
- 240113 VO+KO Einführung in genderspezifische Organisations- und Kommunikationskompetenzen
2. Advanced Module CSP Gender Studies (20 ECTS)
- 240114 UE Genderwerkstatt
CSP History
CSP History of Philosophy
CSP Greek Culture and History of Modern Times
CSP Basics of Inclusive Education
CSP International Literary Transfer
CSP Islam History and Religion
CSP Japanese Culture
CSP Japanese Language, Culture and Society
CSP Classical Archeology
CSP Basics of Cultural and Social Anthropology
CSP Cultural Studies
1. Basic Module CSP Cultural Studies (15 ECTS)
- 110272 VO Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaften / Cultural Studies
- 070189 VO Sozialgeschichte - Geschichte des Konsumierens in Österreich im (späten) 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 180295 VO-L Core concepts of the humanities: Life
- 070375 VO Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Theorie für HistorikerInnen - Nur gemeinsam mit LV 070441
2. Advanced Module CSP Cultural Studies (15 ECTS)
CSP Art History
CSP World Music
CSP Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture
CSP Numismatics of Antiquity
CSP Numismatics of the Middle Ages and the Modern Era
CSP Numismatic Practice and Cataloguing
CSP Basics of Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) I
CSP Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) II
CSP Philosophicum
EC Großes Philosophicum
CSP Psychoanalysis (Basics)
CSP Psychoanalysis (Advanced)
CSP Key Issues in the History of Religion
CSP Basics and Methods of Studies of Religions
CSP Scandinavian Studies
CSP Scandinavian Studies: Baltic Sea Region Studies
CSP Slavic Interculturality
CSP Basics of Statistical Methods
CSP Statistics
CSP South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
CSP South Asian Studies
CSP Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Cultural and Social Anthropology
CSP Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
CSP Turkish Studies I
CSP Turkish Studies II
CSP Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
CSP Economics
CSP Basics of Life-Long Learning
CSP Science, Technology, Society: Basics
CSP Science, Technology, Society: Advanced
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35